
xī fàn
  • rice or millet gruel;porridge;congee;thin gruel;rice gruel;rice porridge
稀饭 [xī fàn]
  • [rice gruel;rice porridge] 指用米或小米等煮成的粥

稀饭[xī fàn]
  1. 我喜欢大米粥〔稀饭,面条,烤面包〕。

    I like rice gruel ( porridge , noodles , toast ) .

  2. 然后,在大家面前把里面的汤或稀饭喝下去。

    Then , drink the soup or porridge in front of people .

  3. 比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之于白干,稀饭之于馍馍,鲈鱼之于大蟹,黄犬之于骆驼。

    Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine , congee , yellow dogs to camels .

  4. 当他抬头看到祖克曼先生就静静地站在身旁,手里拎着盛满热乎乎的稀饭的食桶时,才稍稍宽了心。

    When he looked up and saw Mr. Zuckerman standing11 quite close to him , holding a pail of warm slops , he felt relieved .

  5. Jay很稀饭给特殊滴时刻做T恤

    Jay loves to make t-shirts for special occasions .

  6. 通过用动态流变仪,DSC和物性测试仪对不同原料进行测定分析表明,东北粳稻适合做方便稀饭。

    Analysis of different rice material hy dynamic rheometer , DSC and TA indicates that : the northeast japonica rice is suitable for instant rice soup making ;

  7. 小游戏简介:极度pl,而且非常有气质的古装美人,希望大家稀饭!

    Get-away drama brief introduction : Extreme PL , and have qualities very much of the thou pack a beauty , hope everyone 's gruel !

  8. 请给我一些稀饭。嗯,真好吃!

    I want some congee , please . Mmm , yummy .

  9. 要我叫餐厅为您准备点稀饭做午餐吗?

    Shall I ask restaurant to prepare some porridge for your lunch ?

  10. 连续一周他唯一的食物就是稀饭。

    Porridge was all he could get to eat for a week .

  11. 接着,她尝了口最后一碗稀饭。

    So , she tasted the last bowl of porridge .

  12. 稀饭,燕麦粥你最喜欢吃什么样的早餐?

    porridge ( n. ) A : What 's your favorite breakfast ?

  13. 煎蛋香肠,火腿,意大利辣香肠酸奶牛奶烤面包稀饭糯米。

    Omelet Sausage , Ham , Pepperoni Yogurt Milk Toast Porridge Sticky rice .

  14. 是的,我吃了点稀饭。

    Yes , I had a little porridge .

  15. 我喝了一大碗稀饭。

    I ate a big bowl of porridge .

  16. 必爱,深得大众的稀饭呀!

    Christine glass-my love will get you home !

  17. 她热了一点稀饭,孩子吃得津津有味。

    She warmed up some porridge and the child ate it with a good appetite .

  18. 我想再吃一些稀饭。

    I want to have some porridge .

  19. 你想吃核桃稀饭吗?

    Fancy my porridge ? La walnuts ?

  20. 今天早上吃稀饭。

    We will have congee this morning .

  21. 吃些面条或稀饭。

    Have some noodles or porridge .

  22. 他只能吃爸爸留给的一小碗稀饭。

    He had only a small bowl of rice porridge , his father had left him .

  23. 我们有稀饭和各式各样不同的泡菜和腌水果佐餐,感觉恰到好处。

    We had congee and a myriad of pickled vegetables and fruits * and it was just right .

  24. 你留口气吹凉稀饭,我也就留口气唱歌吧。

    Keep your breath to cool your porridge , and I shall keep mine to swell my song .

  25. 她笑说:红薯稀饭我们的年夜饭。

    She smiled , and replied , It 's yam porridge , our New Year 's Eve dinner .

  26. 芦柴棒着急地要将大锅子里的稀饭烧滚,但是倒冒出来的青烟引起了她一阵猛烈的咳嗽。

    Spindle-shanks is anxiously watching a pan of congee , till the smoke makes her start coughing violently .

  27. 研究了中性蛋白酶、纤维素酶、果胶酶对方便稀饭品质的影响。

    The effects of proteinase , cellulase and pectinase on the qualities of instant rice soup were studied .

  28. 这使我很容易看清楚他的稀饭打到哪里,正在小猫的腰部。

    I was easy to find how much porridge he got , just at the waist of small cat .

  29. “恩,这一碗刚刚好,不烫也不凉”她高兴的说,然后把一碗稀饭全部喝完了。

    " Ahhh , this porridge is just right ," she said happily and she ate it all up .

  30. 早餐:把一个苹果,和杯低脂牛奶,一片面包或稀饭。

    Breakfast : take one apple , and a cup of low fat milk , a piece of bread or congee .