
  • 网络qindu
  1. 他在秦都南门放了一根细木杆。

    He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital .

  2. 项羽军队占领了秦都,处死了秦朝最后一个皇帝。

    Xiang Yu 's forces captured the Qin capital and executed the last Qin emperor .

  3. 首先,隋与秦都是凭借强大的武力统一分裂多年的中国,而紧接着完成一系列改革,使经济得以发展。

    Firstly , they all united China by their strong force and then accomplished a series of reforms , which facilitaed the development of economy .

  4. 咸阳以秦都闻名于世,在中国古代都城史上占有重要一席。

    Xianyang is famous for the capital of the Qin dynasty in the world , and occupies an important place in the history of Chinese ancient capitals .

  5. 研究秦都咸阳生态环境的变迁,对秦文化的理解有一定的促进作用。

    The research on the changes of the ecological environment of the capital of the Qin Dynasty is a great improvement on the understanding of the Qin culture .

  6. 刘邦领兵征战两年,最后先于劲敌项羽占领秦都咸阳城,但他在接下来的四年里却一直受到项羽的牵制。

    It took Liu just two years to beat his arch rival Xiang Yu in capturing the capital , but was forced to spend the next four years keeping his rival at bay .

  7. 秦末以来,秦都咸阳地貌演变包括渭河河道北移和咸阳原边坡地貌变化两个方面。

    The landform evolution of Xianyang since the end of Qin Dynasty contains two aspects , the northward moving of the Weihe River bed and the changing of the edge slope of Xianyang tableland .