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  1. 从《祖堂集》问句看中古语法对其影响

    The Influence of the Grammar in Middle Ages Chinese on the Interrogative Sentence in Zu Tang Ji

  2. 《祖堂集》与唐五代前佛典特式判断句比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Predicative Sentences with Particular Forms in Zu Tang Ji and Buddhist Texts before the Tang and the Five Dynasties

  3. 《祖堂集》副词无论是从数量上看,还是从包括的类型上看,都是一个相对完整的系统。

    The adverbs in Zu Tang Ji is a relatively complete system , either from the quantity or from including types on look .

  4. 该文对《祖堂集》的附加式构词法进行了详细考察,揭示了现代汉语附加式构词法由双音节化向多音节化发展的历史走向。

    The paper analyzes the additional morphology in " Zutangji " and shows the developing direction in additional morphology of the Chinese language .

  5. 中古时期出现的某些语法现象在《祖堂集》中使用,其地域方言特征可能受时间先后层次、当时通语等因素的制约。

    Some grammatical features of the dialect in Zu Tang Ji are restricted by some factors like chronological development or the popular language of that time and so on .

  6. 引言,先简介《祖堂集》及唐宋时期有代表性的禅宗文献,然后简述本文的研究意义、目的以及方法。

    It began with the introduction by reviewing represented Zen literatures in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty , and briefing the significance , purpose and research methods of this study .

  7. 在此基础上采用定量统计、定性分析的方法对《祖堂集》副词的意义和用法进行描写分析、比较研究。

    On the basis of quantitative statistics and qualitative analysis method , we will describe , analysis , compare and research the meaning and usage of adverbs in Zu Tang Ji .

  8. 文字方面,本文整理了《祖堂集》的全部单字,分析了其用字状况,重点考释了一些颇为生僻的难字。

    In the aspect of character , this paper collates all single words of Zu Tang Ji , analyzes the status of Lexica , mainly gives textual research of some especially remote glossary .

  9. 语法方面,本文穷尽地考察并统计分析了《祖堂集》全书指示代词,探讨了《祖堂集》指示代词的用法及其他相关问题。

    In the aspect of grammar , this paper exhaustively investigates and gives a statistic analysis of demonstrative pronouns , discusses the usages and other relevant problems of demonstrative pronouns in Zu Tang Ji .

  10. 在第五章小结部分归纳了《祖堂集》中时间词语的特点:一是时间词语数量多,二是以双音节形式为主,三是有些时间词语带有禅宗行业色彩。

    Chapter five sums up the characteristics of time words in Zutangji : first , there is a large amount of time words ; second , the main form is disyllable ; third , some time words have a flavor of Zen .