
  • 网络Mobile ticketing
  1. 移动票务是移动通讯技术与二维码快速识读技术在应用上的完美结合。

    Mobile ticketing is a perfect combination of applications of mobile telecom technology and two-dimensional code fast read technology .

  2. 在大量调研的基础上总结出了目前移动票务在国内的三种主要运营模式,分析了几种模式在实际发展中所遇到的困难并提出了解决办法。

    On a basis of a large amount of research , this paper sums up the three main current operating models in mobile ticketing market in China and points out the difficulties encountered in the actual development of the several models and proposes some solutions .

  3. 一种安全移动电子票务系统的研究

    A Secure Mobile Ticketing System