
  • 网络milan fashion week
  1. Katy在米兰时装周上为Jeremy为意大利品牌作为创意导演的第一场秀担任了模特。

    Katy appeared on the catwalk for Jeremys first outing as creative director for the Italian brand at Milan Fashion Week .

  2. 昨晚,布莱克莱弗利和凯特布兰切特参加了米兰时装周的美人梦游仙境活动。

    Blake Lively and Cate Blanchett joined up last night to attend the Beauty in Wonderland event during Milan Fashion Week .

  3. 如今感觉男装终于“回归正道”,服务自己的正常群体(米兰时装周上杰尼亚(Zegna)的效果超赞,一目了然),让上了年岁者也有了自己心仪的潮装,而不是那些让他们自感是失败者的行头。

    Now it feels like menswear is finally comfortable talking to its natural audience ( as seen so excellently at Zegna in Milan ) , giving their older customers relevant clothes , rather than looks that make them feel like also-rans .

  4. 包与我Versace2007春夏米兰时装周堵口土工包沉落试验研究

    Bag and Me Experimental study on settling properties of large earth bag for blocking

  5. 年轻颠覆性感Gucci2007春夏米兰时装周

    Young and Subversive and Sexy

  6. 抽象拼贴画中的雕塑风MISSONI2007春夏米兰时装周

    Sculpture Style of Collage

  7. 在米兰时装周上,米索尼的西装更加现代化,与西装相搭配的是该品牌的标志之一有图案的高档针织衫和露指手套向你展示西装也可以穿得休闲。

    Missoni modernized its suit at Milan fashion week , pairing a blazer with one of its trademark patterned fine-knits and fingerless gloves – showing you can dress down a suit too .

  8. 谈论的话题都是热门的色彩、惹人注目的图案,还有古驰是怎样鬼使神差地把伦敦最棒的模特挖走的,为接下来米兰时装周早早地做好了准备。

    The talk was of colours ( hot ), prints ( prominent ), and how the dastardly Gucci had stolen London 's best models by summoning them early for Milan 's week , which followed .

  9. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜•加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  10. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜·加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of 16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  11. 《GQ》和《Vogue》等时尚杂志对“舒适搭配”都进行了特别报道,同时今年二、三月份,该潮流也成为了纽约、巴黎、米兰以及伦敦时装周上的焦点话题。

    Normcore was featured in fashion magazines like GQ and Vogue and was the talk of February and March 's fashion weeks in New York , Paris , Milan and London .

  12. 纽约时装周的安排总是那么满满当当的,时尚界人士们都盼着伦敦、米兰和巴黎时装周赶快到来,好去享用那些地方漫长闲适的午餐。

    The New York schedule is always so jam-packed that the fashion set looks forward to the London / Milan / Paris circuit for its long , leisurely lunches .

  13. 奢侈配饰网站Editorialist联合创始人凯特・戴维德森・赫德森(KateDavidsonHudson)最近怀着五个多月的身孕去米兰和巴黎参加时装周。

    Kate Davidson Hudson , co-founder of the luxury accessories website Editorialist , recently traveled to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks while she was more than five months into her pregnancy .