
  1. 光波导显微术是在表面等离子波显微术(SPM)基础上的一项新技术。

    Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on SPM .

  2. 基于共光路的平行偏振光干涉成像的方法,我们装配了表面等离子波干涉成像的实验装置,并利用CCD摄像机获得了干涉图像。

    We present a experimental setup which use a common optical path to generates the interference fringes , and use a CCD camera to capture the interference fringes .

  3. 表面等离子体共振(SPR)传感器是一种基于金属与电介质界面表面等离子波的传播常数对外界环境折射率敏感原理的光学传感器。

    It is based on the principle that the propagation constant of the surface plasmon wave propagating at the interface of a metal film and a dielectric is very sensitive to the Surrounding-medium Refractive Index ( SRI ) .

  4. 利用棱镜结构高效率地耦合出表面等离子波

    High transmission efficiency for surface plasmon wave by using of prism structure

  5. 利用表面等离子波观察光学不稳定性

    Observation of optical unstability by SPW technique

  6. 新颖的高灵敏度双金属层结构表面等离子波传感器的研究与优化设计

    Research and Optimization on Novel SPW Sensor with a High Sensitivity by Using the Double Metal Layers Structure

  7. 其次,我们从电磁学基本理论出发,描述了表面等离子波的特殊性质以及产生表面等离子波的激发结构。

    Secondly , on the basis of electromagnetic theory , we have described the characteristics of surface plasmon wave and its exciting configuration .

  8. 我们减少金属膜的厚度来激发长程表面等离子波,这样表面等离子波在超薄金属膜上的传播距离被延长,有利于二次谐波的产生。

    Meanwhile , we reduce the thickness of metallic film to excite long-range surface plasma wave for improving the interaction length of SHG .

  9. 表面等离子波有着比同频率的自由电磁波更大的波矢,这个性质使表面等离子波广泛应用在科研和生活中。

    Surface plasma wave have a much bigger wave vector than free electromagnetic with the same frequence . This property make it widely used in scientific researches and life .

  10. 本文利用分析转移矩阵方法研究了渐变折射率波导中的表面等离子波,提出了一种确定波导的等效折射率的实验方法。

    In this paper , we analyze the surface plasma wave excited in graded-index waveguide using the analytical transfer matrix method , and then propose a method of determining the equivalent index experimentally .

  11. 通过求解等离子体波的连续性方程以及Euler方程,研究了场效应管中等离子体波的振荡,以及其在各种装置结构中的不稳定性。

    By calculating the continuous function and Euler function , we investigate the plasma oscillation in field effect transistors and the instabilities of these waves in different device structures .

  12. 激光等离子体共振吸收中等离子体波对电子的加速

    Electron acceleration by plasma waves in laser plasma resonant absorption

  13. 激光等离子体冲击波的研究一直是激光应用范畴的重要基础理论问题,实验中采集得到的干涉条纹的图像处理工作又是研究激光等离子冲击波的重要手段之一。

    The research of laser-induced plasma shock wave is an important basic theory in the field of laser application .

  14. 空间尘埃等离子体重力波特性及PMSE研究

    A Study on the Properties of Gravity Waves in Space Dust Plasma

  15. 不同预淀积层银膜表面等离子激元波的辐射效率

    Efficiency of Emission from Surface Plasmon Waves of Ag Films for Different Pre Coated Layers

  16. 强激光作用下等离子体尾波引起奇次谐波辐射的理论分析

    The theoretical analysis of odd harmonic radiation by wake-wave of plasma to arouse under strong laser

  17. 表面等离子激元波的光学二次谐波效应及应用Ⅰ.长程等离子激元波的二次谐波效应

    Optical second-harmonic generation by surface plasmon waves and its application ⅰ . Second-harmonic generation by long-range surface plasmon waves

  18. 通过对多孔氧化铝金属薄膜透射光谱的研究表明,由于表面等离子激元波的作用,样品在可见波段表现出透过率异常增强现象。

    Through the research of the transmission of Anodic Aluminum Oxide membrane , we observed the enhanced transmission in the visible regions because of the action of the surface plasmon polaritons .