
jiàn tǒng
  • quiver
箭筒 [jiàn tǒng]
  • [quiver] 装箭的筒

箭筒[jiàn tǒng]
  1. 暴露前口服药物预防艾滋病-箭筒中的另一支箭?

    Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV & Another Arrow in the Quiver ?

  2. 一看到小鹿,他就从箭筒里抽出一枝箭,射!

    As soon as he spotted it , he whipped an arrow out of his quiver and zoom !

  3. 发射架火药筒检查口蠢兵乱射箭,箭筒很快空。

    Launcher cartridge access A fool 's bolt it soon shot .

  4. 另一个假说是,奥兹是到阿尔卑斯山上猎野羊的猎人;他身上的长弓与箭筒算是证据。

    Another hypothesis is that ? tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex ; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion .