
  • 网络Scientific philosophy;Philosophy Science;The Philosophy of Science
  1. 科学的哲学从元学科的角度认为科学就是元学科,即物理学和数学。

    Scientific Philosophy thinks that Science is meta-discipline , i. e. Physics and Mathematics .

  2. 在近代,休谟对因果概念的批判使科学的哲学如何可能最终成为一个悬而未决的问题。

    In modern times , Hume ′ s critique of the idea of cause effect brought about the question that how the scientific philosophy was possible .

  3. 经济哲学是对经济科学的哲学考察。

    Economic philosophy is a philosophical investigation on the economic science .

  4. 用科学的哲学思想指导科技创新

    Strategic thinking ; Instructing Science and Technology Innovation Scientifically and Philosophically

  5. 关于地球和地球科学的哲学思考

    A Philosophical Thinking : the Globe and the Earth Sciences

  6. 知识经济时代管理科学的哲学初探

    Philosophy of Management Science in the Times of Knowledge-based Economy

  7. 试论社会科学的哲学本质

    A Trial Essay on the Philosophical Nature of Social Science

  8. 论胡塞尔对科学的哲学维护

    On Husserl 's Philosophical Cure for Natural Science

  9. 从现代审美视野看,工程美学应为美学的一个分支,属人文科学的哲学范畴。

    Engineering aesthetics is a branch of aesthetics and belongs to the philosophy of humanities .

  10. 从传统科普到公众理解科学的哲学背景解读

    To Analyze the Base of Philosophy from Popularization of Science to Public Understanding of Science

  11. 马克思找到科学的哲学出发点,是经过了哲学出发点上的几次转变的。

    It is after several changes of philosophical start point that Marx found his scientific philosophical start point .

  12. 实证主义是孔德确立的关于实证科学的哲学体系,被认为与神学、形而上学互不包容。

    Positivism , a philosophy system established by Comte , is regarded not to embrace theology or metaphysics .

  13. 人性是人文社会科学的哲学基础,对法学也不例外。

    Humanity is the philosophic basis of humanity and social science , and the science of law is no exception .

  14. 建立一种类似于科学的哲学是很多哲学家的一种夙愿。文章最后一部分是作为反思而出现的。

    Establish a philosophy being similar to science is a long-cherished wish of many philosophers ' . The last part appears as a reflection .

  15. 马克思坚决地明确地站到新的科学的哲学出发点上来,那就是人的物质活动,就是实践。

    From then on , Marx finally set up his new scientific philosophical start point that is mankind 's material activities , is ' practice ' .

  16. 为了更好地理解工程,需要引入技术解释学,并且把工程科学的哲学溶入技术的形而上学之中。

    To understand engineering better , it is necessary to introduce so-called technological hermeneutics and to put a philosophy of engineering science in metaphysics of technology .

  17. 学科哲学是有关科学的哲学的过度形态,是暂时的,而跨学科(学科域)研究代表了科学哲学发展的新方向。

    Philosophy of discipline is a period of philosophy of science , it is transient . Research of inter-discipline is a new direction of philosophy of science .

  18. 有关科学的哲学,认为从学科群的角度看,科学是以学科的相对独立性为基础的,以学科间的相互联系、相互作用为特征的学科域动态的学科分化和整合过程。

    Philosophy of Science believe that Science is on the basis of independent character of discipline , is depended on the correlation and impact of each other .

  19. 其中,特别强调了对科学的哲学在知识经济社会生产力发展过程中的元动力作用,当前应充分地予以重视。

    It especially emphasizes that enough attention should be paid to the important role , which scientific philosophy , as an impetus , plays in the development of knowledge economy .

  20. 对科学的哲学研究不仅应当涉及科学的形而下层面,而且还应当触及科学的形而上层面,特别是科学的生命。

    A philosophical research into science should not only deal with positive levels of science , but also touch upon metaphysical levels of science , especially the life of science .

  21. 理想和现实的统一,是一个理论和实践相结合的问题,既需要科学的哲学基础,也要有具体的历史实践条件。

    The unification of ideal and reality is a problem of the combination of ideal and reality , which not only depends on the philosophical basis , but also the specific historical conditions .

  22. 体验哲学作为当代认知科学的哲学基础,将人与世界的互动活动&体验作为联系主、客观的桥梁。

    As the philosophical foundation of today 's cognitive science , the " Philosophy in the Flesh " sees man 's experience , the interaction of man and the world as the bridge linking the subjective world with the objective one .

  23. 试论三个代表科学论断的哲学基础

    On the Philosophic Foundation of the Scientific Thesis & Three Representatives

  24. 关于诺贝尔自然科学奖的哲学思考

    The Philosophy Thinking about the Nobel Prize in Natural Science

  25. 科学合理性的哲学分析

    A Philosophical Analysis of the Rationality of Science

  26. 论恩格斯科学问题的哲学解答思想及其现实意义

    On Engles 's Thought of Philosophical Approach to Scientific Problems and Its Realistic Significance

  27. 科学革命的哲学透视

    A Philosophical Perspective of Scientific Revolution SCIENCE

  28. 为人们审视价值问题提供了科学的文化哲学视野。

    It provides the vision of scientific culture philosophy for people to examine value problems .

  29. 摘要西方传统本体论哲学是对近代科学精神的哲学表达。

    The traditional Western ontological philosophy was the Philosophical Expression of the modern scientific essence .

  30. 系统科学中的哲学思想

    Viewpoint of Philosophy on System Sciences