
  • 网络equipotential bonding;LEB
  1. 还要采取引下线、等电位连接、屏蔽、信号系统安装电涌保护器等其它雷电防护的综合措施。

    Other comprehensive measures including down-conductor system , equipotential bonding , shielding , and surge protection device ( SPD ) on signal system should be adopted to protect the radar station from lightning .

  2. 等电位连接与雷电反击关系的探讨

    Investigation on the Relationship between Equipotential Bonding and Lightning Counterattack

  3. 现代防雷技术最重要的是等电位连接

    The crucial role of equipotential connection in modern lightning protection technique

  4. 移动基站电源的接地与等电位连接问题

    Earthing and Equipotential Bonding of Switching Power Supply in Mobile Base Stations

  5. 从防雷检审实践谈建筑物的等电位连接

    A Research on the Equipotential Bonding of the Buildings from the Lightning Protection Testing Practice

  6. 等电位连接的有效性取决于设备地线的连接方式。

    The effectiveness of the equipotential bonding measures depends on the connecting way of the ground wire of the equipment .

  7. 网状等电位连接能使现场得到一条相对较低的地阻路径,分流直击雷入地。

    Meshed bonding enables a site to achieve a considerably lower ground resistance pathway for diverting direct lightning strikes to earth ground .

  8. 文章从信息系统机房防雷接地极等电位连接方面进行了分析,针对工程设计中存在的一些容易混淆的问题,提出了一些看法和意见。

    The paper analyzes the equipotential bonding of lightning protection and ground pole in information system rooms , and puts forwards some opinions in the light of some problems easy to be confused in project design .

  9. 另外,有了可靠的供电电源和全面的防雷措施,大楼内的用电还不是最安全的,良好的等电位连接是增加用电可靠性的又一重要保护措施。

    In addition , with reliable power supply and complete lightning protection measures , the power system in the building is still not the most safe . A good equipotential connection is another important protection measure for power reliability .

  10. 概述计算机信息系统综合防雷技术,直击雷防护、感应雷防护、雷电电磁脉冲防护、等电位连接、屏蔽、共用接地装置。

    Describes in general the comprehensive lightning protection technology for computer information system , i.e. the lightning protection technology against direct striking lightning , induced lightning , thunder electromagnetic impulse , equal-potential connection , screening , and common earthing devices .

  11. 主要阐述了计算机网络系统的防雷设计的依据和实现的技术手段:系统防雷、等电位连接、接地、布线以及运行维护。浅谈建筑物防雷中的等电位连接

    This paper has focused on the gist and technical means of preventing thunder for computer network system : system of thunder proof , equipotential connection , ground-connection , wire layout and operation maintenance . The Equipotential Arrangement for Lightning Protection on the Buildings

  12. 笔者根据实践经验,总结出对于雷电的弱电防护应从电源线的防护、信号线的防护、等电位连接、防静电处理及配置良好的接地系统5个方面入手;

    Based on the experiences , this paper points out that lightning-protection should be done from the following aspects , such as protection of power cable and signal cable , the connection of equipotential location , anti-static electricity treatment and well-configured grounding system .

  13. 针对地铁车站站台屏蔽门系统接轨及绝缘方面有争议的几个问题,从原理、安全性进行了分析。认为屏蔽门系统应与车站建筑结构间绝缘安装,等电位连接后应接走行轨;

    This paper mainly discusses the key problems about the platform screen doors ' earthing , from the angles of principle and safety , argues that the scree door system shall be installed in the structure of a station with insulation and junction protection .

  14. 本文以广东纺织职业技术学院校园网络为例,分析网络遭受雷击的主要途径,提出了电源防雷、信号防雷及等电位连接设计实施方案。

    Taking the campus network of Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Institute for example , this paper analyzes the main ways of how the network is hit by thunderstrike and puts forward the enforcing schemes of power lightning protection , signal lightning protection and the designing of equipotential connection .

  15. 实践证明采用法拉第屏蔽笼、等电位体连接接地、防雷击电磁脉冲干扰电源可以极大地提高基站的防雷击电磁脉冲干扰能力。

    The cage of Faraday screen , Equipotential bonding , Power supply of the LEMP to prevent the damage caused by thunder will greatly increase the ability to resist the inference of the LEMP in the base station .

  16. 接触网防雷技术研究等电位接地连接是防雷关健措施

    STUDY ON LIGHTNING PROTECTION OF CATENARY Isoelectric Grounding Connection for Lightening Protection System