
  1. 艾伦说,沃默斯问他是否知道cosx的积分,唐·贝利立刻说,这个问题对于未来的高级科学官员来说简直太可笑了。

    Alan claimed that Womersley had asked him whether he knew ' the integral of cos x ' which as Don Bayley immediately said , was a ludicrously trivial question to ask any prospective SSO , let alone a B-star Wrangler .

  2. 撞到人的时候要立刻说抱歉。

    If you bump into somebody , immediately say Excuse me .

  3. 你说‘想’是什么意思?罗恩立刻说。

    What do you mean , " tried "?' said Ron quickly .

  4. 他们会在偶然碰到你的时候立刻说对不起。

    They will not hesitate to apologize when they hurt you accidently .

  5. 存在主义者立刻说,人类是痛苦。

    The existentialists say at once that man is anguish .

  6. 在接受别人仁慈的帮助后,我会立刻说声感谢的话。

    I am great at giving thanks immediately after an act of kindness .

  7. 人们跑了出来你会立刻说

    and the people ran , you would immediately be able to say ,

  8. 于是我立刻说:“你还没当总统呢!”

    So I said , quick as a flash ," you 're not president yet !"

  9. 他立刻说:“你穿这件衣服很合身,看起来你年轻多了。”

    He said straight off ," it really suits you . you look much younger . "

  10. 尼立刻说:你的问题非常有哲理,我就给你一个哲理性的回答。

    Nicholas replied him immediately : your question is philosophical and I should give you my philosophical answer .

  11. 我的脑袋就立刻说:‘反手拍!上网!杀球!后退!”

    and my brain immediately says , " Back hand ! To the net ! Smash ! Go back "

  12. 虽然大多数人会立刻说是水行侠,但是实际上纳摩是第一个获得水下英雄称号的人。

    Though most people would be quick to say Aquaman , it 's actually Namor who holds the official title of first underwater superhero .

  13. 一旦打破了,要立刻说“岁岁安全”,如许坏命运运限就会被赶走了;

    In the event of breaking a dish , quickly say " Peace for all time ", and the bad luck will be warded away .

  14. 幽灵似乎懂得了他在想什么,便立刻说,“我来这儿是帮助你改变你的生活的!看好了,听清楚!”

    The spirit seemed to hear him thinking , and said at once , ' I am here to help you change your life ! Watch and listen ! '

  15. 不,是我。听着,爸爸,我不能立刻说,嗯,但是有些事,嗯,有件事我想跟你说。

    No , no , it 's me.listen , Dad , I can 't talk right now , um , but there 's something , um ... there 's something that I 've been meaning to tell you ...

  16. 因此助教可能需要一点时间,如果他们看到你画的路易斯结构以后说,噢,不,不,不,不,这是错的,错得离谱,而他们却不能立刻说出错在哪。

    So your TA might take a minute , so be patient with them if they see your structure and they say oh , no , no , no , no that 's wrong , that 's terrible , and they don 't immediately know why .

  17. 但有个评论立刻指出说Winship先生此处犯了一个错误:他所用的EmmanuelSaez和ThomasPiketty的数据只计算了收入并没有包括资本增益。

    But a commenter quickly notes that Mr Winship made a mistake here : he used Messrs Saez and Piketty 's figures for income not including capital gains .

  18. 最重要的是开始练习口语,立刻大声说出来。

    It 's most important that they start practicing aloud right away .

  19. “别参加比赛。”赫敏立刻就说。

    Don 't play , said Hermione at once .

  20. 如果她立刻就说“好的”的话

    Now if she says " yes "

  21. 2她立刻回复说:“小孩儿把花瓶打碎了,那只猫正在查看这只花瓶。”

    She immediatelyreplied , " The kid knocked overthe vase and the cat is investigating . "

  22. 昨天有许多人和你一起跳舞,在他们中间找一个。她立刻提议说。

    One of them who were so much after dancing with ' ee yesterday , ' she presently suggested .

  23. 在我询问是否有一位斯坦节逊先生住在这里的时候,他们立刻回答说有。

    On my inquiry as to whether a Mr. Stangerson was living there , they at once answered me in the affirmative .

  24. 不过,答案最赞的应该是这个孩子当剧组人员问他,愿不愿意让蜘蛛人来代替他的爸爸时,他立刻回答说,愿意!

    The real winner though , was the child who instantly answered yes when asked if he would trade his dad for Spider-Man .

  25. 当然,达林太太立刻就说她愿意收留他们;可是达林先生很不高兴,孩子们知道,他是嫌六个太多了。

    Of course Mrs. Darling said at once that she would have them ; but Mr. Darling was curiously depressed , and they saw that he considered six a rather large number .

  26. 看来德北菲尔德太太没有能力应付这种紧急事情。“也许可以找个年轻的小伙子,让他送去行吗?昨天有许多人和你一起跳舞,在他们中间找一个。”她立刻提议说。

    Mrs Durbeyfield looked unequal to the emergency . 'Some young feller , perhaps , would go ? One of them who were so much after dancing with'ee yesterday , 'she presently suggested .

  27. 我立刻举起手说:"史密斯太太,你看,医生说我注意力有问题,我可能做不到。"

    I raised my hand right away and said , " Mrs. Smith , you see , the doctor said I have attention problems . I might not be able to do it . "

  28. 他转身发现那名顾客,立刻又补充说:

    Turning and noticing the customer , he quickly added ,

  29. 我应该立刻跟你说实话的。

    I should have come out and told you the truth right away .

  30. 我一张口就立刻知道自己说错话了。

    I knew almost immediately that I would be sorry I had said that .