
  • 网络plasma frequency
  1. 当外加的射频频率远小于离子等离子体频率,离子密度分布响应瞬时外加射频场,呈明显的周期性振荡。

    While the external RF frequency is much smaller than ion plasma frequency , Ions answer external instantaneous RF field .

  2. 进一步讨论了温度和幂律指数对修正的等离子体频率的影响。

    Furthermore , the effect of the temperature and the power law exponent on the corrected plasma frequency is discussed .

  3. 在洛伦兹模型基础上,类比声子散射,提出了对束缚电子的等离子体频率和束缚电子弛豫时间引入尺度修正因子,建立了电介质粒子n、k值随波长和粒径变化的尺度效应模型。

    On basis of Lorentz model , we bring in size parameter into bound electron relaxation time and plasma frequency by analogy with phonon scattering , and build a dielectric particle n and k model which vary with size and wavelength .

  4. 等离子体频率特性对电磁波反射的影响

    Effects of Plasma Characteristic on Electromagnetic Reflection

  5. 托卡马克中等离子体频率附近的增强辐射现象

    Enhanced plasma - frequency radiation in tokamaks

  6. 这一模式的通带从零到等离子体频率,而且不依赖于结构尺寸。

    The pass band of this mode is from static to plasma frequency , and does not depend on structure dimension .

  7. 如果等离子体频率与高功率微波频率相接近,则会产生共振效应,此时等离子体电子的振荡的幅值会大幅度提高,更容易扰乱电路的工作状态。

    Results show that under certain parameter conditions the threshold for damaging the electronic circuits decreases with the decrease of the frequency of the high-power microwave .

  8. 发现颜色坐标的变化是由于随氮分压增加,自由电子浓度降低引起等离子体频率降低造成的。

    As the nitrogen partial pressure increases , the variation of color coordinate is caused by decrease of free electrons number of the films and decrease of plasma frequency .

  9. 量子阱的限制势随磁场的增强而减弱从而使得系统由二维向三维形态转化,并引起等离子体频率增加。

    The quantum well confining potential decreases as the magnetic field increases . This has led to the changeover to a 3 dimensional system and the increase of the plasmon energy . 3 .

  10. 电流越大,虚阴极位置越靠近注入面且变化范围越小,虚阴极电势越低且振幅越大,振荡频率越高且大于电子束等离子体频率。

    When the beam current increases , the virtual cathode position is closer to the injection plane and its oscillating region gets narrower , the virtual cathode potential decreases and its amplitude increases , the oscillation frequency increases above the beam plasma frequency .

  11. 通过对理论结果的数值模拟计算,在阶跃边界情况下将束-离子通道与一般介质波导的电磁关系进行了比较,发现束-离子通道可以通过改变等离子体频率来控制其工作模式。

    On the basis of comparing the electromagnetic characteristics of the beam-ion channel with a traditional medium waveguide for the condition of a step-boundary defined in this paper , the numerical simulation results show that by changing the plasma frequency one can control the electromagnetic working mode in ion channel .

  12. 通过分别改变等离子体碰撞频率、等离子体频率、等离子体回旋频率等这些等离子体参数,计算了散射目标的RCS,定性的分析了等离子体参数影响RCS的情况。

    The radar scattering cross-sections ( RCS ) of scattering target are computed while the plasma collision frequency , the plasma frequency and the plasma cyclotron frequency are changed separately . The effect of RCS by parameters of plasma has been analyzed .

  13. 结果显示:即使等离子体碰撞频率在很大范围变化,等离子体对太赫兹波的衰减都很小。

    Compared with the microwave cases , the results show that the attenuation of Terahertz wave caused by plasma is little even if the plasma collision frequency varies in a wide range .

  14. 电磁孤立子的电磁频率大约为未扰动电子等离子体振荡频率的二分之一左右,孤立子内电磁场的电场具有半周期结构,相应电磁场的磁场以及静电场则具有一个完整的周期结构。

    The electromagnetic frequency of the solitons is about one_half of the unperturbed electron plasma frequency . The transverse electric , magnetic and electrostatic fields have half_ , one_ and one_cycle structure in space , respectively .

