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The in situ regeneration of RN-10 hydrofining catalyst by diluent air , and the corrosion prevention measures of the hydrofining unit in Fujian Refinery and Petrochemical Company were introduced .
The capacity of the delayed coker in Fujian Petrochemical company was expanded from 0.4 Mt / a to 0.6 Mt / a with a capital investment of 17 . 18 million yuan .
The radiation chamber of furnace in vacuum distillation unit in Fujian Refining & Chemical Co. , Ltd was installed with complete ceramic fiber refractory lining in April , 1997 . Some of lining at top of chamber spalled after 6 years'operation .
The control strategies , the major controller models , the selection of main variables and the operation of the advanced process control ( APC ) system in the delayed coking unit in Fujian Refining & Chemical Co. , Ltd are presented .
Process calculation and control techniques for the advanced control system in reformer with catalyst semi regeneration in Fujian Petroleum Refining Company were introduced .