
  1. 使用UbuntuEnterpriseCloud(UES)搭建私有云平台并部署税收征管档案子系统。

    Using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud ( UES ) build private Cloud platform and deploy the tax administration archives subsystem . 5 .

  2. 完成纳税服务系统中的税收征管档案子系统的主要功能设计与开发。

    Finishing the main function of tax administration archives subsystem of tax service system design and development . 4 .

  3. 税收征管档案作为税务活动的特定产物,必然伴随着社会活动的运行方式的转变,在形成、传递、存储和利用等自身运动规律上发生本质的变化。

    Tax records tax activities of specific products , entail changes in social activities run as , in the formation , transmission , storage and use of such nature of changes occurring on the motion law of its own .

  4. 对税收征管档案子系统进行了测试,测试结果表明基于云计算的应用系统在系统响应速度、数据读写速度方面明显占优,尤其是在高并发或大数据量的情况下。

    Tax administration archives subsystem test , test results show that the application system based on cloud computing in the system response speed , reading and writing data speed is very good , especially in the cases of high concurrent or large amount of data .

  5. 税收信息化环境下征管档案管理研究

    Research on the Archives of Taxation Administration under the Taxation Informationization Environment