
dǎo wén
  • prayer;litany
祷文 [dǎo wén]
  • [litany] 伴有回声或连续吟唱的祷文

  • 作者诵读他对生、死、洪水、水和天空这些捉摸不定的事物的祷文

祷文[dǎo wén]
  1. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

    The priest intoned the final prayer .

  2. 在这一章,我以一篇祷文作结。

    But I end this chapter on amends with a prayer .

  3. 一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。

    A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book .

  4. 我们继续将所有这些伤员和努力恢复的故事珍藏于心、记录于祷文中。这其中包括同样身负重伤的MattMika。

    We continue to hold all of those wounded and fighting for recovery in our hearts and prayers , including Matt Mika , who was also badly wounded .

  5. 她吟诵治疗用的祷文,我的嘴唇也开始能随之开合,并在结束时说出无声的“阿敏”(Amin,穆斯林的“阿门”。)。

    She said healing prayers and I started moving my lips to some of them and mouthing ' Amin ' ( our word for ' amen ' ) at the end .

  6. 早在19世纪中期,JohnHughlingsJackson就注意到,有些不能构建新话语的失语症患者却能流利地背诵韵文、祷文和日常寒暄语。

    As far back as in the middle of the 19th century , John Hughlings Jackson noticed that some aphasics who could not produce novel utterances were nonetheless able to recite , in a fluent manner , rhymes , prayers and routine greetings .

  7. 不过我不会为这个完全陌生的人念祷文的!

    But I will not read services over a total stranger !

  8. 那小男孩匆匆念过祷文就跳上了床。

    The little boy gabble his prayers and jump into bed .

  9. 今天,我们将会从预言的角度来看这句祷文的意思。

    Today we look at it from another perspective-the prophetic aspect .

  10. 无论她到哪里,她都带着一本祷文书。

    She carries a prayer book with her wherever she goes .

  11. 很快这里会充满悲伤的鲜花和祷文。

    Soon there 'll be flowers and prayers that are sad .

  12. 就是开头那本,里面有祷文。

    The one from the beginning with the prayer in it .

  13. 她睡觉前总安念祷文。

    She always says her prayers before she goes to sleep .

  14. 我上学时每天早晨都念祷文。

    When I was at school we had prayers every morning .

  15. 她每晚就寝前念祷文。

    She say her prayers every night before she go to bed .

  16. 主祷文我们在天上的父,愿人都尊父的名为圣。

    Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name .

  17. 这些祷文是专为患癌症的人写的。

    These prayers have been written specially for people suffering from cancer .

  18. 现在我们来念主祷文。

    We will now say the lord 's prayer .

  19. 背诵主祷文,要用俄语,霍恩伯格督学命令道。

    Recite the Lord 's Prayer - in Russian , Inspector Hornberg ordered .

  20. 用作诵读祷文的台桌。

    A desk at which the litany is recited .

  21. 基地的每位官兵每天都会收到一篇电邮祷文。

    Everyone on the base would receive a prayer through a daily email .

  22. 牧师再也没有用那篇祷文。

    The Padre never used that prayer again .

  23. 祷文首先提醒我们,我们是向一位慈爱的父神祷告。

    It begins by reminding us that we are dealing with a loving Father .

  24. 尤用於祷文中的祈使句

    To look out . Often used in the imperative . esp imperative in prayers

  25. ??小小的格尔达念着《主祷文》。

    Little Gerda repeated the Lord 's Prayer .

  26. 很快这里将有蜡烛和祷文。

    Soon there 'll be candles and prayers .

  27. 他们站起来吟诵下午祷文。

    They stood and intoned their afternoon prayers .

  28. 政客们在电视演播室里朗诵祷文。

    Politicians recite their liturgies in TV studios .

  29. 月之女祭司低声诵读着祷文,唤起来自月亮女神艾露恩的力量。

    Priests whisper prayers to evoke power from beings such as Elune the Moon Goddess .

  30. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

    The priest intones the final prayer .
