
  • 网络neuromyotonia
  1. 放疗后发生的咬肌神经性肌强直(法国)

    Post-irradiation neuromyotonia of the masseter muscle ( Fren )

  2. 获得性神经性肌强直自发放电的起源:一项巨大EMG研究

    The origin of spontaneous discharges in acquired neuromyotonia . A Macro EMG study

  3. 神经性肌强直和边缘性脑炎患者血清中成熟的Shaker型K~+通道:与临床表现特异相关的亚单位

    Neuromyotonia and limbic encephalitis sera target mature Shaker-type K ~ + channels : Subunit specificity correlates with clinical manifestations

  4. 用透镜测量人眼的屈光度和视力眼神经性肌强直

    Determination of the eye dioptric strenght and vision by using lenses

  5. 眼神经性肌强直正交函数法测定新福林滴眼液

    Determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride eye drops by orthogonal function spectrophotometric method

  6. 通过检查单眼眨眼诊断前庭平衡失调眼神经性肌强直

    Diagnosis of vestibular imbalance in the blink of an eye

  7. 观察了该滴眼液的稳定性和刺激性。双氯芬酸胆碱滴眼剂的稳定性和刺激性眼神经性肌强直

    Study on the trill and stability of diclofenac acid-choline eyedrops

  8. 眼神经性肌强直长期配戴义眼患者眼睑畸形的矫正

    Plastic surgeries for lid abnormity due to long-term wearing of artificial eye

  9. 实时眼动仪系统眼神经性肌强直

    A Real Time Eye Movement Measuring System

  10. 糖尿病视网膜病眼内后部玻璃体切割术眼神经性肌强直

    Posterior vitrectomy in eyes with diabetic retinopathy

  11. 人眼模型及其运动控制眼神经性肌强直

    Model of Eyes and Movement Control

  12. 上述改变可能与肺癌有关,提示患者神经系统IgG介导的自身免疫异常在神经性肌强直的发病机理中起重要作用。

    Conclusion The presence of oligoclonal bands and increased concentration of IgG in her spinal fluid suggests that a IgG antibodies mediated autoimmunity may play an important role in this patient 's pathogenesis of acquired neuromyotonia and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome associated with lung cancer .