  15. 由研究结果得知,当等离子体的频率超越谐振腔的谐振频率时,谐振腔内的电磁场分布会有很大的变化,这对于大功率速调管的稳定性将有着重要影响。

    And the results show that , when the plasma frequency exceeds the resonant frequency , the electromagnetic field distribution of the resonant cavity will change greatly , which will have an important impact on the stability of the high power klystron .

  16. 研究了Cu:CaF2复合膜的红外光吸收与金属团簇结构之间的关系,结果表明Cu金属的表面等离子体共振吸收频率明显依赖Cu团族的大小。

    The absorption properties of Cu : CaF2 films relating to Cu cluster structure have been presented in this paper . It is shown that the resonance frequency depends on cluster size obviously .

  17. 本文给出了暖电子等离子体中各种频率波的射线方向。

    The directions of the group-velocity vectors of waves of various frequencies in a warm-electrons only plasma are given .

  18. 给出了部分电离束流-等离子体系统中频率低于离子回旋频率的低频束流波的色散关系,讨论了其不稳定性存在的条件。

    The dispersion relations of the waves with frequency less than the ion cyclo-tron frequency in a partially ionized stream-plasma system are obtained .

  19. 等离子体电子碰撞频率越高,吸收特性越好,对于给定频率的入射波,但存在最佳电子碰撞频率,当碰撞频率高于该频率时,等离子体的吸收减弱;

    High electron collision frequency can cause high absorbing factor , and for microwave of certain frequency , there is a maximum for absorption .

  20. 基于矩量法计算了当等离子体天线工作频率远小于等离子体频率时,密度均匀分布的柱形等离子体天线表面电流分布、辐射方向图、输入阻抗、天线效率以及增益等天线参数。

    The numerical analyses of the radiation characteristics of a plasma-column antenna is presented by using the moment method when the operating frequency is greatly lower than the plasma frequency , including current distribution along the plasma column , radiation pattern , input impedance , antenna efficiency and gain .

  21. 当束回旋模频率近乎等于冷背景等离子体本征模频率之一(ω≈ωe)时增长率最大。

    When the frequency of beam-cyclotron mode is nearly one of the eigenmodes of cold background plasma , i. e. to ≈ω e , the growth rate is the largest .

  22. 通过进行理论计算和拟合,得到GaN中的等离子体激元的频率及阻尼常数,并由此计算得到GaN中的载流子浓度和迁移率。

    The two branches in each spectrum were independently lineshape-fitted based on scattering analysis , and plasmon frequency and damping constant were obtained , thus the free carrier concentration and mobility could be deduced .

  23. 最后,给出了非磁化等离子体的最佳碰撞频率。

    Finally , the optimal electron collision frequency of the non-magnetized plasma is presented .

  24. 高频束等离子体不稳定性高频率稳定性的小型化频率选择表面

    High frequency beam plasma instability A miniaturized frequency selective surface with excellent center frequency stability

  25. 分析了通过选择放电气体来调整等离子体的电子碰撞频率。

    Regulation of the electron collision frequency of the plasma by choosing the discharge gas has been analyzed .

  26. 等离子体的电子碰撞频率和磁感应强度是调节等离子体反射率的重要参量。

    The electronic collisional frequency and magnetic inductive intensity are important parameters of plasma for adjusting the reflectance .

  27. 我们计算了在不同等离子体密度、碰撞频率和密度下电磁波的反射和透射情况,为进一步的实验和应用做了理论指导。

    Reflectivity and transmissivity are computed with the variations of plasma parameters , including plasma frequency , collision frequency and plasma density distribution , which make the theoretical guidance of further experiments and applications .

  28. 给出了不均匀非磁化等离子体密度、等离子体碰撞频率、电磁波频率与碰撞吸收的关系。

    The relation between collisional absorption of the EM-wave and the plasma density , plasma collision frequency , and incident wave frequency is obtained .

  29. 本文着重研究了磁化等离子体波导中,当电磁波频率小于等离子体频率,大于HF波段情况下的导行情况。

    The propagation of waves whose frequency is below plasma frequency and above HF band , in magnetized plasma waveguide is studied .

  30. 在一个弱电离氩等离子体中,利用微波谐振腔扰动法,对电子等离子体频率、电子密度及总的电子碰撞频率进行了实验测量。

    Experiments on the measurements of the electron-plasma frequency , electron density , and total electron collision frequency have been performed in a weakly ionized argon plasma . The microwave cavity perturbation method has been used for these measurements .