
  • 网络egg;Poultry
  1. 家禽身上发现的污染物,在禽蛋里也会有。

    Contaminants found in poultry will also be found in their eggs

  2. 基于SCP范式的湖北省禽蛋产业组织研究

    Study on Industrial Organization of Eggs Industry in Hubei Based on SCP Model

  3. 基于DSP的禽蛋蛋壳无损检测系统

    Nondestructive Testing Hardware System for Eggshells Base on DSP

  4. HACCP在禽蛋生产中的应用及探讨

    Study on the application of HACCP system in egg production

  5. 抗体通常是从免疫动物血液中获得的,卵黄抗体(IgY)指从免疫禽蛋中提取出的针对特定抗原的抗体。

    Antibodies are usually produced from immunized animal plasma . Egg yolk antibody ( IgY ) against specific antigens are extracted from immunized birds .

  6. 禽蛋在被使用前应清洗干净,而后应洗手。

    Wash eggs before use , and then wash your hands .

  7. 带壳禽蛋,鲜、腌制或煮过的。

    Birds'eggs , in shell , fresh , preserved or cooked .

  8. 利用敲击声音信号进行禽蛋破损检测和模糊识别

    Detection of cracked-shell eggs using acoustic signal and fuzzy recognition

  9. 影响禽蛋孵化率因素研究

    Study on factors affecting the hatchability of the hatching eggs of poultry

  10. 禽蛋检测与分级智能机器人系统的设计

    Design for system of autonomous robot detecting and grading eggs

  11. 4种食品禽蛋中8种生命元素的测定及营养分析

    Determination of 8 Elements in Eggs and the Analysis of there nutrition

  12. 我国禽蛋生产、贸易及国际竞争力研究

    Study on Production , Trade and International Competitiveness of Eggs in China

  13. 实施禽蛋品牌战略,打造名优品牌;

    To put forward brand strategy and develop excellent brands ;

  14. 马铃薯、禽蛋生产具有微弱的比较优势;

    Potatoes and poulty eggs production had weak comparative advantage ;

  15. 基于粗糙集与支持向量机的禽蛋蛋壳无损检测

    Nondestructive Testing of Eggshell Based on Rough Sets and Support Vector Machine

  16. 禽蛋中胆固醇的酶催化分光光度测定法研究

    Catalytic Spectrophotometry with Enzyme for Determination of Cholesterol in Eggs

  17. 禽蛋品质检测一般分外部品质检测和内部品质检测两大部分。

    Egg quality inspection generally included external quality inspection and internal quality inspection .

  18. 禽蛋抗压特性测试机构设计及其系统开发

    Design of Egg Compressive Properties Testing Mechanism and System

  19. 机器视觉技术在禽蛋品质和孵化成活性检测中的应用

    Application of machine vision technique to detecting eggs quality and hatching eggs fertility

  20. 推进集约化经营,提高禽蛋产品质量;

    To advance intensive management and increase egg quality ;

  21. 北京市禽蛋流通效率评价模型及应用

    Evaluation Model of Eggs ' Circulation Efficiency and Its Application in Beijing City

  22. 他把他的主意给凯斯勒明说了,可是禽蛋检验员却充耳不闻。

    He explained his proposal to Kessler , but the egg candler was not listening .

  23. 禽蛋生产聚集在东北、华中和华东地区。

    Egg production is gathered in northeast China , Central China and East China region .

  24. 实施标准化战略,建设禽蛋标准化生产出口基地;

    To implement standardization strategy in egg industry and establish standardized production and export bases ;

  25. 张家口市禽蛋市场政策及作用效果分析

    Analyses on the Policy and its Effects of Egg Market in the City of Zhangjiakou

  26. 城市居民则通过商业企业在当地生产或进口的家禽产品获取禽肉和禽蛋。

    Urban dwellers have access through locally produced or imported poultry products from commercial production .

  27. 禽蛋中三聚氰胺残留高效液相色谱快速检测法

    Rapid Determination of Melamine Residue in Poultry Eggs Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Detection Method

  28. 探索研制以卵白蛋白为基础的新材料,对禽蛋加工及带动产业发展具有一定的价值。

    Exploring of new materials based on ovalbumin is of great significance in egg processing .

  29. 禽蛋质量自动检测方法与实现

    A Detection Method for Egg Quality

  30. 我区乳、肉、禽蛋生产发展现状及其前景

    Present Situation and Prospect of Milk , Meat and Egg Production in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region