
  1. 当前税款入库中存在的问题和对策

    Problems in and Strategies for Current Tax Collection and Storage

  2. 为此,一些地区尝试开发了横向联网系统,一定程度上减轻了工作量,提高了税款入库速度,实现了税票信息的电子化处理。

    Therefore , some districts attempted to develop transverse networking system , reducing the load of work to an extent , improving the process of pay-in-treasury , and realizing the electrical processing of tax receipt information .

  3. 税收征收管理模式是税收征管体系的特殊规范形式,它贯穿于从纳税义务产生到税款入库的全过程,是税收管理的重要组成部分。

    Tax collection and management mode is the special standard form of tax collection and management system , it runs through the whole process from tax obligation generated to the treasury tax as an important part of the tax management .

  4. 税务部门将税款征收入库后,由财政部门提出财政预算,用于国家建设和各项公共事业,因此做好税收工作意义十分重大。

    The tax department will be put in storage after the tax collection from the financial sector budget for national construction and public utilities .

  5. 强化税务稽查是加强税收征管、规范纳税行为、保证税款及时足额入库的重要保证。

    Abstrac : Strengthening taxation inspection is an important guarantee to strengthen taxation collection , to regulate taxation , to guarantee tax be transferred to the exchequer in time and full amount .

  6. 税收会计核算主要是对税款的征收、入库、报解和提退过程进行核算。

    Tax accounting mainly for tax collection , storage , reporting solutions and put back the process of accounting .

  7. 借助第三方机构协助征收与涉税辅导:金融网点实现税款征收,通过纳税信用约束保证税款及时足额入库;

    Tax collection and tax related trainings assisted by third-party institutions : tax collection through financial sectors , ensuring the tax collection by tax-paying credit system ;