
  • 网络Lewis A. Coser;Lewis Coser;L.Coser;Coser;cose
  1. 科塞社会冲突论的历史地位

    On the Historical Position of Coser 's Theory on Social Conflicts

  2. 命题化理论的研究对象、逻辑关系与前提条件&评科塞对社会冲突的研究方法

    The Study Object , Logic and Precondition of Propositional Theory & On Coser 's methods for studying social conflict

  3. 科塞的冲突功能思想及其对我国构建和谐社会的启示

    Conflict function thought which Lewis A.Coser and structuring the enlightenment of the harmonious society to our country

  4. 指出科塞《社会冲突的功能》一书在研究方法上的不足是为了强调建构命题化的理论的一些基本原则。

    This article aims to emphasize the principle of instituting the theory that comprised some propositions through pointing out several shortcomings in Coser 's book The Functions of Social Conflict .

  5. 在16-17世纪,自然法思想盛行,许多自然法学家也提出了情事变更的思想,如科塞济甚至认为情事变更是为整个法律秩序的基本精神所在。

    In the 16th-17th century , the popularity of natural law , many natural Jurists also suggested a change of situation the terms of thought , such as branch Eyzies and even frustration throughout the basic spirit of the legal order .

  6. 科塞社会冲突论是社会冲突理论的重要组成部分之一,其所创立的冲突功能理论不仅丰富了社会冲突理论学派的研究领域,也在众多冲突流派中占据着重要地位。

    Coser social conflict theory is an important part among the whole conflict theory . The theory he created not only enrich the conflict areas of research , but also play an important role . Then , Coser become one of the best famous conflict theorists .

  7. 摘要科塞认为:冲突会造成社会动荡,但是冲突也有积极的社会作用,冲突促成整合与新结构,一定程度的社会冲突有利社会稳定,有助于推动社会发展。

    Lewis A.Coser thinks : the conflict will cause the social turbulence , but the conflict has positive social function , the conflict helps to combine with the new structure , the favorable social stability of social conflict of a certain degree , contributes to promoting the development of society .