
  1. 景海鹏在前两次太空飞行对接任务中也担任了任务指令长,这能为他提供帮助“神舟十一号”与“天宫二号”对接所需的经验。

    The mission 's commander was also part of docking missions on both his previous space flights , giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou 11 with Tiangong 2 .

  2. 她表示,筹备工作进展顺利。此外她还表示,神舟十一号与天宫二号任务的成功已经表明,中国现在完全能够支持航天员在太空中长时间停留。

    The preparatory work is proceeding well , she said , adding that the success of the Shenzhou XI-Tiangong II mission has shown that China is now able to support astronauts ' long-term stay in space .