
  • 网络Simple organization;simple tissue;simpletissue
  1. 它是只有6000个基因的简单组织是我们拥有的十分之一

    It 's a simple organism with only 6000 genes , a tenth the amount we have ,

  2. 结论TEIN具有力学结构合理、手术操作简单、组织损伤小、效果可靠、不需X线监视等优点,是固定胫骨中下段骨折较好的方式之一,特别适用于胫腓骨多段骨折。

    Conclusions TEIN has the advantages of reasonable mechanics structure , simple operation and reliable effect . It is a good method for tibial shaft fractures .

  3. 大提花组织,多用常规简单变化组织。

    Jacquard fabrics , we usually use basic structure and Variety structure .

  4. 这种简单的组织,是同它所由产生的社会状态完全适应的。

    This simple organization suffices completely for the social conditions out of which it sprang .

  5. 试着遵循这一简单公式组织独特的回答:答案+例子+结果。

    Try crafting exceptional responses using this simple formula : answer + example + result .

  6. 约束拖动在绘图软件中极其有用,尤其是绘制较为简单的组织图时。

    Constrained drags are extremely helpful in drawing programs , particularly when drawing neatly organized diagrams .

  7. 对于类似于这样的简单数据组织,没有包括架构的迫切需要。

    With simple data organization like this , there is no pressing need to include a schema .

  8. 最简单的组织方法是将所有软件包放置在一个单独的资料库中。

    The simplest method of organization is to put all the software packages in a single repository .

  9. 一个更简单的组织架构,将剥离监督委员会的职责及其成员的影响力。

    A simpler organisation chart would strip its oversight committees of responsibility , and their members of influence .

  10. 与传统的修复方法进行对比,该术式具有操作简单,组织损伤小等特点。

    Compared with the traditional methods , the method has the characteristics of simple technic and small tissue injury .

  11. 第一个复杂,没有章法,而第二个简单,组织良好(虽然有些乏味)。

    The first one is complex and disorganized while the second is simple and well organized ( albeit a little boring ) .

  12. 本文讨论了织物组织图的计算机绘制方法及简单的组织变化在计算机上的实施原理。

    The method of computerized weave design is discussed , with a study on the working principle of the changes of simple weaves on the computer .

  13. 作为现代公司制度的一种常见类型,有限责任公司由十其具有设立程序简单、组织结构灵活等特点,大量存在于当代经济社会生活中并扮演着至关重要的角色。

    The limited liability company has the characteristics of simple procedures of setting up and flexible organizational structure and plays a crucial role in our national economy .

  14. 结论该方法治疗急性化脓性关节炎操作方法简单,组织损伤小,置管位置易控制,术后引流通畅,患者恢复快,住院费用低,便于在各层医院开展。

    Conclusion The advantages of this treatment are easy to manipulate and control the position of the tube , limited tissue injury , unobstructed drainage and low cost . It is advisable for this method to use in all hospitals .

  15. 项目通常是由一个简单的管理组织来管理的。

    Projects are typically governed by a simple management structure .

  16. 家庭医生通过一个简单的血液组织测试就能诊断大部分的疾病。

    A simple blood test organised by your GP will diagnose most of these .

  17. 组织结构,机构框架最简单的企业组织结构是直线型组织。

    The simplest business structure is line organization .

  18. 简单地从组织上解决问题是不是牢靠呢?

    Is it reliable to solve problems in a simple way on an organizational basis ?

  19. 显然这种简单还原与组织的自然形成相比,忽略了机体生命现象的精确性。

    Obviously , precision of organism was ignored in the " simple recover " compared with " natural formation " .

  20. 没有这些有效的强制手段,管治也就是简单列出了组织应该去做的事情,而不是他们必须要做的事情。

    Without those teeth , governance is simple a list of things an organization ought to do instead of the things they have to do .

  21. 中小企业群的壳组织&一种新型企业组织的设想最简单的企业组织结构是直线型组织。

    The Shell Organization of Medium-sized and Small Enterprises Group & The Design of One New Organization Form ; The simplest business structure is line organization .

  22. 简单回顾了组织理论发展历程,发现团队学习的三个基本构成和管理理论的发展有着密切的关系,明晰了这三个基本量对团队学习的影响及其关系;

    Secondly , It reviews the history of the development of organization theory to find the three elements of team learning related with theories of administration .

  23. 本文建立了一个简单的产业组织经济学模型来讨论中国分权化改革过程中地区竞争与地方保护主义的经济后果。

    This paper developed a simple industrial organization economic model to discuss the economic consequences of regional competition and local protectionism under the decentralization reform in China .

  24. 快速建立、部署和维护一个有效的模型并不简单,因此组织通常借助建模团队来完成这项任务。

    It 's not easy to quickly build , deploy , and maintain an effective model , so organizations typically employ teams of data modelers to accomplish this task .

  25. 但麦克光定位是远远不够的:还要绝对牢靠。简单地从组织上解决问题是不是牢靠呢?

    But positioning the mic is not enough : It has to be stable . Is it reliable to solve problems in a simple way on an organizational basis ?

  26. Go提供了一种简单的机制来组织代码:包。

    Go offers a simple mechanism for organizing code : packages .

  27. 在RequisitePro中定义定制的模板很简单,可根据组织的需要添加属性,以更好地捕捉他们的规则需求和对规则的管理。

    It is a simple matter to define custom templates in RequisitePro , adding properties as required by the organization to best capture their rules requirements and management of those rules .

  28. 针对这样的问题,提出一种高性能、结构简单的基于自组织映射(SOFMNN)和概率神经网络(PNN)的混合神经网络分类器以取代目前常用的高斯混合模型(GMM)分类器。

    Proposed is a hybrid neural network classifier with high performance and simple structure that makes a substitution for the highly complex Gaussian mixture model ( GMM ) . This classifier is composed of a self-organizing map neural network ( SOFMNN ) and a probabilistic neural network ( PNN ) .

  29. 同源体只是简单的工具,组织。

    The agnates , they 're simply tools , instruments .

  30. 嵌套规则有助于您以简单易懂的方式组织代码。

    Nested rules help you to organize your code in an easy-to-follow way .