
  1. 针对市场需求的不同特征和不同数量,对宝坻里自沽生态开发项目策划营销进行构建。

    Market demand for different characteristics and different number of years since Baodi selling eco-development projects to build a marketing plan .

  2. 使本文能对目前情况下房地产项目市场策划营销有一定的实际意义和参考价值。

    This article will make the current situation of marketing real estate projects in marketing a certain practical significance and reference value .

  3. 从文本制作到策划营销,《小时代》系列明显在借助大众消费时代的推波助澜,刻意地迎合读者与市场。

    Obviously , from the text to marketing planning , TINY TIMES was in the era of mass consumption , and deliberately cater to readers and the market .

  4. 在构思理念和策划营销活动时,我们把“值得分享的社交”作为核心,在这个核心基础上加强理念的传播,提升活动效果。

    So we think in terms of ideas and campaigns that are social ( share-worthy ) at their core and then we think about how we can amplify the ideas and campaigns .

  5. 在今天,作为人类精神生产活动的写作,不仅仅是抒情达意的艺术行为,而且也是信息生产、信息加工、物质生产策划营销宣传的软生产行为,还是进行创造性思维训练、素质教育的最佳载体。

    Writing , which is human mental activity , is not only an artistic act to express human feelings but also an act to produce information , process information and plan marketing progams . Writing is also the best carrier for training creative thinking and quality-oriented education .

  6. 在此基础上,从客户细分、产品开发策略、营销策划、营销宣传、营销渠道、营销支撑系统六个方面分析了SC移动增值业务营销存在的五大问题。

    Then it analyzes and summarizes five questions of value added service marketing of SC Mobile from customer segmentation , product policy , marketing planning , marketing publicity , marketing channels and marketing support system based on the above analyses .

  7. 编好教案是课堂教学创新的关键浅论策划的营销

    The Innovative Teaching Plan in Creative Teaching

  8. 营销策划是营销专业的专业必修课,是一门实践性非常强的课程。

    Marketing planning is the marketing professional professional courses , is a very strong practical courses .

  9. 业内专家们建议,一个精心策划的营销组合应把网上促销作为其他宣传方式的补充。

    For a well-designed marketing mix , industry experts advise companies to use the Internet as a supplement to other advertising media .

  10. 论旅游主题活动的策划与营销&从五岳盟主到华山论剑

    Research on the Planning and Marketing of Theme Tourism Activities & From the League Leader of Five - Mountains to the Competition on Huashan Mountains

  11. 本文目的在于研究民营企业参与军工配套市场时,应该如何策划市场营销的相关策略。

    The purpose of this thesis is to research when private enterprise participating in military product support market , how to plan marketing strategy tactics .

  12. 但是,由于历史原因,国内出版界普遍重视编辑工作、轻视发行和图书营销,对图书营销策划和营销管理没有给予足够的重视。

    However , the Chinese publishing houses generally pay more attention to the book 's compile instead of issue and marketing of books because of historical reason .

  13. 将策划、营销与管理等商业理念有机融入以上艺术环节当中,使版画艺术市场成链条式的产业化;

    Secondary , blending the commercial conceptions such as planning , marketing and management into the abovementioned artistic connections in order to forge an engraving market chain .

  14. 我必须迅速掌握的一些事包括运营企业所需的业务策划、营销和竞争分析,而并不是讨论个人努力的问题。

    What I had to learn very quickly was the business planning , marketing and competitive analysis aspects of operating an enterprise , as opposed to negotiating single person efforts .

  15. 面向激烈竞争的社会市场,突出培养能力,主动参与创业实践活动,在实践中积累对企业的管理、策划、营销经验和洞察社会需求、寻求机遇的能力,为日后的创业打下坚实的基础。

    Facing to the sharp social market , They should take part in a lot of practice and accumulate some experience about managing and plotting and selling and observing market ect .

  16. 当前,市场环境曰新月异,国际经济一体化,市场竞争日益激烈,产品竞争同质化,企业的竞争力的培育和打造很大程度上取决于企业营销策划和营销行为的效果。

    Currently , facing the environment of changing marketing environment , economic globalization , more and more fierce competition , the competition of enterprise mostly depends on the effect of marketing planning and marketing activities .

  17. 中国大学出版社经过20多年的快速发展,正在以其强劲的发展势头成为中国出版业的一支重要生力军,在管理体制、运作机制、选题策划、营销渠道等方面都有了长足发展。

    Over more than 20 years of fast development , Chinese university presses have become powerful activists among domestic publishers . They have made great advancement in management system , running system , book plan and marketing channel .

  18. 因此,将游客的满意程度作为衡量旅游节庆活动成功与否的重要指标之一,对当地政府制定相关政策及企业策划各种营销活动具有重要的指导作用。

    Therefore , the degree of satisfaction of tourists as an important index to measure the success of tourism festival activities plays an important role in the local government to formulate relevant policies and corporate planning all kinds of marketing activities .

  19. 服装商品策划中的营销策略

    On marketing strategy of garment commodity

  20. 掌握这些特性,有助于编辑进行畅销书的选题策划和市场营销。

    If we can grasp those features , it is helpful for us to manage the theme of best-sellers and marketing .

  21. 从组织结构、活动策划、宣传营销、人力资源管理和基础设施建设等方面对内蒙古自治区旅游那达慕大会的现状进行了详细分析。

    Analysis the status quo of tourism nadam assembly in the organizational structure , planning , marketing , human resources management and infrastructure construction .

  22. 在煤炭市场营销活动中,企业逐渐发现,许多经过精心策划的市场营销组合计划在实施过程中困难重重,难以达到预期目标。

    In coal marketing operations , enterprises gradually find out it is very difficult to realize many elaborately planned marketing schemes and hard to reach the target expected .

  23. 本文立足于实际,从选题策划到市场营销,从品牌的建设到有效的宣传,从作者资源的充分利用到从业人员的能力培养等多方面寻求出版产业的发展策略。

    This thesis bases on reality and starts from selected titles plan , marketing , famous brand 's building , effective propaganda , use of authors and staff cultivation , etc , to look for the development strategies .

  24. 第四章,对中小企业的房地产营销策略进行了探讨,指出了全程营销策划、品牌营销、差异化在中小房地产企业营销策略中的重要性;

    Chapter four research on the marketing planning tactics for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises . Index the importance of the theory of whole process marketing , brand marketing and finding the ways to avoid the direct competition ;

  25. CI策划与现代市场营销

    CI Plotting and Modern Marketing

  26. 主题概念策划是房地产营销策划的灵魂。

    Subject concept planning is soul of real estate marketing planning .

  27. 或许应该是策划我们的新营销活动。

    Maybe it should be the development of our new marketing campaign .

  28. 麦当劳采取了因地制宜的策略迎合海外消费者,如支持当地的农民和供货商,精心策划的游击式营销宣传。

    McDonald 's has courted international consumers with customized approaches , from supporting local farmers and suppliers to creating elaborate guerilla marketing campaigns .

  29. 教练式营销策划法是集营销知识传导和营销策划于一起并结合策划咨询方和客户方双方智慧的营销策划咨询模式。

    Conduction of marketing is combined with plot of marketing by the way of plotting the marketing like coach , and the way integrate the wisdom of consultants and clients .

  30. 然而,许多网络营销工作者和市场策划人员在制定营销策略时,很少有从价值观差异的角度来分析网络消费者行为,没有充分注意到不同价值观的网络消费者的消费行为不同。

    However , most E-marketing professionals and market planners seldom analyze the online consumer behavior from the value differences when they make marketing strategy , without paying enough attention to the different online consumer behavior with different values .