
  1. 从事电子商务的香港公司,在哪些情况下不算在香港税务管辖区内?

    The situation of not contain in HK tax unit about HK E-commerce company .

  2. 一般的认识是即使是国际企业和犯罪头目都不能逃脱税务机关的管辖范围。

    The general perception is that even international businesses and criminal kingpins cannot escape the power of the taxing authority .

  3. 第二步,提出一个税改政策设计:如果将各个税务分局所管辖区域,减少或增加的税收额,作为该区域产业转型升级的投入。

    The second step is to propose policy design of the tax reform : In the jurisdiction of each tax bureau , if use the reducing or increasing revenues of tax as the input of regional industrial transformation and upgrading , it can increase the tax revenue .