
  • 网络Download
  1. 安装程序下载完成之后,只需在解压缩后运行它,就可以用来安装Eclipse了。

    After you download the installer , simply unzip it and run it to install Eclipse .

  2. 您可以把它作为一个独立的应用程序下载,且捆绑了Eclipse,如果您已经在使用Eclipse,也可以将其作为插件下载。

    You can download it as a standalone application , with Eclipse bundled , or as a plugin if you are already using Eclipse .

  3. 该系统硬件主要包括CPU模块、数据采集模块、液晶显示模块、MODEM通信模块和程序下载等几个模块。

    The system mainly includes the CPU module , data acquisition module , LCD module , MODEM communication module and program downloading module , etc.

  4. •谷歌Android市场中的付费应用程序下载量远低于免费应用程序。

    • looking at paid applications in the Google Android Market , downloads are significantly lower than they are for free applications .

  5. 每当用户访问Java网络启动协议(JavaNetworkLaunchingProtocol,JNLP)文件时,都自动将该应用程序下载到用户的工作站,然后该应用程序开始运行。

    Whenever a user accesses a Java Network Launching Protocol ( JNLP ) file , the application is automatically downloaded to the user 's workstation and starts running .

  6. 并且,利用JTAG接口把编译好的VHDL程序下载到CPLD上,实现了CPLD器件编程。

    Moreover , the compiled VHDL program to CPLD chip is downloaded through JTAG interface , and the CPLD programming is realized .

  7. 与美国相比,中国的iPad、iPhone应用程序下载量占比从2011年1月份的18%增加到了11月份的30%。

    Chinese downloads of iPad and iPhone apps , relative to the U.S. , grew from 18 % in January 2011 to 30 % in November .

  8. 此外,文章还提出了TMS320LF2407的这种新的程序下载技术。

    In addition the paper puts forward a new way of downloading programme .

  9. 然后该实用程序下载必要的软件包,并使用低级Debian软件包管理工具安装它们。

    The utility then downloads the necessary packages and installs them using lower-level Debian package management tools .

  10. 当苹果公司推出自己的在线商店的时候,HTC则专注于手机本身,而把音乐和应用程序下载交给服务商去做。

    While Apple has its own online store , HTC focuses on phones while carriers pick which music and applications to offer .

  11. 典型的情况是,您通过一根USB传输线将您的程序下载到砖块之中,断开连接线,然后使用砖块上的控制来执行您的程序。

    Typically , you will download your program into the brick over a USB cable , detach the cable from the brick and then use the controls on the brick to execute your program .

  12. 毕竟,iOS设备的出货量已超过6亿部,而应用程序下载量更高达500亿次,iOS已成为最为活跃的手机生态系统。

    After all , with over 600 million IOS devices sold and 50 billion apps downloaded , IOS is a thriving software ecosystem in its own right .

  13. 仿真通过后用MAX+PLUSⅡ提供的编程器将程序下载到CPLD中,经过相关测试可以得到预期的CCD驱动脉冲信号。

    After finishing the simulation , the program is fitted into the CPLD products by using the compile of MAX + PLUS ⅱ, which experiments show that the expected CCD driving plus signals can be get .

  14. 调试时可通过JTAG接口与PC机相连,仿真及程序下载简单方便;

    In debugging , the ERT system is connected to PC through JTAG interface , so downloading and debugging the program become simple and convenient .

  15. 在iOS9的新系统中,根据用户的使用类型,可以自动推荐应用程序下载或联系人。

    Among some of the new features for iOS 9 , it can automatically suggest apps to load or people to contact based on a person 's usage patterns .

  16. AC-Link音频编解码系统以VHDL模块进行设计,经过波形仿真和结果验证后,将程序下载到FPGA中实现。

    AC-Link audio code / decode system was designed to VHDL block . After wave emulation and result validation , the VHDL program was downloaded and realized in FPGa .

  17. 应用此调试平台,再加上一个调试器,如GDB,用户就可将应用程序下载到调试平台上进行实时调试。

    Under the environment of our platform and a debugger , such as GDB , customers can download their application programs to our debug platform to implement a real-time debugging .

  18. 分析FPGA的特点、原理与结构、程序下载到芯片的配置及FPGA在运动控制器中的主要功能,即通过光栅尺计数来反馈电机的实际运动位置和系统的地址译码、片选功能;

    Thirdly , the paper introduced character and theory and structure and configuration of master serial program to FPGA . Then it explained main functions of FPGA in motion controller , that is , it fed back actual moving position of motor and decoded system 's address .

  19. 程序下载模块采用了灵活、方便的ISP编程模式,能将调试好的程序方便、快捷的下载到单片机的FLASH程序存储器中,也为系统的在线升级提供了方便。

    The flexible and convenient ISP programming pattern is adopted in the program downloading module , which can conveniently and quickly download the debugged program to MCU 's FLASH program memory , and is also convenient for the system to update on-line .

  20. 为了实现程序下载、MVB网络配置、数据转储、状态监视等功能,提出一种通过目前流行的通用串行总线(USB)将MVB与通用计算机连接的方案。

    A proposal to connect the MVB with general computer through the existing serial bus ( USB ) is forwarded to realize the functions as program download , MVB network configuration , data transfer and status monitoring .

  21. 有鉴于此,11月份中国大陆的iPad应用程序下载量已经达到了几乎与美国相当的水平(准确地说是44%:56%,如上面用国旗色标示的饼状图所示),这不由令人刮目相看。

    Given all that , it 's quite remarkable that in November , nearly as many iPad apps ( 44 % to be precise ) were downloaded in China as in the U.S. , as shown in the flag-colored pie chart at right .

  22. 现在,该公司约有1000万个用户,遥遥领先于赛门铁克公司(Symantec)和迈克菲公司(McAfee)等传统数据安全公司,它们提供的手机安全应用程序下载次数已经高达数十万次。

    Today the company has about 10 million users , putting it ahead of traditional data-security companies like Symantec and McAfee , whose mobile security apps have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times .

  23. JTAG定义的边界扫描机制是一种新型的VLSI电路测试及可测试性设计方法,JTAG规范广泛用于芯片内部数据寄存器的配置,可编程芯片的程序下载等。

    JTAG defines the standard of boundary-scan technique , which is a new effective way to test and design the testability of VLSI circuits . Also JTAG standard can be popularly used to configure some data registers inside chips and download the programs of PLDs .

  24. 较小的应用程序下载更快,因此更加便宜。

    Smaller applications download faster , and thus more cheaply .

  25. 此向导正在从服务提供程序下载信息,请等待。

    Please wait while the wizard downloads information from the service provider .

  26. 80系列单片机程序下载方法的研究

    A Method of Downloading Program for Intel 80 Family Microcomputer

  27. 在计算机空闲时为程序下载数据。

    Downloads data for programs when the computer is idle .

  28. 基于程序下载技术的数字随动系统实验装置

    A digital servo system experiment device based on the technology of program downloading

  29. 在许多应用中,初始程序下载的大小会减少到低于100KB。

    In many applications this will reduce the initial application download to below100k .

  30. 等待程序下载完成。

    Wait while your program download status completes .