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  • sulfa drug
  1. 1例口服磺胺药及静脉输注先锋霉素引起急性肾衰竭病人的护理

    Nursing of a case of acute renal failure caused by peros sulfa drug and cephalosporin intravenously drip

  2. 许多国家已经规定磺胺药在人类食用组织中的残留限量为0.1mg/kg。

    Some countries have established total sulphonamides tolerance limit in tissues for human consumption at 0.1mg/kg .

  3. 还有人吃了磺胺药后,出现皮疹反应。

    Some people develop skin rashes when they take sulfas .

  4. 磺胺药的实验及临床研究

    Sulfonamides , laboratory and clinical investigations

  5. 肾功能障碍时,磺胺药排泄延缓,应慎用。

    It must be cautiously used for animals with renal dysfunction because of delay of sulfanilamide excretion .

  6. 非甾醇类抗炎药物、磺胺药、血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂等老药也在血管形成中扮演新角色;

    The role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , sulfonamides and angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors in tumor angiogenesis ;

  7. 美国、欧盟、日本等国家包括我国都对磺胺药的使用做了严格的规定。

    Many countries , such as America , European United , Japan and China included , have formulated strict regulations for the use of SM .

  8. 硫的有机化合物包括数种含硫氨基酸、磺胺药以及多种除虫剂、溶剂,以及用于制造橡胶和合成纤维等的许多原料。

    Organic compounds with sulfur include several amino acids , the sulfa drugs , and many insecticides , solvents , and substances used in making rubber and rayon .

  9. 磺胺类药分子印迹聚合物的合成及其识别性能的研究

    Synthesis and Recognition Property Study of Sulfa-drugs Molecularly Imprinted Polymer

  10. 磺胺类药过敏病人也对氢氯噻嗪过敏,因为这两种药物化学结构类似。

    Patients allergic to sulfa may also be allergic to hydrochlorothiazide because of a similarity in the chemical structure of the medications .

  11. 结论:1.地衣芽孢杆菌对DSS诱导的小鼠急性溃疡性结肠炎有治疗作用,且与柳氮磺胺吡啶联合给药时治疗作用更明显。

    Bnfillus licheniformis has been therapeutical effect to DSS-induced acute ulcerative colitis in mice , and there was more effective when the administration of it combined with SASP . 2 .

  12. 高原环境血气改变对复方磺胺甲恶唑片药动学影响

    Effects of Blood Gas Changes on the Pharmacokinetics of Compound Sulfamethoxazole in Healthy Male Volunteers Exposured to High Altitude

  13. 口服利尿药的研究Ⅲ.几种磺胺类口服利尿药的体内转运特点及其与利尿作用的关系

    Studies on oral diuretics ⅲ . characteristics of the dispositions of some sulfonamide diuretics and their relationships to diuretic actions

  14. 并成功地将传感器用于磺胺类药物、人尿液中磺胺类抗菌药残留的检测。

    And the new sensors were successfully used for the determination of sulfadiazine in drug and urine samples .

  15. 磺胺甲嗯唑为中效磺胺类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,临床常用于急慢性尿路感染、脑膜炎、呼吸道感染等的预防和治疗。

    Sulfamethoxazole is an antibacterial sulfonamide which is primarily used to treat a variety of bacterial infections such as acute and chronic urinary tract infections , meningitis , respiratory infections . Sulfamethoxazole is widely used as prophylactic treatment for respiratory infection associated with high altitude .

  16. 同样若磺胺类西药与山楂、乌梅等酸性中药合用,可加重磺胺药引起的尿结晶而损害肾脏。

    Similarly , if sulfa medicine and hawthorn , ebony and other acidic combination of Chinese medicine can increase the crystallization of sulfa drugs which caused damage to the kidneys in urine .

  17. 关于各磺胺类药物残留免疫法检测的研究已有较多报道,但关于磺胺类药多残留(multi-residues)检测的研究才刚刚起步,而且在理论和实践中有许多问题需要解决。

    But the research on the multi-residues in veterinary drug is just beginning , and there are many question eager to solve both in theory and practice .