
  1. 以Cu、P为基的基础上,利用我国丰富的稀土资源优势发展稀土耐候钢是适合我国基本国情的,同时满足了新一代高强耐大气腐蚀钢的要求。

    It is adapt to our country situation developing RE weathering steel which makes use of the rich rare earth resource in our country . It satisfies the request of new generation high strength and atmosphere corrosion resistance steel at the same time .

  2. 本文利用赣南地区得天独厚的钨资源和稀土资源优势,通过电沉积的方法研究和制备出一性能优异的可以用来取代硬铬镀层的Ni-W合金,同时减少对环境的污染。

    In this paper , because there are plenty of resource of tungsten and rare earth in south of Jiangxi Province , a Ni-W alloy which has good performance and can be used to replace hard chrome plating was investigated and prepared by electrodeposition which can reduce the environmental pollution .

  3. 稀有稀土资源的地质&经济分析

    Analysis in geology economy of rare metal and REE resources

  4. 中国多年来一直为日本提供绝大多数稀土资源。

    China for years has supplied most of Japan 's rare earths .

  5. 包头稀土资源保护及战略储备的思考

    Thinking on Protection and Strategic Reserves of Rare Earth Resources in Baotou

  6. 稀土资源是国家的战略资源。

    Rare earth resources are national strategic resources .

  7. 中国将大幅上调稀土资源税。

    China to impose rare earth tax .

  8. 我国稀土资源与地质科学发展述评

    Preliminary discussion on the REE mineral resources and the development of Geological Science in China

  9. 我国是世界上稀土资源蕴藏量和产量最大的国家。

    China has the richest reserves and output of rare earth all over the world .

  10. 在临近的山头,小规模的矿仍然大量挖掘着镝和铽这两种稀土资源。

    Small mines producing heavy rare earths like dysprosium and terbium still operate on nearby hills .

  11. 我国稀土资源储量非常丰富,居世界第一。

    China is abundant in rare earth resources , with its reserves ranking first in the world .

  12. 中国拥有丰富的稀土资源,而稀土元素在催化加氢反应中能够显示出很好的助剂效果。

    China has abundant rare earth resources , which show excellent promoting effect in the catalytic hydrogenation reaction .

  13. 作为人口大国的中国,其稀土资源的消耗也随经济的快速增长而急剧攀升。

    For China the Rare Earth Metal consumption is sharply increasing with fast economy development under condition of great population .

  14. 我国有着丰富的稀土资源,发展稀土永磁电机变频调速系统具有得天独厚的优势。

    There are rich rare earth resources in our country , which have many advantages to develop variable frequency speed control system .

  15. 陈占恒说:长远来看,这项政策能够促进稀土资源的保护和有效利用。

    In the long run , the policy can promote resource protection and effective utilisation of rare earths , said Mr Chen .

  16. 随着稀土资源的大量开发,稀土元素不可避免的通过各种途径进入环境、食物链及生物体。

    With the increasing exploration and application of REEs resources , REEs inevitably enter the environment , the food chain and the organism .

  17. 中国是稀土资源最丰富的国家,稀土的提取和应用研究也处于国际前沿水平。

    China has the richest RE resources and is on the frontier for the application study & extraction of RE in the world .

  18. 加之我国有丰富的稀土资源,大力发展无刷直流电机具有很大的优势。

    At the same time , China has rich rare earth resources . The development of brushless DC motor has a great advantage .

  19. 深圳翻译公司:多方数据都表明,中国稀土资源储量与产量之间的严峻失衡,已成为中国越来越难以承受之重。

    Figures from several different sources indicates China 's grave imbalance in the reserve and production of rare earth is becoming an increasingly unbearable burden .

  20. 并根据大环多元醚化学的发展和我国丰富的稀土资源提出了该项技术的一点看法。

    Some viewpoints about the technique are presented according to the development of macrocycle polyether chemistry and rich resources of the rare earths in our country .

  21. 另外,包钢还应该利用其稀土资源优势,大力研发特种钢产品,切实提高企业的竞争力。

    In addition , Baogang Group also should take the advantages of rare earth resources , and develop special iron-steel products , improve the competitiveness of enterprises .

  22. 近年来稀土资源的不断开发利用增加了稀土元素进入生命体的途径和机会,这使得稀土元素在生命体中的代谢模式受到普遍重视。

    In recent years , with the exploitation of rare earth resources , this group of biologically unessential elements is becoming closely related with people 's daily life .

  23. 在华盛顿,国会就军方对稀土资源的依赖表示了忧虑,并提议研究一种替代品。

    In Washington , Congress is fretting about the United States military 's dependence on Chinese rare earths , and has just ordered a study of potential alternatives .

  24. 我国是稀土资源大国,储量占全球近80%,具有相当丰富的第一手资料。

    China is a big country rich in Rare earth resources , nearly accounting for 80 % of global reserves , and it has a wealth of firsthand information .

  25. 我国具有丰富的稀土资源,深入开展稀土有机配合物的发光研究,对于发展国民经济及其高新技术产业等都有重要的意义。

    Counting on luxuriant rare earth resource , in-depth research of luminescence of rare earth organic complex will be important highly for expanding civil economy and high-new technology property .

  26. 我国有丰富的稀土资源,开展新型稀土变色珠光颜料的研究有重要的理论与实际意义。

    There are abundant rare earth resources in China , using rare earth to prepare new types of photochromic pearlescent pigment has significance no matter in theories or application .

  27. 中国否认它利用稀土资源作为对付日本的外交手段,并辩解说,中国的出口控制是为可持续性开采和保护环境采取的措施。

    China denies it is using rare earths as a diplomatic leverage against Japan and defended its export controls as a step toward more sustainable mining and protecting its environment .

  28. 我国具有得天独厚的稀土资源优势,其中包头市的稀土资源占全国的83%。

    There is a unique advantage of rare earth resources in China , and the existing rare earth resource in Baotou is accounted for 83 percent in the entire country .

  29. 而且我国是稀土资源的大国,在稀土方面的研究处于国际领先地位,积累了大量的稀土方面的科研数据,但在信息的共享和利用方面还很薄弱。

    Chinese rare earth resources are very abundant , there is accumulation of a large number on RE scientific research data , but information sharing and utilization is still very weak .

  30. 中国将其对稀土资源的实质性垄断当成一种贸易手段,并阻止旨在解决南中国海争端的多边努力,这已引起了国际社会的警觉。

    China has aroused international alarm by using its virtual monopoly of rare earths as a trade instrument and by stalling multilateral efforts to resolve disputes in the South China Sea .