
  • 网络powdered activated carbon;Pac
  1. 粒状活性炭与粉末活性炭联用处理低温低浊时期湘江原水的初步研究

    A Study of Combination of GAC and PAC in Water Treatment of Xiang-River

  2. 粉末活性炭的投加对膜过滤阻力影响不大。

    The addition of PAC has no obvious effect on resistance of membrane filtration .

  3. pH对粉末活性炭去除有机物的影响

    The effect of pH on removal of organic substance by powdered activated carbon

  4. 以苯酚为代表物质,探讨了不同pH、不同本底等条件下高锰酸钾预氧化对粉末活性炭吸附水中微量有机污染物的影响规律。

    The influence of potassium permanganate preoxidation on the adsorption of phenol by powdered activated carbon was evaluated .

  5. 粉末活性炭强化SBR法处理有机化工废水应用研究

    Application study of PAC strengthened SBR technic treating organic-chemical wastewater

  6. 粉末活性炭去除水中有机物的效果受水的pH影响较大。

    The pH effect on the removal of organic substance from raw water by powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) is investigated .

  7. 反应器投加粉末活性炭后COD的去除率稍有提高。

    The COD removal efficiency can be improved by adding power activated carbon to the reactor .

  8. 投加粉末活性炭对MBR运行性能的影响

    Effect of Dosing Powdered Activated Carbon on Operational Performances of MBR

  9. 混凝粉末活性炭吸附氧化法在去除金属表面处理剂生产废水COD中的应用

    Application of Coagulation , Powder Activated Carbon Adsorption and Oxidation on Removal of COD from Metal Surface Treatment Agent Production Wastewater

  10. UF膜与混凝粉末活性炭联用处理冬季黄河水

    Treatment of Raw Water from Yellow River during Winter Season by Coagulation / PAC / UF

  11. PPC与粉末活性炭联用处理高藻黄河水的研究

    Potassium permanganate composite and powered activated carbon for the treatment of algae-laden Yellow River water

  12. 向一体式膜生物反应器中投加粉末活性炭(PAC),可以显著提高膜的过滤性能,有效缓解膜的污染。

    Adding PAC to the IMBR can improve the membrane filtration performance evidently and reduce the membrane fouling effectively .

  13. 采用平板式膜生物反应器(MBR)工艺处理城市污水处理厂的出水,考察投加粉末活性炭(PAC)对处理效果、膜污染和污泥特性的影响。

    A submerged-flat membrane bioreactor with powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) addition was used in secondary effluent treatment .

  14. 通过试验考察了粉末活性炭(PAC)对一体式膜-生物反应器中膜污染的影响。

    The effect of powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) on the fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor was investigated .

  15. 混凝、粉末活性炭(PAC)与超滤膜联用对微污染原水中的浊度、有机物等有很高的去除率。

    The process of coagulation-hollow fibre ultrafiltration integrated with particle active carbon can remove turbidity and organic matters in micro-polluted water effectively .

  16. 研究了粉末活性炭(PAC)作为载体的膜生物反应器(MBR)处理吹脱后垃圾渗滤液的硝化性能。

    The nitrification performance in MBR with powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) was studied in treating landfill leachate after air stripping .

  17. 在间歇试验中,粉末活性炭的最佳投加时间为曝气12h后;

    It is optimal to dose powder activated carbon after a period of 12 hours ' aeration in the sequencing test .

  18. 焦化废水生物处理工艺段GCMS分析及粉末活性炭吸附实验研究

    GCMS Analysis of Coking Wastewater and Adsorption of TOC by Powdered Activated Carbon

  19. 利用除铁用锰矿砂(PGM)为处理剂进行罗丹明B与甲基橙模拟废水的静态脱色试验,并与粉末活性炭(PAC)进行对比。

    Manganese ore ( PGM ) and powder active carbon ( PAC ) are used in static experiment to decolorize dyestuffs Rhodamine B and methyl orange wastewater .

  20. 对粉末活性炭膜生物反应器(PACMBR)组合工艺处理微污染水源水过程中的膜污染进行了分析,并对膜清洗方法进行了研究。

    Membrane fouling and cleaning methods in the PAC ( powdered activated carbon ) combined MBR ( membrane bioreactor ) applied to purify slightly-polluted raw water were investigated .

  21. 以废干电池中提取的锰氧化物(PDM)为处理剂,进行罗丹明B与甲基橙模拟印染废水的脱色研究,并与粉末活性炭进行比较。

    Manganese oxides extracted from spent dry battery ( PDM ) was used to decolorize Methyl Orange and Rhodamine B simulated wastewater . The decolorization ability of PDM was compared with the ability of powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) .

  22. 采用UASB/吹脱塔/Orbal氧化沟(投加粉末活性炭)处理垃圾渗滤液,对COD去除率高,脱氮效果明显。

    An UASB / stripping tower / Orbal oxidation ditch ( dosing PAC ) process is used for refuse leachate treatment . More than one-year practical operation shows that COD and nitrogen removal efficiencies are high .

  23. 采用MBR(膜生物反应器)及MBR-PAC(PAC,粉末活性炭)组合工艺处理微污染湖水。

    In this experiment membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) and its hybrid process ( MBR-PAC ) were used to treat micro-polluted lake water .

  24. 采用聚乙烯醇(PVA)-硼酸包埋固定化法,选用PVA为包埋载体,粉末活性炭作为无机载体,包埋固定实验分离得到的亚硝酸菌和反硝化菌,制成固定化脱氮微生物颗粒。

    The immobilized microbes pellets were made from nitrosobacteria and denitrifying bacteria using polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) cross linked with boric acid , PVA is embed carrier and powdered activated carbon is inorganic carrier .

  25. 通过试验探讨了聚苯乙烯滤料在直接过滤、再絮凝过滤和载粉末活性炭(PAC)过滤中的应用。

    The performances of polystyrene filtration media in different operations such as the direct filtration , the re flocculation filtration and the powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) filtration are researched experimentally .

  26. 载粉末活性炭(PAC)过滤集PAC吸附与过滤于一体,能够应用于微污染原水处理。

    Because powdered activated carbon-embedded filtration ( PACEF ) combined the functions of PAC absorption and mechanical filtration in one reactor , so it will be used for micro-polluted raw water treatment .

  27. 投加块状填料和粉末活性炭(PAC)的MBR对有机污染物去除率较高;投加沸石粉的MBR和悬浮生长型MBR有机物去除效果较前两者低。

    MBRs filled with nubby filler or powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) were more effective to remove organic matters than MBR filled with zeolite powder and MBR of suspended growth type .

  28. 基于对生物粉末活性炭(BPAC)微过滤(MF)系统在废水回收和回用中作为非传统工艺的研究作了评估。

    Evaluation was given on the nontraditional techniques-biological powder activated carbon and micro filtration ( BPAC-MF ) system in wastewater reclaim .

  29. 本文根据活性污泥处理系统的物料平衡关系,提出PACT活性污泥中生物质量和粉末活性炭(PAC)质量的计算和测定方法。

    Based on mass balance relationship of activated sludge process this paper presents a method for the calculation and determination of biomass and powdered activated carbon ( PAC ) in PACT sludge .

  30. L-1粉末活性炭,尽管总有机炭(TOC)去除率达40%,但膜过滤通量没有得到改善.投加25mg。

    It was found that although addition of powered active carbon ( PAC ) resulted in 40 % of total organic carbon ( TOC ) removal , no improvement of flux was observed .