
kē jì xìn xī shì chǎnɡ
  • scientific and technological information market
  1. 文摘:根据对科技信息在农村市场的必要性和可行性所做的社会调查,本文提出了图书馆信息扶贫兴农的思路。

    Abstract : based on the social investigation for the necessity and feasibility of sci-tech information in rural market , this paper puts forward some ideas of help-the-poor by information .

  2. “从长远来看,农村网民对信息的需求很可能会大于城市网民并且更直接地与物质生产挂钩,”郭良说,“但内容会与城市网民不同,比如科技信息,农产品市场信息等等。”

    " In the long term , there will be a bigger demand in rural areas on information services that directly influence rural production ," Guo said . " This is different from the urban pattern . "