- 名carbide tool

Additionally , the friction and wear performance of Inconel 718 / carbide tool are also researched .
Quality Control of CVD Coating Carbide Tool in High-accuracy Cutting
Development and Study of CAD System for Solid Carbide Cutting Tools
Effects of C-ion Implantation on Properties of TiN Coatings on Carbide Tools
Recognize chip shapes of carbide cemented tool using RBF neural network
Wear and Fracture Study of TiN Coated Carbide Tool for Austenitic Manganese Steel Cutting
Characteristics of wear resistance and fracture of CVD coated carbide tools
Investigate of mechanics and Cutting performance of Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools with TiN based Composite Coatings
Matching Study on WC-carbide Tools with Typical Normal Workpiece Materials Based on Thermo-dynamics
Diamond coated cutting tools are prepared by depositing a diamond thin film on cemented carbide substrate with Chemical Vapor Deposition ( CVD ) method .
The cemented carbide tool coated with diamond film is one of the important application of CVD diamond film .
The experimental tool materials for the steel cutting included compound SiC , compound Si_ 3N_ 4 and TiN coated carbide .
Currently , the main surface strengthens treatment technology for the carbide tool is depositing TiN , TiC and other coats by Chemical Vapor Deposition .
The results of experiments indicate that nano cemented carbide cutting tools can improve cutting performance , increase breakage resistance and prolong cutting life due to the fine grain size .
Compared with uncoated carbide cutting tools , the polycrystalline diamond ( PCD ) cutting tools can have higher cutting speed and have longer tool life .
Designing proper interlayers between diamond coatings and cemented carbide cutting tools may be the most prospective ways to improve the adhesion of CVD diamond coatings .
The Study on Electropolishing of WC - Co Cemented Carbide
Machining tests were carried out on an NC lathe using K10 carbide tools without a cutting fluid . Conceptual nc Movement Multi solution Configuration Based on Nurbs
However , poor adhesion of diamond coatings to cemented carbide cutting tools is one enormous technological obstacle to the wildly commercial applications of the diamond coated tool inserts .
The cutting surface quality of the squeeze casting ZA22 / Al 2O 3 composites was researched with a hard metal alloy cutter .
A Survey on Coating Tools for Metal Cutting Experimental Investigation on Contrasting Cutting Forces of Coated-PVD Cemented Carbides Inserts with Non-Coated Cemented Carbides Inserts
The results show that the wear resistant of the TiN coated tool is better than that of a single one . The TiN tool is appropriate for low speed cutting ( v < 30m / min ) .
The diamond film was deposited on WC-6 % Co ( mass fraction ) cemented carbide by DC arc discharged plasma chemical vapor deposition .
Research on Tool Wear in Machining Cast Iron MT-4 Using Carbide Tool
Cutting tools coated with CVD diamond thin films have wide application potential in the cutting and machining of hard-to-cut non-ferrous materials such as titanium alloy , silicon-content aluminum alloys , nonferrous metals , ceramics and composite material .
When cutting aluminum alloy material , hard metal cutters ' wear life is about only 5 % of PCD cutters ', and cutting speed of PCD cutters is about three times as that of hard metal cutters .
As an application , machining of 45 # steel at 200 HB hardness using uncoated carbide tooling was investigated .
The friction and wear performance of AISI H13 / cemented carbide are studied . The worn surface morphology of cemented carbide is inerratic , and the attrition wear , adhesion wear and oxidative wear are found in the cemented carbide surface .
Results show that in machining normalized medium carbon steel , gray cast iron , quenched steel and stainless steel cermets cutters with nano-TiN modifications definitely exhibit better cutting properties and longer tool life in comparison with cemented carbide cutters ( YT15 and YG8 ) and conventional cermets cutter .
Research into Spreading-wear Mechanism When Hard-alloy Cutter Cuts Thin Aluminum Alloy