
zhú dīng
  • Bamboo nail;bamboo peg/dowel
  1. 铁丝网,尖竹钉,地雷,那还仅仅是我们所看见的。

    Wire , pungi sticks , couple of land mines , and that 's just what we can see .

  2. 磨茄是将嫩茄外皮磨掉,用竹钉扎眼,放在盐水中浸泡,挤出水汁后置于配上各种调料的酱汁中腌制。

    Mill tender eggplant eggplant skin is worn away , garish nail bamboo , soak in salt water , juice squeezed out after the water under the sauce with a variety of spices in pickled .

  3. 竹集成材家具接合方式也可以采用胶接合、榫接合、结构连接件接合、竹销(条)竹钉接合。

    The furniture joints have glue joint , tenon joint , hardware , bamboo pin .