
  • 网络spatial relationship;spatial relations;space;Proxemics
  1. 三维CT能生动地显示锤骨、砧骨的立体形态及空间关系。

    3D CT can vividly demonstrate the shape and spatial relationships of malleus and incus .

  2. 为了设计GIS中动态空间关系与模糊空间关系的有效查询语言,需要顾及空间数据的动态性和不确定性,探讨其空间表达等问题。

    To design an effective query language for both dynamic spatial relationships and fuzzy spatial relationships in GIS , we have to study spatial representation of spatial data with considering of their dynamic and uncertain characters .

  3. GIS中自然语言空间关系定义

    Definitions of Natural - Language Spatial Relations in GIS

  4. 基于蚁群算法的GIS数据拓扑空间关系描述

    Description of Topological Spatial Relationship on GIS Data Based on Ant Colony Algorithms

  5. GIS基础空间关系分析

    The Analysis of GIS Basic Spatial Relation

  6. 高等数学空间关系多媒体CAI系统设计和实现

    The Design of Advanced Mathematics Space Relation Multimedia CAI System

  7. 结论:3D影像对骨折的畸形表现等空间关系上具有优势,其临床价值大于2D。

    Conclusions : 3D images have advantages in demonstrating space relationships of facial fractures and have higher clinical value than 2D images .

  8. 利用GIS方法分析试验区内的廊道分布状况以及与各类景观之间的空间关系。

    Using Geographic Information System ( GIS ), the corridor distribution and its spatial relationship with other landscape types in the Jinta Oasis were analyzed .

  9. 完备和形式化的空间关系语义描述方法一直是GIS理论研究的重点,空间关系的动态性和模糊性决定了描述方法的复杂性。

    Complete and formal description method of spatial relation semantics is emphasized in GIS research field . Dynamic and fuzzy spatial relations make the method very complicated .

  10. 文章首先分析和研究了在DBMS中实现空间关系处理必须具备的条件;

    First , four necessary con-ditions DBMS should need to process spatial relations are put forward .

  11. 采用组合着色Petri网构造基于空间关系的复合事件检测模型,充分利用事件公共表达式简化Petri网;

    Compositional colored Petri net is adopted to construct composite event detection model based on spatial relation , which fully utilizes common event expression .

  12. 关于DNA修复相关蛋白的表达与脑缺血-再灌注损伤的关系,多数作者主要观察了DNA修复相关蛋白的表达变化与缺血-再灌注后神经细胞凋亡之间存在的时间和空间关系。

    As to the relationship between DNA repair-related proteins and cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury , a majority of researchers concentrated on the temporal and spatial changes of DNA repair-related proteins and it 's correlation with neuronal apoptosis following ischemia-reperfusion .

  13. 在此基础上,本文实现了OGC规定的所有空间关系的函数接口。

    And by this , we implement all spatial relation functions specified by OGC .

  14. MPR和3D有助于弥补轴位CT的不足,较全面评价关节内外的损伤改变,显示多发粉碎性骨折的三维空间关系。

    The MPR and3D , as supplyments of the transaxial CT , were helpful to assess the inner or outer traumatic change of joint and to display the3D spatial relationship of multiple fragmented trauma .

  15. SSD在显示碎骨片明显移位者的空间关系方面较MIP、MPR显示为佳,尤其在脊柱滑脱、旋转和关节脱位方面效果良好;

    SSD was superior to MIP and MPR in displaying spatial relationship of the fragment displacement , especially in vertebral olisthy and joint dislocation .

  16. 介绍了高等数学空间关系多媒体CAI系统的设计思想,重点讨论了高等数学常见空间关系的表现形式、多媒体表现艺术及图形生成技巧。

    Introduces the designed idea of the advanced mathematics multimedia CAI system , briefly discusses the manifestation and multimedia show art of space relation , and the graph producing methods are also discussed .

  17. 这样,2D图像空间关系特征及其描述词汇的对齐关键就在于为句子中的词汇确定其所属的词汇类别,也就是词语分类问题。

    So the key point of 2D image features and their spatial relationships described in terms of alignment is the sentence to determine its own vocabulary category , which is also a word classification problem .

  18. 结论螺旋CT扫描图像结合后处理成像不仅可提高颌面部创伤性骨折的诊断准确率,而且能直观显示颌面部骨折的空间关系,对临床治疗方案的制定具有明显的指导作用。

    Conclusion spiral CT scanning with postprocessing technique can not only raise the diagnostic accuracy of maxillofacial fractures also can directly show the spatial relationships of fracture fragments in complex maxillofacial trauma so that it has important guiding role for planning the preoperative protocol .

  19. 采用句子-图画验证任务(sentence-pictureverificationtask)探讨了抽象图形汉语空间关系复杂句的心理表征项目互换效应问题。

    In this research , sentence - picture verification task is adopted . It describes one experiment designed to examine the item exchanging effect in psychological representation of complex Chinese sentences of spatial relations .

  20. 结果3DCTA显示了24例动静脉畸形,3DCTA在显示畸形血管团、供血动脉和引流静脉的三维构造以及空间关系上优于DSA,并能显示三者与颅骨的关系。

    Results 3D CTA images demonstrated 24 AVMs whereas DSA showed 25 AVMs . 3D CTA is superior to DSA for depicting the 3D angioarchitecture of the feeding arteries , nidus and draining veins as well as surrounding bony structures .

  21. 近似空间关系代数ASRA及应用

    Approximate Spatial Relation Algebra ASRA and Application

  22. 结果表明,基于有向无环图(DAG)表示的数据抽取算法利用变化数据的空间关系能够提高计算性能,且算法的计算时间与变化数呈线性关系。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm based on directed acyclic graph ( DAG ) by the spacial relation among changing data can improve computing performance of an extraction of graphical data . The linear relation between computation time and variation number was obtained .

  23. SFMC好发于髁状突的中、外1/3交界段,其原因可能与髁状突的解剖特征及其与邻近结构的空间关系有关。

    SFMC frequently occurs in the conjunction segment of lateral 1 / 3 and middle 1 / 3 of mandibular condyle , which may be related to the anatomical characteristics of mandibular condyle and its spatial relationship .

  24. 反映半范数族与局部凸空间关系的一个定理

    A Theorem Showing the Relation between seminorm and Local convex Space

  25. 研究了篇章级空间关系抽取技术。

    The extraction of spatial relationships in text level is studied .

  26. 空间关系可视化中物体空间摆放区域确定方法的研究

    Research on Determination of Object Layout Region in Visualization of Spatial Relation

  27. 空间关系可视化是文景转换的核心内容,物体空间摆放区域确定是实现空间关系可视化的重要一步,目的是将空间关系进行定量化。

    Visualization of Spatial Relationship is the core of Text to Scene .

  28. 城镇群体空间关系的生态学透视&以珠江三角洲为例

    An analysis of the urban spatial relationship from ecological theory

  29. 汉语空间关系中射体识别问题的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis on Trajectory Recognition in Chinese Spatial Expression

  30. 分割图像上的区域及其空间关系的表示

    The Representation of Region and its Relationship in Segmented Images