
  • 网络evaluation of science and technology;science and technology evaluation;Scientific evaluation
  1. 科技评价灵敏度分析研究&单个指标与组合指标

    Sensitivity Analysis in Science and Technology Evaluation & Based on Single Indicator and Combined Indicator

  2. 我国电力企业科技评价指标体系构建研究

    Research on Establishing the Index System for the Science and Technology Evaluation of China 's Power Companies

  3. 对SCI在科技评价中作用的认识与思考

    Understanding and Thinking for the Roles of SCI Play in Scientific Evaluation

  4. SCI与我国科技评价的关系探讨

    Correlation between Famous International Literature Retrieval System SCI and Science & Technology Evaluation in China

  5. 科技评价定量指标体系&工程技术项目的事前评价

    On the Quantitative Scientific Evaluation & Pre-evaluation of the Engineering Techniques

  6. 改进科技评价工作促进原始创新研究

    Improve the Sci - tech Evaluation to Promote the Initial Innovation Research

  7. 科技评价指标相关消除方法&相关系数调整法

    A Method to Overcome S T Evaluation Indicators ' Correlation Correlation Ratio Adjustment

  8. 浅论现代科技评价机制

    Study on Evaluating Mechanism of Modern Science and Technology

  9. 学术腐败与科技评价机制

    On Academic Corruption and Its Scientific Evaluation System

  10. 理性对待科技评价;

    Rationally dealing with S & T evaluation .

  11. 科技评价的智能信息处理方法研究

    On Technology Evaluation by Intelligent Information Processing

  12. 完善科技评价体系健全决策咨询机制

    Perfect the appraising system of science and technology , perfect the mechanism of decision and consult

  13. 科技评价已成为许多国家科研管理过程中不可缺少的重要环节和手段。

    ST evaluations have become a very important part and method in many national ST researches managements .

  14. 试析科技评价人员的职能、构成、素质和培养

    Analysis on the Functions , Components , Qualification and Training of Personnel Engaged in S & T Evaluation

  15. 本文以国外围绕转基因技术所进行的公众讨论为例,分析了公众参与科技评价的目的与过程。

    The paper analyzes the object and the process of this kind of technology assessment on the basis of the dispute on the genetically modified technology .

  16. “没有哪个国家有我国这样如此大规模的、频繁的科技评价运动,”中国工程院院士黄尚廉如此批评我国的科技评价制度。

    " No other country gives so many science prizes , so frequently ," said Huang Shanglian , a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering .

  17. 专家反评估是指根据专家参与科技评价活动的情况,来评估专家在科技评价工作中的评审能力和水平。

    Expert anti-assessment means the evaluation of the ability and level of experts in science and technology work , according to the activities they took part in .

  18. 农业科学研究体系应该相伴有一个科技评价体系,培植科学家进取心、毅力和献身精神。

    Accompanied by research system of agricultural sciences , there should be an evaluation system of science and technology that cultivates scientists ' willpower , spirit of enterprise and dedication .

  19. 本文通过对科技评价及其数学背景的复杂性深刻分析,提出以技术机会分析手段代替一般的基于关键词的查新,以提高科技评价的客观性和公正性。

    By the detail analysis to technology evaluation and its non-linear background , a suggestion was made of substitution keyword based innovation check by technology opportunity analysis to increase the objective of an evaluation .

  20. 在科技评价立法、评价程序、评价机构和评价理论与方法等方面国外已形成一套较为完善的系统化、规范化的科技评价体系。

    As for the scientific-technology ( ST ) evaluations legislations , evaluations procedures , evaluations organizations and evaluations theories and methods , etc. , there has been a set of systemic and standard ST evaluations system in foreign countries .

  21. 通过对科技评价现状以及科技项目特殊性的分析,提出现实要求必须选取一个更加客观的标准和评价方法来对科技项目进行评价,并实现对科技项目更加有效的监督和管理。

    Through analysis of the present science and technology evaluation and the particularity of technological project , this paper pointed out that a more objective standard and evaluation method was needed to evaluate science and technology project in order to improve the level of science and technology evaluation .

  22. 通过对日本科技评价制度的历史与评价体系的考察,认为日本的科技评价制度包括机构评价、课题评价和人员评价,其中最有特色的是课题评价制度。

    Through the observation and study of the history of Japan 's evaluation system of scientific and technological achievement and the system itself , the author holds that Japan 's evaluation system includes the institution evaluation , the evaluation of the question for study , and the personnel evaluation ;

  23. 科技成果评价的Fuzzy统计模型研究

    Research on fuzzy statistic model of evaluation of science achievement

  24. 海南省热带农业科技力量评价及SWOT分析

    Evaluation and SWOT Analysis of Tropic Agricultural Science and Technology Power in Hainan Province

  25. DEA方法在工业行业科技发展评价中的应用

    The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in the Evaluation of Industrial Science & Technology Development

  26. 本文基于绿色GDP的理论,为科技进步评价提供了新的思路。

    Based on the theory of Green GDP , for the evaluation of scientific and technological progress provides a new way of thinking .

  27. 本文主要研究科技项目评价指标体系、不同等级评价的样本词库以及基于Web文本挖掘的科技项目模糊评价模型。

    This paper makes a study of the science and technology project evaluation index system , different levels of evaluation sample library , and the fuzzy evaluation model based on Web text mining .

  28. 回顾了我国科技论文评价工作的概况,介绍中国科学数据库CSCD,提出要重视科技期刊的影响因子在科技论文评价中的作用。

    This essay reviews the survey of evaluation in Sci-Tech papers .

  29. 基于B/S模式的武汉市医学科技IDSS评价子系统研制

    Design on the Evaluation Subsystem of Wuhan Medical Science and Technology IDSS Based on B / S Mode

  30. 基于Credal网络的企业科技竞争力评价模型

    The Evaluation of Enterprises ' Competitiveness of Science and Technology Based on Credal Network Method