- simple repeat sequence

Microsatellite is the tandemly repeated fragment in genomic sequences , composed of 1-6 base pairs in length , so microsatellite also called Short Tandem Repeat ( SIR ) or Simple Repeat Sequence ( SSR ) .
Three hundred SSRs were mined from GeneBank Sequence .
Research advance of SSR ( simple sequence repeat ) in canola
DNA extraction method of pathogenic fungi and the optimization of simple sequence repeat PCR system
Establishment of Simple Sequence Repeat Reaction System in Prunus salicina
Simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) is an efficient molecular marker .
The oligonucleotide probe LZF-I , which is synthesized by us , can form thehybrid molecules with the simple repetitive DNA of three species of fishes .
At the same time , the exploration on the application of the SSR ( Simple sequence repeat ) technology on molecular breeding in brassica napus has been made .
Results Five STR loci consist of simple repeat motifs , while three STR loci contain complex repeat structures .
As a highly polymorphic , codominant , well-repeated and convenient molecular marker technique , simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) was used more and more widely in plant genetics and breeding .
Inter Simple Sequence Repeat ( ISSR ) was used to detect genetic variation among nine provenances , including 135 individuals .
Microsatellites , tandem Simple Sequence Repeats ( SSR , 1 ~ 6 bp motif ) are abundant across the genome and show high levels of polymorphism .
Methods Forty-two microsatellite markers were randomly selected to examine the genomic instability in F and P cells by using PCR-simple sequence length polymorphism ( PCR-SSLP ) analysis .
Inter-simple sequence repeat ( ISSR ) - PCR is a technique , which involves the use of microsatellite sequences as primers in a polymerase chain reaction to generate multilocus markers .
Microsatellites or single sequence repeats ( SSR ) were proved to be highly abundant and highly polymorphic DNA markers in both animal and plant genomes and they have been recommended as standard technology for constructing molecular maps .
Abstract ISSR ( inter-simple sequence repeat ), with high efficiency , simplicity and speed , is a new type of DNA molecular markers with micro-satellite repeat sequences as primers to detect the polymorphic of species .
Mapping for bentazon susceptible lethality ( BSL ) gene in rice cultivar Nonglin8m was carried out with simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) markers by bulked segregation analysis ( BSA ) .
Methods : Fifteen microsatellite markers were randomly selected to examine F and P cells for MSI on chromosomes 3 and 16 using PCR simple sequence length polymorphism ( PCR SSLP ) and PCR SSCP analysis .
The publicly available collection of expressed sequence tags ( ESTs ) in GeneBank from fruit trees can be used in the analysis of both structural and functional potential used in developing simple sequences repeat ( SSR ) markers .
In the present study ISSR ( inter-simple sequence repeat ) molecular markers were employed to investigate the genetic diversity within and among wild populations of Polygala tenuifolia and P. sibirica and cultivated populations of P. tenuifolia .
Simple Sequence Repeat is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes .
Genetic and Comparative Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats on Rice Chromosome 4
Mapping Unequal Crossing over Hotspot Region of Simple Sequence Repeat in Maize
A Preliminary Study on the Simple Sequence Repeat Reaction System of Gastrodia elata
Advance in DNA Repeat Sequence of Maize Genome
Cloning of Synthetic Simple Repetitive Sequences and Their Uses in DNA Fingerprinting of Animals
The molecular marker is increasingly considered as a powerful tool to deal with these problems and widely practical in genetic analysis . Microsatellite , simple sequence repeats ( SSR ), has high homology , length polymorphism and codomain inheritance .
All of frameshift mutations were deletion or insertion of 1 2 bp and most of them ( 7 / 9 ) happened at simple nucleotide repeat sequences , particularly within ( A ) n tracts ( 5 / 9 ) .
Statistical analysis of simple sequence repeats in C-ELEGANS and yeast genomes
Microsatellite is the simple serial repetitive DNA sequence widely distributed in the genome of prokaryocytes and eucaryotic cells with high degree of polymorphism and very low variation rate , showing the Mendel 's codominant inheritance .