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zhāng jù
  • Chapter and sentence;chapters, sections, sentences and phrases in ancient writings;chapters, sections, sentences and phrases;syntactic and semantic analysis of ancient writings
章句 [zhāng jù]
  • (1) [chapters, sections, sentences and phrases]∶古籍的分章分段和语句停顿

  • (2) [syntactic and semantic analysis of ancient writings]∶分析古文的章节和句读

  • 复习五经,皆训诂大义,不为章句。--《后汉书》

章句[zhāng jù]
  1. 古代白话小说的章句叠架现象

    On the Reiterations of Chapters and Sentences in Ancient Vernacular Chinese Novels

  2. 他读到那些难懂的章句就草率地一带而过。

    He hurried over the difficult passages .

  3. 而后在章句时比附经义,用章句的方式来解读屈原的辞赋。

    Then when the analogy by the meaning of the Chapters , with Chapters way to interpret the Qu Yuan Dynasties .

  4. 英语中重复只是一种强调式的修辞手段。古代白话小说的章句叠架现象

    Reiterations are used to achieve emphasis in English . On the Reiterations of Chapters and Sentences in Ancient Vernacular Chinese Novels

  5. 学术英语写作里的学术异议&对《第二语言写作课堂语法纠正法之辩驳》的章句分析

    Academic Objections in EAP Writing & A Textual Analysis of " The Case Against Grammar Correction in L2 Writing Classes "

  6. 黄侃先生《文心雕龙札记》揭示了“章句”的几个不同涵义。

    Mr Huang Kan revealed several different implications of " chapters and sentences " in the Reading Notes of WEN XIN DIAO LONG .

  7. 魏晋南北朝时期,许多齐鲁学者丢弃经学章句,转入其他领域,取得显著成就。

    During the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties , many Qilu scholars dropped their literary pursuits and turned into other areas , and accorded successes .

  8. 中国山水诗萌芽于《诗经》与《论语》的某些章句,功能是为了诗的起兴。

    Chinese landscape poems derive from some sentences and phrases in ( Book of Songs ) and ( Analects of Confucius ) which function as stimulants to the poems .

  9. 其中的某些章句深涵历史、人生之思索与灵悟,具有深刻的哲理性,是传统文化之全幅凝聚与生动展示。

    Some chapters and sentences in the book , full of the thought and comprehension on history and life , are philosophical and the vivid embodiment of condensed traditional culture .

  10. 传统训诂学虽然没有使用语境研究的术语,但训诂家在解释义、分析句子结构、说明修辞手段、阐发章句意旨的同时,对文献的上下文语境和情景语境作了充分的揭示。

    Though traditional Gloss do not use terms of context research Gloss fully delineates the context and scene context when it analyses the structure of sentences and explains the meaning of rhetoric .

  11. 在他的《外国人的某种谦逊》一文里,他清清楚楚说他是个美国人,虽然他引用起欧洲文学的章句来易如反掌。

    And in his essay'On a Certain Condescension in Foreigners ' , he makes it plain that he is an Americanthough with all the appropriate quotations from European literature at his elbow .

  12. 东汉后期堪称经学之极盛时期,章句著作于史料中多有提及,惜多已不传。

    The later period of Eastern Han Dynasty may be called heyday of classics study . There are many Zhang Ju books mentioned in historical books , pities much did not pass on .

  13. 初唐始见《楚辞章句》十六卷本;五代、北宋初期始有《楚辞章句》十七卷本。

    The " sixteen volumes " edition first appeared in the early Tang Dynasty , while the " seventeen volumes " edition first appeared in the late Five Dynasties to the early Song Dynasty .

  14. 刘勰的文体修辞思想具有以篇章结构为主而兼及章句结构的总体特色。前者意味着文体创作方法,后者意味着语用修词。

    Liu Xie 's thought of stylistic rhetoric has an overall characteristic of the structure of both chapters and sections , of which the former indicates stylistic creation , and the latter indicates pragmatics .

  15. 章句著作不仅在我国经学史上形成了一条源远流长的发展脉络,章句理论也成为了我国文学史上的一种重要的文学理论。

    Zhang Ju work not only formed a well-established development vein in our classics study history , the Zhang Ju theory has also become one important literature theory in our country history of literature .

  16. 《楚辞章句》是王逸对屈原及其赋解读的文本资料,王逸结合当时的经学特征和时代特点,希望通过章句楚辞的方式来实现治经的现实意义。

    Songs of the South is the interpretation of the text data by Wang Yi , Wang Yi at the time by the combination of characteristics and features of the times , hope to achieve Chapters Chu governance by way of practical significance .

  17. 其中介绍了中国古代酒之起源,并详细梳理出了《诗经》中与酒有关的章句以及《诗经》中所记载的各种酒器。

    Which describes the origin of wine in ancient China , and more came out of the " Book of Songs " in the " wine " relevant Chapters and the " Book of Songs " recorded in a rich and diverse variety of wine .

  18. 汉武帝时极盛的公羊学在汉末发生了章句化、神学化等异化现象,这是它衰落的内在原因。

    Gong Yang Xue had been encouraged at the time of Han Wu D.But at the end of the Han Dynasty , it turned into a learning of chapters and the clogy and so on , this is the internal cause of it 's decline .