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qiū shuānɡ
  • autumn frost;snowy hair;severity;sternness
秋霜 [qiū shuāng]
  • (1) [frost in autumn]∶秋天的霜

  • (2) [white hair]∶比喻白发

  • 何处得秋霜。--唐. 李白《秋浦歌》

  1. 我不愿失去春风、夏雨、秋霜、冬雪的一切记忆,更不会忘掉在人生路上我们絮絮的笑语。

    I am not ready to lose every memory of spring breeze , summer rain , autumn frost , and winter snow , still more unlikely to forget cheerful talks of our life all the way .

  2. 在秋霜晚、有效积温高的年份能发生一代半。

    In the years that the autumn frost came late and high effective cumulative temperature ;

  3. 华府怎么会有唐伯虎的春树秋霜图呢?

    How can we have the'Spring and Autumn'drawn by Tong Pak Fu ?

  4. 其实上次你画春树秋霜图的时候,我就知道你是唐伯虎了。

    In fact , when you draw the picture of Tong , I 've known your identity .