
shuì mù
  • categories of taxation;tax items;taxable items
税目 [shuì mù]
  • [tax items] 指捐税的各种名目

税目[shuì mù]
  1. 具体品种及税目另行公布。

    The specific categories and tax items shall be promulgated separately .

  2. 唐前期税目资课渊源小议

    On the origin of the tax items Zi and Ke in the early Tang Dynasty

  3. 抗议活动已迫使政府撤销新的税目。

    The protests have forced the government to back-pedal on the new tax .

  4. 众议院法案中没有类似的税目。

    The House bill has no similar tax .

  5. 2010年是我国加入WTO后降税承诺的最后一年,这一年,我国进一步降低鲜草莓等6个税目商品的进口关税。

    Year 2010 , is the last year of China after we sign the WTO accession obligations of reducing import duties . In this year , we have reduced the import tariffs of the six tax items that include fresh strawberries .

  6. 在第五章我们建立了RCA降税模型,其降税依据是农产品国际竞争力,更确切地说,是根据农产品总体显示比较优势来确定各类税目的降税额。

    It is in fourth chapter that optimizing tariff model of tariff decreasing is constructed based on social welfare or optimizing tariff And RCA model of tariff decreasing in fifth chapter on international competition , exactly on general RCA of farm produce .

  7. 这一税目与人们的支付能力没有关系。

    The tax bears no relation to people 's ability to pay .

  8. 遗产税目的难以达到的原因剖析

    An Analysis on the Causes for the Difficulties in Achieving the Goals of Inheritance Tax

  9. 在土地使用税中设农地使用税和城镇土地使用税两个基本税目。

    In land used tax set up agricultural land used tax and urban land used tax .

  10. 税目、税率的调整,由国务院决定。

    Any adjustments to the taxable items and tax rates shall be determined by the State Council .

  11. 中国已经承诺逐步给予有关最不发达国家95%税目的产品零关税待遇。

    China has promised to grant least developed countries the privilege of free-duty on 95 % of imported products .

  12. 户赋是诸多赋税中的一个单独税目,而非一户内各项赋税的总称。

    Hufu was a single tax item among many taxes and not a general term for all household taxes .

  13. 从今年4月1日起,我国开始实行新的消费税政策。新政策对消费税的税目、税率进行了必要的调整。

    China adjusted its list of taxable items and rates as well as other related consumption tax policies this year .

  14. 由于谈判搁置,美国国税局将推迟发布2013年扣缴所得税目表。

    As negotiations drag on , the Internal Revenue Service is holding off on releasing income tax withholding tables for 2013 .

  15. 同样,在分析税收政策对产业结构调整的影响时,主要抓住税收政策中的几个主要要素,如税种、税目、税率、税收减免等进行分析。

    As an importance component of public finance policy , tax policy has very important influence on the industrial structure adjustment .

  16. 他们不得不决定继续使用2012年实行的税目表。

    They have to make a decision that they are going to use the tables that are currently in effect for 2012 .

  17. 本文对我国股票期权所得的税目、纳税义务发生时间、计税依据、税收优惠及税收征管等作了较为详细的探讨。

    This paper discusses on tax items , tax obligation term , tax basis , tax alleviation and tax management of stock option .

  18. 消费税税目、税率(税额)的调整,由国务院决定。

    Any adjustments to the Consumption Tax taxable items , tax rates ( tax amounts ) shall be determined by the State Council .

  19. 目前原产地的判断标准有三个:加工工序标准、税目归类改变标准和从价百分比标准。

    At present the origin of the three criteria : the standard processing procedures , standards and change in tariff classification from the value-standards .

  20. 吐鲁番地区的户税是多税目、多税率和多税额的复合形式税,而且在户税征收中,定户等所依据的资产除菜地外不包括其他土地。

    The household tax of Turfan area is a complex tax , which is diversified in the category , rate and amount of taxation .

  21. 您还应该知道纳税人兼有不同税目营业额的,应分别核算不同税目的营业额。

    Also you should know that when taxpayers are involved in different taxable categories , the taxpayers should calculate the turnover of different categories respectively .

  22. 海关还每月公布以协调税制8位税目为基础的按照原产地和最终目的地计算的海关统计。

    Customs also published monthly customs statistics , calculated according to country of origin and final destination , on the basis of eight-digit HS levels .

  23. 二是将部分弹性小的增值税税目纳入免税范围会有利于缩小收入分配差距。

    Second , it will narrow the income gap by putting the elasticity of demand for small VAT tax into the scope of tariff lines .

  24. 凡融资租赁,无论出租人是否将设备残值销售给承租人,均按本税目征税。

    Tax is levied according to this tax item on financial leasing no matter whether or not the lessor sells the equipment at scrap value to the lessee .

  25. 本税目下设粮食白酒、薯类白酒、黄酒、啤酒、其他酒、酒精六个子目。

    Under this tax category are six specific items such as grain spirit , potato spirit , yellow rice and millet wine , beer , other wines and alcohol .

  26. 实施关税配额管理农产品相应的进口税目、税则号列及适用税率另行公布。

    The corresponding import tax items , tariff serial numbers and applicable tax rates for agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas shall be promulgated separately .

  27. 分析出口退税率调整、人民币升值及铝材出口税目存在的问题等因素对铝材出口成本的影响。

    The effect of export drawback rate , appreciation of RMB and export tax items for aluminum goods on the export cost of aluminum products was analyzed in the paper .

  28. 税目税率表未列出的固定资产投资(不包括更新改造投资),税率为百分之十五。

    The fixed assets investments ( not including betterment investment ) which are not listed in the Taxable Items and Tax Rates Table shall apply a tax rate of15 % .

  29. 中国已经宣布对同中国建交的最不发达国家97%的税目的产品给予零关税待遇。

    China has announced its decision to give zero-tariff treatment to 97 % of the tariff items of exports to China from the least developed countries having diplomatic ties with China .

  30. 税目、税率依照本条例所附的《固定资产投资方向调节税税目税率表》执行。

    The taxable items , tax rates shall be determined in accordance with the " Fixed Assets Investment Orientation Regulation Tax Taxable Items and Tax Rates Table " attached to these Regulations .