
  • 网络scientific rationalism
  1. 思想界其它许多领域都表达过心理学中科学理性主义的基本含义。

    The basic meaning of scientific rationalism in philosophy was expressed in many other fields of thought .

  2. 自语文独立设科以来,在知识观上一直被西方科学理性主义所绑架。

    Since Chinese became an independent subject , it has been kidnapped by western scientific rationalism over the idea of knowledge .

  3. 论科学理性主义

    System Moral On the Rationalism of Science

  4. 科学理性主义为辩证理性思维提供了认识论基础和自然科学论证。

    Scientific rationalism provides dialectical and rational thinking with a base for theory of knowledge and a proof for natural science .

  5. 在一定程度上,正是这三重冲击使它的现代转型呈现为数千年未有之巨劫奇变:一、科学理性主义和进化史观;

    Those virtually came into a central collision with the core of Chinese painting and made its modern transformation " an unprecedented enormous and strange change in several thousand years " are listed as follows due the historical sequence : 1 , the scientific rationalism and the concept of progress .

  6. 在知识经济时代,管理科学由理性主义管理向人本主义管理转变。

    In the era of knowledge economy , management science changes from rationalism to the humanism .

  7. 在20世纪曾经占统治地位的科学哲学理性主义知识观受到挑战后,如何评价科学知识社会学的相对主义知识观?

    How should we evaluate their relativist view of knowledge after the dominant status of rationalism in the twentieth century was challenged ?

  8. 如何做到科学理性与人文主义的有机结合,对于现代新儒家乃至整个人类文化都是一个富有挑战性的问题。

    How to combine scientific rationalism and humanism is a challenge for modern Neo-Confucianism itself and even whole world culture .

  9. 从经济立场出发看待教育问题,致使现代教育知识属性具有经济理性主义的倾向:盲目崇拜科学,工具理性主义至上,人类生存危机。

    Examining educational questions from the economic stand , the attribute of educational knowledge has the tendency of economic rationalism in modern times .

  10. 从这三个层面的理性涵义来看,美国生产管理仅仅只是注重可计量的手段,执迷于科学-技术理性主义,它把理性的涵义理解的太过狭窄。

    Looking from these three stratification planes of rationality implication , the U.S. production management merely pays attention to the measurement methods , relying on the science-technology rationalism .

  11. 根据马科斯·韦伯对理性的理解,理性共分为三个层面:即科学-技术理性主义、形上学-伦理的理性主义以及实际的理性主义。

    According to Max Weber 's understanding of rationality , rationality can be divided into three stratification planes : the science-technology rationalism , the metaphysics-the ethic rationalism as well as the actual rationalism .

  12. 文学理论这一学科与现代科学、西方理性主义文化有着天然的血缘关系,在今天讨论文学理论的科学性问题必须正视科学自身兼具有效性和有限性的事实。

    Furthermore , literary theory is so closely related to modern science and the western rationalistic culture that the scientific nature of literary theory deserves a proper exploration in perspectives of effectivity and limit .

  13. 重视研究和表现自然的油画艺术对于光线的运用和表现尤为重视,这反映出西方绘画艺术注重科学研究的理性主义精神。

    Oil painting which makes much amount of studying and representing the nature thinks especially highly of use and expression of light . It reflects that the western art values scientific research and rational spirit .

  14. 科学理性中的人文主义追求&美国20世纪课程观演变研究

    Pursuing the Humanism in the Science Rationality & The Evolution of Curriculum Paradigm in the United States in the 20th Century

  15. 实证分析,是求真的科学方法,崇尚理性主义;规范分析,是求善、求美的人文方法,崇尚非理性主义。

    Empirical analysis is the pursuit of true scientific method , advocate of rationalism ; normative analysis is to seek the humanistic approach about good and beauty , advocate of irrationalism .

  16. 波普的科学哲学被称为批判理性主义,而其主要目的是为了批判逻辑经验主义的经验科学哲学,并对整个现代自然科学做出理性主义的回答。

    PoPPer 's Philosophy of Science is known as Critical Rationalism , while its major objective is to criticize the scientific philosophy of Logical Empiricism and to give a rational answer to the whole modern natural science .

  17. 本文从泰勒的科学管理入手,着重探讨了美国生产管理的基本特点:对科学一技术理性主义的偏好,更直率地说,就是对计量手段的挚爱。

    This paper begins from Taylor 's Scientific Management and mainly discusses the essential features of U.S. production management : the preference to the science - technology rationality , frankly speaking , the sincere love to the measurement methods .