
  1. 浅析秸秆综合利用技术推广的制约因素及对策

    Restricted Factors and Countermeasures to spread Straw Stalk Comprehensive Utilization Technology

  2. 浅谈泰来县农村作物秸秆综合利用对策

    Comprehensive Utilization of Crop Straw in Rural Areas of TaiLai County

  3. 农作物秸秆综合利用机械化技术推广研究

    Study on Popularization for Mechanization of Comprehensive Utilization of Crop Straw

  4. 烧掉的财富&农作物秸秆综合利用发展空间巨大

    Burnt wealth & huge utilization and development space for crop straws

  5. 农作物秸秆综合利用新技术&工业化生产羧甲基纤维素

    New general application of crop stalk - Industrialized Producing CMC

  6. 秸秆综合利用效益分析与建议

    Analysis and Suggestion of Benefit of Comprehensive Utilization of Stalk

  7. 农作物秸秆综合利用空间布局规划研究&以苏州市为例

    Study on Spatial Arrangement Planning of the Integrative Utilization of Crop Straw

  8. 山东省农作物秸秆综合利用产业化发展研究

    Study on the industrialized development for integrated utilization of the straw of crops

  9. 屯留县机械化秸秆综合利用的实践与思考

    Practice and Consideration about the Comprehensive Utilizations of Mechanized Straw in Tunliu County

  10. 秸秆综合利用技术进展

    Advance of the Comprehensively Utilizing Technology of Straw Resources

  11. 农村秸秆综合利用对策

    Countermeasures of Comprehensive Utilization of Straw from Village

  12. 作物秸秆综合利用的创新技术

    Innovated Techniques on Comprehensive Utilization of Crop Straw

  13. 黑龙江省泰来县秸秆综合利用现状及对策

    Situation and Countermeasures of Crops Straw Comprehensive Utilization of Tailai County in Heilongjiang Province

  14. 对玉米秸秆综合利用的探讨

    Discussion about the Comprehensive Utilization of Maize Straw

  15. 深化农作物秸秆综合利用

    Deepening the Comprehensive Utilization of the Crop Straws

  16. 农作物秸秆综合利用实践与思考

    Practice and Think for Crops Strac Synthetically Utilize

  17. 苏州市秸秆综合利用重点项目及实施保障对策

    Key Programs for Multiple Utilization of Straw in Suzhou and the Strategy of Implementing Measures

  18. 农作物秸秆综合利用的进展

    Advances in comprehensive utilization of crop straw

  19. 加快机械化秸秆综合利用市场化产业化步伐促进农业可持续发展

    Expediting Marketing and Industrialization Step of Straw Integration Using with Machine to Accelerate Agriculture Sustained Development

  20. 并且秸秆综合利用仍然存在利用率低、产业链短和产业布局不合理等问题。

    The utilization of straw remains low , the industry chain is short and the industry distribution is unreasonable .

  21. 解决这些问题的办法之一是开发作物秸秆综合利用的创新技术,以实施农业的可持续发展。

    One of the ways out is to carry agricultural sustainable development through open comprehensive utilization of crop straw .

  22. 我国农作物秸秆综合利用概况近20年中国主要农作物秸秆资源动态及现状

    General Introduction to Many-sided Utilization of Crop Straw in China Quantity and Distributing of mostly Crop Straw in Our Country

  23. 该技术不仅在秸秆综合利用上得到应用,而且还可应用于烟草加工、造纸工业、中草药提取和麻纤维清洁脱胶等行业。

    The application in comprehensive utilization of straw , tobacco process , paper industry , herbal process is very wide .

  24. 目前,秸秆综合利用,政府推行的是秸秆还田和秸秆清储。

    At present , the comprehensive utilization of straw , the Government has implemented the straw and stalk clearance certificates .

  25. 介绍了秸秆综合利用的国内外现状,讨论了秸秆还田、生物质能转化、秸秆制酒精、秸秆制造人造蛋白及秸秆制人造板等技术的发展。

    The paper introduces the situation of straw utilization in our country and other countries and discusses the development of some of kernel straw treatment technologies .

  26. 武鸣县农作物秸秆综合利用形势很好但其中存在一些问题:一是农民思想观念难以转变。

    Wuming County Comprehensive Utilization of crop stalk the situation is very good but there exist some problems : one is to change the ideas of farmers .

  27. 农作物秸秆综合利用是农业发展循环经济的一个重要方面,是实现全面、协调、可持续发展、建设社会主义新农村的具体要求。

    This paper mentions the development of straw utilization techniques , analyzes main problems of straw utilization in China , and suggests some proposes to further promote straw utilization .

  28. 阐述了秸秆综合利用途径,对秸秆焚烧原因进行了分析,提出了解决的对策和措施。

    Means of straw comprehensive utilization was introduced In this article , it is analyzed the cause of burning straw and pointed out the countermeasures to solve the problems .

  29. 分析了机械化秸秆综合利用的现状及经济的效益,并提出了推广机械化秸秆综合利用技术的新途径。

    This paper analyzes the present situation of the comprehensive utilizations of mechanized straw and its economical benefits , puts forward the new ways for spreading the comprehensive utilization technique of mechanized straw .

  30. 模式的实施具有可行性,原因在于秸秆综合利用符合国家产业政策、烟台市具有良好的政策环境、丰富的秸秆资源、较强的科技支撑。

    With the feasibility of the implementation , the reason lies in the Yantai city has good policy environment , rich straw resources , strong scientific and technological support , and accumulated a wealth of knowledge .