
  • 网络Empathy;empathy competence;Empathy ability
  1. 关于中国英语专业大学生文化移情能力的调查

    An Investigation into Cultural Empathy Obtained by Chinese College English Majors

  2. 移情能力是交际成功的关键因素,是不同文化群体的交际主体之间建立良好人际关系的一道润滑剂。

    The ability of empathy is a key factor promoting successful communication .

  3. 移情能力&企业管理者应必备的基本素质

    Ability of Emotion Transfer & Basic Quality of the Enterprises ′ Managers

  4. 大学生利他行为、移情能力及其相关研究

    College Students ' Altruistic Behavior 、 Empathic Ability and the Correlation Research

  5. 大学生的移情能力严重偏低。

    The empathic ability of College students is seriously poor .

  6. 感戴在移情能力和助人倾向间起部分中介作用。

    Gratitude was a partly mediator between empathic ability and helping tendency .

  7. 幼儿的移情能力和同伴关系之间没有相关。

    There is no relationship between children 's empathic ability and peer relation .

  8. 其中,男生的认知移情能力、情感移情能力显著低于女生。

    The boys has less ability on empathy and feeling transfer than girls .

  9. 移情能力与跨文化交际研究

    Empathy Ability and the Study of Intercultural Communication

  10. 论教师的移情能力

    On the ability of teacher s ′ empathy

  11. 大学生利他行为与移情能力的相关性极其显著。

    The correlation between altruistic behavior and empathic ability of college students is extremely notable .

  12. 从总体被试来看,大学生移情能力存在性别差异。

    There is sex discrepancy among the empathic ability of college students for all the subjects .

  13. 然后分析了幼儿的情绪认知能力和同伴关系之间以及幼儿的移情能力和同伴关系之间的关系。

    Then the study examined the relationship between young children 's emotion recognition and peer relation .

  14. 感戴倾向、移情能力、助人倾向呈显著正相关。

    Significantly positive correlation was found between grateful disposition , empathic ability and helping tendency . 6 .

  15. 研究结果表明,高中生移情能力的性别差异显著,女生的移情能力显著高于男生;

    The insult indicates that the girls ' empathy ability is significantly higher than the boys ' .

  16. 本研究通过问卷调查的方式,以济南市三所职业技术院校供150名英语学习者为研究对象,对他们文化移情能力的现状进行了分析。

    Based on the previous studies , this thesis makes a research about 150 English learners from three vocational technical colleges in Jinan .

  17. 移情能力培养是国际汉语教学和美育实践的契合点,对于推动国际汉语教学走向丰富和深入作用巨大。

    The training of empathic ability , a combination of aesthetic education and TCFL , gives an impetus to the development of international Chinese language education .

  18. 如果母亲希望孩子没有出世,那么这个孩子是不会希望去仔细揣摩这种想法的,并会因此无法发展出移情能力。

    A child whose mother wishes he did not exist will not want to contemplate the thought , and will fail to develop empathy as a result .

  19. 因此,本文提出跨文化交际能力应包括认知能力(语言知识、语用知识和社会文化知识)、移情能力和适应能力。

    Fo the paper concludes that cross-cultural communication competence should includes cognitive competence ( linguistic knowledge , pragmatic knowledge and socio-cultural knowledge ), empathy and adaptation competence .

  20. 就情商的五个维度对营销绩效的影响程度来说,自我激励排第一,其次是自我约束,其他依次为自我了解、社交能力和移情能力。

    EQ on the five dimensions of the marketing impact of achievement , self-motivation , ranks first , followed by self-restraint . followed for self-understanding , empathy and social skills capacity .

  21. 团体心理咨询可以减少欺负行为的发生。具体通过改善同伴关系、提高移情能力、提高解决人际冲突策略的团体心理咨询,降低班级欺负行为发生的频率。

    Group counseling on companionship , empathy and solvation of interpersonal conflicts can improve participants ' companionship , participants ' empathy and participants ' ability of solvation and result in decreasing frequency of bullying .

  22. 囚此,在全球化时代,大学生应该具备足够的跨文化意识和能力,对文化差异有一定的敏感、宽容和移情能力。

    In the global age , university students should be equipped with adequate intercultural knowledge and awareness to fulfill instant communication , sensitive and tolerant of cultural differences as well as flexible with them .

  23. 有助于道德教育的核心由提高道德理性转变为培养道德情感,提高学生的道德移情能力和道德智慧、道德敏感性;

    It can help the core of moral education change from raising moral ration to culturing moral emotion , so as to raise students ' ability of empathy , moral intelligence and moral sensitivity .

  24. 在次因素上,移情能力、社会责任感、乐观、成就动机、自我管理、坚韧,在年级上的差异显著。

    In the inferior factor , moves the sentiment ability , the social sense of responsibility , optimistically , the incentives to achievement , the self-control , tenacious , is remarkable in the grade difference .

  25. 不论观点和信仰是否对立,都要能向家人表示同情、耐心、关爱和理解,这样做能幇我们增强对他人的移情能力。

    Being able to express compassion , patience , love , and understanding for the people in our families , despite opposing views belief systems , allows us to expand our ability to empathize with others .

  26. 作者拥护其父母将一种被他称为“心中的藏宝箱”的思想灌输进其头脑的做法这是一定程度的自立与自信,伯龙-科恩认为这对发展移情能力至关重要。

    The author champions his own parents for instilling in him what he calls an " internal pot of gold " - a measure of self-reliance and self-confidence which he thinks is vital for developing empathy .

  27. 亲社会行为是儿童社会性发展的重要方面,儿童移情能力的发展对提高亲社会行为的发展起着重要的促进作用。

    The development of prosocial behavior is an important part in children 's social development . Many research show that the development and improvement of children 's empathy ability take an important that promote the development of prosocial behavior .

  28. 情商是由自我认知能力,情绪情感调控能力,移情能力,人际交往能力,动机、意志和自我激励相结合的心理动力等五方面的心理素质和能力构成。

    The EQ is by self-cognitive ability , the ability of adjusting and controlling of the mood-emotion , empathy , Human communication , psychological motive force of motive , will and encouraging myself combining together , etc. are formed .

  29. 从坚持德育为先、训练移情能力、提高情绪胜任力、弘扬亲社会模范等方面培养大学生亲社会行为,这对于构建和谐校园、建设社会主义和谐社会意义重大。

    Adhering to moral education , training in empathy , promoting emotional competence and erecting prosocial models could prompt college students to engage in prosocial behavior which is of great significance to build a harmonious campus and a concordant socialism .

  30. 要建立并时常锻炼一种移情的能力的理由是:只有一颗被这样的理解所强化后的心才能有效地释放出精神的氧气:爱。

    The reason to develop a capacity for empathy , and then exercise it regularly , is that only a heart strengthened by this kind of understanding can effectively deliver the oxygen of the spirit : love .