
yì zhǒnɡ yí zhí wù
  • xenograft
  1. 异种移植物生存期为移植后3~4d,并且发生经典急性血管性排斥反应。

    The xenograft survived for 3 to 4 d after the transplantation and typical acute vascular rejection was presented .

  2. 这些工作成果涉及先天性细胞免疫反应和获得性细胞免疫反应以及针对它们的措施,这些措施使异种移植物免受排斥反应的损伤。

    The works summarized here cover both the innate and adaptative cellular immune response as well as strategies to overcome them and consequently prevent xenograft rejection .

  3. GEO异种移植物接受RT也为剂量依赖性生长抑制,这种抑制作用在治疗终止后可以逆转。

    GEO xenografts receiving RT also dose-dependent growth inhibition , this inhibition could be reversed after the termination of treatment .

  4. 目的了解NK细胞和巨噬细胞在T细胞缺乏或T细胞成功重建的情况下对异种移植物排斥的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the roles of natural killer ( NK ) cells and macrophages in the rejection of discordant xenografts in nude mice and T cell-reconstitution nude mice .

  5. 在移植了FPP异种移植物以后的CCR2,CCR5及它们的趋化因子的基因表达可通过实时PCR来评估。

    Gene expression of CCR2 and CCR5 and their chemokines in transplanted FPP xenografts was evaluated by real-time PCR .

  6. 作为一种生物材料,SIS中既不含血管又不含细胞,作为异种移植物植入体内,不会引起明显有害的免疫排斥反应。

    SIS contains neither vessels nor cells as a kind of biomaterial , it could not induce obviously harmful immunological rejection when implanted in vivo as the xenograft .

  7. 目的综述异种移植物抗宿主反应(GVHD)动物模型的研究现状、检测方法及进展情况。

    Objective To review the current condition , test method and progress of the animal model of xeno graft versus host disease ( xeno GVHD ) .

  8. 结论(1)供体特异性TCV能延长异种移植物存活时间,其作用具有抗原特异和非特异的双重性;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Donor-specific TCV can prolong survival of xenografts , in which there are specific and nonspecific roles ;

  9. 结论联合应用CsA和Lef预处理可明显延长非协调性异种移植物存活时间,减少炎症细胞浸润,抑制心肌细胞凋亡,减轻异种AVR损害。

    Conclusion Combination of CsA and Lef pretreatment can significantly prolong discordant xenograft survival time , ameliorates infiltration of macrophages and nature killer cells , attenuate myocardial cell apoptosis and thus alleviate pathological lesion of acute xenograft vascular rejection .

  10. 脐带间充质干细胞抑制异种移植物抗宿主病的机制研究

    Mechanism of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derived from Wharton 's Jelly to Inhibit Xenogeneic Graft-versus-host Disease

  11. 相反的,在异种移植物中消耗血管可使来自肿瘤的自我更新细胞消融并且阻止肿瘤生长。

    Conversely , depletion of blood vessels from xenografts ablated self-renewing cells from tumors and arrested tumor growth .

  12. 脾切除和具有协同免疫抑制作用,可降低移植后受体血清水平及移植物中沉积,延长异种移植物LefIgGIgG的存活时间。

    Splenectomy has synergistic immunosuppressive effect with Lef to decrease the serum IgG levels and the IgG deposition in the xenograft and effectively prolongs the xenograft survival .

  13. 目前将人类肿瘤细胞系移植到免疫缺陷的裸鼠体内所建立的人类异种移植物肿瘤模型,已经广泛用于临床前抗癌药药效的检测。

    Human tumor cell lines transplanted into immune-deficient nude mice to establish the human xenograft tumor models have been widely used for preclinical evaluation of anti-cancer drug efficacy .

  14. 研究表明,异种移植物引起的延迟性异种排斥反应与内皮细胞活化有关。胸腺修饰联合照射对异种大动物心脏移植延迟性排斥反应的影响及机理探讨

    In this setting , xenografts elicit severe and acute rejection linked to endothelial-cell activation . The Immune Effect and Mechanism of the Delayed Xenograft Rejection in the Discordant Heart Xenotransplantation Produced by Intrathymic Inoculation and Whole Body Irradiation

  15. 同种和异种真皮移植物VCAM-1表达无差别。

    The VCAM-1 expression is not different between the acellular allo-dermal matrix composite skin grafting groups and the acellular xeno-dermal matrix group .

  16. 目的利用眼镜蛇蛇毒因子(CVF)、全身照射(WBI)、异基因胸腺修饰等途径预处理受者,探讨这些处理对非协调性异种心脏移植物存活期及免疫排斥反应的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of CVF , whole body irradiation and intrathymic inoculation with xenogeneic antigen on the delayed xenograft rejection in the discordant cardiac xenotransplantation .

  17. 抑制巨噬细胞对异种胰岛移植物的作用

    Effect of Pravastatin on the Survival of Islet Xenografts

  18. 联合药物预处理对非协调性异种心脏移植物的影响

    Effect of combined drugs pretreatment on discordant cardiac xenografts

  19. 结论:胸腺移植对诱导免疫耐受、提高异种胰岛移植物存活有一定作用。

    Concluson : Thymus transplantation is effective to induce xenograft tolerance and improve the functional survival time of islet xenograft .

  20. 联合药物预处理及TGF-β1转基因治疗对豚鼠&大鼠非协调性异种心脏移植物的影响

    Effect of Combined Drugs Pretreatment and Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Gene Transfer on Guinea Pig to Rat Discordant Cardiac Xenograft

  21. 结论:供体特异性T细胞疫苗免疫受体可以显著延长异种胰岛移植物的存活时间,是一种潜在诱导异种胰岛移植免疫耐受的方法。

    Inhibition rate of the TCV group increased with the frequency of vaccination . Conclusion : T cell vaccination can significantly prolong the survival time of xenogeneic pancreatic islet grafts ; T cell vaccination is a potential approach to to induce xenogeneic islet transplant tolerance .

  22. 异种骨髓移植移植物抗宿主反应的实验动物模型

    Animal Model of Rat-to-Mouse Xenogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation with Graft-versus-Host Disease

  23. 局部炎症反应与无细胞异种真皮基质移植物的降解吸收关系

    Relationship of the local inflammatory reaction with degradation and resorption of acellular dermal matrix xenograft

  24. 异种神经脱细胞移植物修复周围神经缺损的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Repairing of the Peripheral Nerve Defect with Acellular Heterogeneous Nerve Transplant

  25. 目的:建立成熟稳定的异种肾移植(猪/人)间接体内模型,用以研究异种移植超急排斥反应的发生机制及对异种移植物所造成的损害。

    Objective : To establish an ex vivo model of pig to man renal xenotransplantation for further investigation of the mechanisms of hyperacute xenogeneic rejection ( HXR ) in discordant xenograft and for better understanding of the damage to the xenogeneic grafts .