
  • 网络Qin Law
  1. 秦律研究综述

    A General Survey on the Study of Qin Law

  2. 汉承秦律、汉对秦政批判、法律儒家化等因素,无疑是导致秦律在传世文献中佚失的重要原因。

    The inheritance of Qin Law , the criticism of Qin 's politics , and the Confucianism of law in Han Dynasty are undoubtedly the factors that resulted in the lost of Qin Law in handed-down documents .

  3. 亲属容隐制度非出秦律说

    The Saying that Relatives Shelter Not from Law of Qin Dynasty

  4. 秦律的责任年龄辨析

    A Discussion of the Responsible Age in The Law of Qin Dynasty

  5. 汉代对秦律的因革研究

    A Study on the Han Dynasty 's Inheritance from and Reform in the Qin Dynasty 's Law

  6. 第二部分主要探讨汉律适用原则对秦律的因袭与变革。

    Part two mainly researches the following and the changing of the applicable law principles Han from Qin .

  7. 错过了规定的期限的行为会被认为不守信,在秦律中,这是要被处死的行为。

    Missing a deadline was considered breaking your word , and under Qin rule that meant being put to death .

  8. 我国在公元两千多年前的秦律中就有关于惩治官吏挪用犯罪的规定。

    Even over 2000 years ago , there were provisions about defalcation in the Law of Qin Dynasty in China .

  9. 秦律虽然严酷但却包含人道精神。人道精神和人道主义理论是既相联系文有所区别的。

    Although the laws are very harsh , they also contain the humanitarian spirit which is connected with and different from humanism .

  10. 然而,迄今为止,学者们对其具体标准及确切内涵等问题,尚未取得共识。云梦秦简的律文与传世典籍表明:秦律的责任年龄是身高六尺,相当于十五周岁;

    But the scholars have not reached agreement until now on the exact meaning of the responsible age in the law of Qin dynasty .

  11. 在秦律中,债务奴隶制度虽然被废除了,但却建立起了债务监禁制度,这种做法一直延续到近代。

    In law of Qin dynasty , the debt slaves system was abolished , while a system of imprisonment for debt was established , and this practice has continued to modern times .

  12. 刘邦率领军队在公元前206年率先攻克秦朝首都咸阳,并废除了严酷的秦律,这使得刘邦广受民众爱戴。

    It was his army who first broke into the Qin capital in 206 B.C. and abolished all the harsh laws set by the Qin , which help him won popularity among local people .

  13. 我国几千年来,有关婚姻、家庭的法律经历了一个很长的发展过程在秦朝,秦律已经有了对婚姻、家庭问题的简单规定。

    China for thousands of years , in relation to marital , family law has experienced a long process of development in the Qin Dynasty , Qin Lv has been on marriage , family problems of simple rules .

  14. 第三部分论述了秦律与秦亡的关系,明确指出秦非亡于秦律严苛,实亡于六国民众的法律意识与秦律本身的激烈冲突。

    And this article points out specifically Qing dynasty is not extinct for the harsh Qing dynasty 's law but for the heat conflict between law consciousness of six country 's people and Qing dynasty 's law itself .

  15. 汉初的刑罚原则与秦律所载刑罚原则基本相同,西汉武帝以后在具体的操作细节和适用标准方面有所改变。

    The principle of the early Han is nearly the same to those prescribed in the Codes of Qin Dynasty , but after Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty there were some changes in the concrete operation details and standards of application .

  16. 但与秦律相比,汉律在维护封建家庭伦理,惩治官员犯罪,抑制吏治腐败方面又具有自己的特色。

    But compared with the Codes of the Qin Dynasty , the Codes of Han Dynasty have its own characteristics in the following aspects such as maintaining feudal family ethic , punishing the officials who have committed crimes , restraining corruption in the rule of officials .

  17. 从秦、汉律到唐律的变化看齐儒学对中国刑律的影响

    A Study on the Impact of Confucianism of Qi on Penal Laws of China which Focuses on the Change of Law Codes from Qin and Han until Tang Dynasties