
qín pí
  • ash bark;the bark of ash
秦皮 [qín pí]
  • [ash bark] 小叶白蜡树的树皮,中医入药,有解热、镇痛等作用

秦皮[qín pí]
  1. HPLC法同时测定蒲丁合剂中秦皮乙素和咖啡酸的含量

    Determination of Esculetin and Caffeic Acid in Puding Mixture by RP-HPLC

  2. HPLC法测定复方南板蓝根冲剂中秦皮乙素的含量

    Content Determination of Esculetin in Compound South Isatis Root Granules by HPLC

  3. 秦皮对兔实验性骨关节炎的基质金属蛋白酶-1和一氧化氮及前列腺素E2的作用

    Effect of ash bark on matrix metalloproteinase 1 , nitric oxide and prostaglandin E_2 in rabbits with experimental osteoarthritis

  4. 用高效液相色谱法测定肿节风中异秦皮啶含量。结果平均回收率为99。28%,RSD为1。

    The content of Isofraxidin in XiaoYanling Tablets was determined by HPLC with an average recovery of99.28 % and RSD of1.86 % .

  5. 方法应用Ames试验、小鼠骨髓微核试验对秦皮总香豆素进行了致突变研究。

    Methods Ames test and the micronucleus test in mice were applied .

  6. 结果秦皮甲素的保留时间为(3.620±0.05)min;

    The flow rate was 1 ml · min-1 . Results The retention time of aesculin was ( 3.620 ± 0.05 ) min ;

  7. 本论文以金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)为供试菌株,对秦皮素的抑菌活性及其抑菌机制进行了系统的研究。

    This article with Staphylococcus aureus as strains tested . Carried out a systematic study on the the Fraxetin antibacterial activity and antibacterial mechanisms .

  8. 模型组、秦皮甲素高、中、低剂量组与空白组相比,BUN差异均无显著性。

    Compared with the control group , the BUN of model group , high , medium and low dose aesculin group was no statistical significance .

  9. 以上结果显示,秦皮乙素对Fas、FasL、FADD蛋白表达具有上调作用,且具有一定的剂量依赖性。

    These results indicate that with the aesculetin dose raise , the Fas , FasL , FADD protein expression increased , and has a dose dependent manner .

  10. 用荧光光谱法研究了中药有效成分秦皮甲素、秦皮乙素与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)、人血清白蛋白(HSA)的相互作用。

    The reactions of aesculin and aesculetin ( two effective components in Chinese medicine ) with serum albumin ( BSA and HSA ) were investigated by means of fluorescence .

  11. HSCCC分离纯化秦皮、乌药等药材中有效成分的研究

    Studies on Separation and Purification of Active Components from Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs ( Cortex Fraxinus , Radix Linderae , Etc. ) by High-speed Counter-current Chromatography

  12. 以荧光光谱、紫外光谱技术研究了传统中药(秦皮)有效成分七叶内酯与BSA在金属离子Cu2+、Ni2+、Zn2+和Co2+分别共存时的相互作用。

    The effect of four metal ions Cu2 + , Ni2 + , Zn2 + and Co2 + on the interaction between bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) and esculetin extracted from a Traditional Chinese Medicine fraxinus chinensis bark , was investigated by means of UV and fluorescence spectroscopy .

  13. 小剂量给药组分别按2.0,1.0,0.5g/kg灌胃秦皮提取物;阳性对照组按0.1g/kg灌胃水飞蓟宾;

    The drug groups were pretreated intragastrically with 2.0,1.0,0.5 g / kg ash bark extract , positive control group was pretreated intragastrically with 0.1 g / kg silybin .

  14. 结果:秦皮总香豆素治疗5d后,患者对关节疼痛记分改善程度的评价,以及医生对关节压痛程度改善的评价均优于安慰剂,呈现一定的剂量效应关系;

    RESULTS : After 5 day-treatment of cortex fraxini total coumarin , both the evaluation of patients on the improvement of joint pain grades and the appraisement of physicians on relieving joint tenderness were superior to those in the placebo group , and they were in a dosage-related manner .

  15. 天然抗氧化物植酸和秦皮乙素用途广泛。

    Phytic acid and esculetin has been widely used as antioxidant .

  16. 秦皮抗氧化成分的分离及其活性研究

    Study on separation and capability of antioxidant components from Cortex Fraxini

  17. 遗传算法在秦皮提取液混批勾兑中的应用

    Application of genetic algorithm in blending technology for extractions of Cortex Fraxini

  18. 正交试验法优选秦皮香豆素醇提工艺

    Study on Optimum Process for Extracting Coumarin from Cortex fraxini by Orthogonal Test

  19. 目的:对不同地区千金子药材中秦皮乙素的含量进行测定。

    Objective : To determine the contents of the Semen Euphorbiae from different habitats .

  20. 考察了环境因素对秦皮甲素和秦皮乙素荧光光谱的影响。

    Influence of environment conditions on fluorescence spectra of Aesculin and Aesculetin were investigated .

  21. 不同基原秦皮、香豆素单体抗菌作用对比研究

    Comparative Study on Antibacterial Action of Coumarin Monomer and Ash Bark from Different Origins

  22. 秦皮素自身荧光很弱,荧光量子产率为0.016。

    The fluorescence of Fraxetin was very weak , its fluorescence quantum yields was 0.016 .

  23. 秦皮总香豆素对实验性痛风性关节炎及尿酸代谢的影响

    Effect of Total Coumarins of Cortex Fraxini on Acute Gouty Arthritis and Uric Acid Metabolism

  24. 3种秦皮香豆素的毛细管区带电泳快速分析

    Rapid Determination of Fraxin , Esculin and Esculetin in Cortex Fraxini by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis

  25. 偏最小二乘-近红外透射光谱法用于秦皮中多组分测定的研究

    Application of partial least squares method-near infrared transmission spectroscopy in multi-component determination of the cortex fraxinis

  26. 秦皮煎剂毒性虽低,然会有发生呕吐现象。

    Although the toxicity of decoction is low , occasionally it can cause nausea and vomiting .

  27. 目的:探讨秦皮甲素在大鼠各肠段的吸收动力学特征。

    Objective : To investigate the absorption characteristics of aesculin in different intestinal segments of rats .

  28. 不同加工方法对刺五加器官组织中异秦皮啶含量的影响

    Effect of different processing methods on content of isofraxidin in organs and tissues of Acanthopanax senticosus

  29. 结论:秦皮总香豆素对急性痛风性关节炎有一定的止痛效应。

    CONCLUSION : Cortex fraxini total coumarin has somewhat pain relieving effect on acute gouty arthritis .

  30. 结论为正确鉴定秦皮及混淆品提供科学依据。

    Conclusion The scientific basis has been established and provided for differentiation of confusing product and fakements .