
jiàn hào
  • arrow
  1. 照片上的箭号表明该化学物质的存在。

    Arrows on the photograph indicate the presence of the chemical .

  2. 左方的箭号代表光源。

    The arrow at the left represents the light source .

  3. 你大概需要在这里印个短箭号来引起读者注意。

    You may want to print an obelisk here to draw your readers 's attention .

  4. 管理交替拥有箭号方向是记录员的职责吗?

    Shall it be the duty of the scorekeeper to operate the alternating possession arrow ?

  5. 然后在圆圈周围写下其他重点,每个重点画个方格圈著,并用箭号显示主题和各重点之间的关系。

    Then you put the subsidiary points in boxes around the circle and show the links between them with arrows .

  6. 分光光度计里的箭号,注记的是光束的路径。最低纲领与最高束腰直径决意采取了若干直径测量。

    The arrow indicates the light path . The minimum and maximum girdle diameters are determined by taking a number of diameter measurements .

  7. 可以输入特定的范围并自动选定最接近的有效范围,或者可用上下箭号选择范围。

    You may either enter a specific range and the nearest valid range will be automatically selected , or you may select a range using the up and down arrows .

  8. 苏珊的礼物是一张弓、一壶箭和一只号。

    Susan 's gift had been a bow and arrows and a horn .