
  1. 第二章为内外部SWOT分析。

    The second one is a SWOT analysis .

  2. 第四章阐释两部小说的叙事伦理异同。

    The fourth chapter elaborates the difference in narrative ethics .

  3. 第一章是对外部性的一般理论的介绍。

    The first chapter is the general introduction of the negative externality theory .

  4. 第四章探究两部作品不同的原因。

    The fourth chapter traces two causes for these features in two works .

  5. 该文的最后一章对这部喜剧的狂欢化语言进行了分析。

    The last chapter of the thesis is to analyze the carnival languages in this comedy .

  6. 之后我又读了《洛丽塔》的前几章,这部优秀的作品完全让我震惊了。

    Afterwards I read the first few chapters of Lolita . I was shocked by Lolitas superiority .

  7. 本章从内外部因素的角度阐述金融服务补贴的必要性。

    The chapter analyses the necessity of subsidies of trade in financial service from the perspective of internal and external factors .

  8. 第一章介绍两部典型的美国成长小说和相关文学评论、文献综述和本文研究意义。

    Chapter one introduces two typical American initiation stories and related literary criticism , literature review and significance of this study .

  9. 第三章对这部作品的钢琴演奏要领&主题旋律、速度、力度、踏板等方面进行探究。

    The third chapter is dealing with the analysis on the main points of piano performance : theme , tempo , dynamics and pedals .

  10. 第二章对三部作品进行了技术性分析,阐述具体作曲技术对突出音乐表现、主题思想所起的决定性作用。

    The second chapter of the work carried out on three technical analysis of the specific technological performance of outstanding music , theme played a decisive role .

  11. 第三章比较两部小说所采用的不同的艺术手法,着重指出戏拟手法对于两部小说的主题阐释和阅读效果的意义。

    Chapter Three compares the art skills applied in the two novels and lays special emphasis on parody 's significance for both the theme interpretation and reading effect .

  12. 经过了第二、三、四章对每部作品特色的分析之后,作为具有总结性质的第五章,笔者再次将视角引入到当时的社会-文化语境中。

    After the analyses about the features of each work in the chapters above , the fifth chapter , as a conclusion , focuses on the social-cultural context again .

  13. 第一章对这部小说的价值作出了评价和确认,赞扬了作者面对当时传统道德做出挑战的勇气。

    The first chapter confirms this novel 's value , praises its author 's courage to challenge the traditional morals at the end of 19th century , and gives asystematic analysis .

  14. 发证机构名单、许可证样式和专用章由商务部、海关总署、质检总局另行公布。

    Names of issuing bodies , pattern and format of licenses and special seals shall be published separately , jointly by the MOFCOM , the Customs General Administration , and the AQSIQ .

  15. 第四章分析三部中级教材的优点和存在的不足,并对教材的选题、选文、生词和课后习题的输入量等几个方面对未来对外汉语报刊阅读提出一些建设性的建议。

    The fourth section will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the three textbooks , and put forth some constructive suggestions to future Chinese Newspaper Reading for teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language .

  16. 第一章对两部小说相关的时代背景做了梳理和比照,主要从宗教和女权运动两个方面考察了影响作家作品的背景,并以此作为进一步分析作品的基础。

    Chapter One combs and compares the different backgrounds of the two works , especially the religious background and women 's rights movement which had influence on the two writers and their works .

  17. 第三章从内外部环境的变化较为详细地论述了现阶段的电网企业必须建立客户导向的服务战略,并指出实施这一战略的核心能力构成。

    In the third chapter , this thesis fully discusses the serving strategy which power network enterprises have to set up in present stage and indicates the constrction of key ability in realizing the strategy .

  18. 第三章通过这部小说延伸出去,着眼于昆德拉小说的系统化特征,从昆德拉看重的遗忘、存在与自我这些重大主题之间的联系入手,试图发现昆德拉指给我们的关于存在地图的秘密。

    This chapter starts from those important topics such as forgetting , the existence and the ego that Kundera values very much to try to find the secrets of the map of the existence that Kundera points out to us .

  19. 阐述了论文的研究背景和意义,国内外相关研究;并且就研究目的、范围及主要内容进行概述。第二章为门诊部空间环境不和谐因素的分析。

    This chapter describes the background and significance of the paper , the domestic and abroad related research , and introduces the overview of purpose , scope and the main content ; Chapter 2 discusses the factors of disharmony about the space environment for outpatient department .

  20. 第八章,城乡结合部和谐发展的制度保障。

    Chapter eight describes the system for protecting the harmonious development .

  21. 头两章是从那部书上剽窃来的。

    The first two chapters lift two sections from the book .

  22. 第三章比较了两部作品的社会背景。

    The third chapter compares two works of social background .

  23. 作者在第一章交代了整部小说的背景。

    In the opening chapter , the author sets the scene of the novel .

  24. 第五章是我国外部会计监管:政府监管和社会监管的运行分析。

    Part five is to analysis the action of governmental supervision and society supervision .

  25. 第二章是对两部作品的研究现状以及女性主义理论的文献综述。

    Chapter Two is the literature review of these two works and the feminist criticism theory .

  26. 第二章着重分析三部英译本对时间的顺应。

    Chapter 2 is the focus of the temporal dimension involved in the three English versions .

  27. 第四章主要对比三部英译本不同的语言特色。

    Chapter 4 mainly discusses the contrasts of the linguistic features in the three different versions .

  28. 第四章强调由两部作品的不同结局所反映出来的差异性。

    Chapter Four turns to emphasizing the distinctions reflected through the different endings of the two works .

  29. 第三章主要研究这部小说的故事层面的两个要素:情节和人物。

    The third chapter studies the novel in terms of the former level . The focus falls on the plot and the characters .

  30. 第五章比较了两部电影的主题、社会背景、象征符号和年龄差别。

    In Chapter Five , the two films are compared concerning the theme , the social background , the symbols and the age disparity .