
  • 网络nitrate reduction
  1. B反应、无机N源利用、柠檬酸盐利用呈阳性,硝酸盐还原试验大多呈阳性;

    B reaction , inorganic nitrogen sources utilization and citrate utilization , the results were positive . Nitrate reduction experiment presented positive largely .

  2. 方法用Geriss硝酸盐还原法测定几种先天性心脏病患儿和正常对照组的NO水平。

    Methods The effects of NO in several kinds of congenital heart disease were examined by Geriss nitrate reduction method .

  3. 抗氧化剂异VC钠有一定的阻止硝酸盐还原成亚硝酸盐的作用,而苯甲酸钠无此作用。

    VC - Na antioxidant could prevent the reduction from nitrate to nitrite in some exten , but sodium benzoate could not .

  4. 方法:对临床分离的85株棒状杆菌首选葡萄糖OF和硝酸盐还原两个试验将该属细菌初步分为4组,再用API方法鉴定到种。

    Methods : 85 strains of Corynebacterium spp from clinical specimens were divided into 4 groups by the glucose fermentation test and the nitrate reduced test .

  5. 非硝酸盐还原细菌K18降低TSNA机理的初步研究

    Mechanism of Non-nitrate Reduction Endophytic Bacteria K18 on TSNA Reduction

  6. 在适宜的电流密度和适当的处理时间下,对硝酸盐还原菌、铁细菌的杀菌率可以达到99%以上,并初步证实,微电解时水体中产生的·OH自由基是主要的杀菌因子。

    The result demonstrated that nitrate reducing bacteria and ferro bacteria were killed effectively by the micro electrolyser , the lethal efficiency could be 99 % at proper current density and treatment time . The hydroxyl radical produced by the micro electrolyser in water was the main lethal factor .

  7. JF-10为革兰氏阴性菌,杆状,有运动性,葡萄糖发酵产酸,氧化酶阳性,过氧化氢酶阳性,硝酸盐还原阳性,具有典型假单胞菌属的鉴定特征。

    JF-10 was Gram negtive , rod , motive , use glucose to produce acid , oxidizing enzyme positive , catalase positive , nitrate deoxidization positive , therefore , it was identified as pseudomonas sp. .

  8. 真菌异化硝酸盐还原机理的研究进展

    Study Progress on the Mechanism of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction in Fungi

  9. 噬菌体硝酸盐还原实验方法的建立与评估

    Establishment and Evaluation of Nitrate Reductase Combined with Mycobacteriophage Assay

  10. 硝酸盐还原条件下不同碳源对萘生物降解特性的影响

    Effects of Different Carbon Sources on the Biodegradation of Naphthalene under Nitrate-Reducing Conditions

  11. 串珠镰孢霉硝酸盐还原途径酶的遗传研究

    Genetics of enzymes related to the pathway of nitrate reductase in Fusarium moniliforme

  12. 苯系化合物在硝酸盐还原条件下的生物降解性能

    Biodegradation of Benzene Series Compounds Under Nitrate Reducing Conditions

  13. 能水解淀粉,硝酸盐还原实验阳性,产生硫化氢,能使牛奶冻化;

    Starch hydrolysis , nitrate reduction , milk peptonization and H2S production were positive .

  14. 利用硝酸盐还原菌处理甲醇废水的研究

    Study on Methanol Wastewater Treatment with Denitrifying Bacteria

  15. 结果表明,在富集培养和转移培养微环境中,苯和甲苯的降解与硝酸盐还原作用同时发生。

    The results indicate that benzene and toluene degradation occurred concomitantly with nitrate reduction in enrichment and transfer cultures .

  16. 真菌异化硝酸盐还原途径的发现打破了反硝化仅存在于原核细胞这一传统观念。

    Dissimilatory nitrate reduction in fungi includes denitrification and ammonia fermentation , which occurs under the conditions of limited aeration .

  17. 因此认为硝酸盐还原在叶片和根系中可能存在不同的酶调控机制。

    It is suggested that the enzyme system regulating nitrate reduction in leaf may be different from those in root .

  18. 方法:用锌粒作还原剂,在银离子催化下将食品中的硝酸盐还原成亚硝酸盐,然后按亚硝酸盐的测定方法测定。

    Method : The nitrate in food was reduced into nitrite by the zine particle with the Ag + as the catalyst .

  19. 毛蚶养殖区底泥中检测到了过高的硝酸盐还原菌,说明了说明贝类养殖环境中硝酸盐的浓度较高。

    In hairy clam breeding area the high nitrate-reducing bacteria in sediment is detected , shows that the sediment has high levels of nitrate .

  20. 不利用糖类,不能在6.5%NaCl培养基中生长,尿素酶和硝酸盐还原试验均呈阳性,能凝集豚鼠和其他动物红血球。

    Tests of the growing in 6 5 % NaCl medium and utilization of sugar were negative , whereas the nitrite reduction and urease were positive .

  21. 首次提出细胞核基因和细胞质基因共同调控硝酸盐还原途径酶的假说。

    It is the first time to propose the hypothesis thatJ ~ j ~ nuclear gene and cytogene co-control the enzymes related to nitrate utilization pathway .

  22. 该菌株能利用绝大部分的碳源、能分解纤维素、使硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐,能水解淀粉,不能液化明胶。

    The strain could use most of the carbon source , decompose cellulose , made nitrate reduction nitrite , could hydrolyze starch , but did not gelatin liquefaction .

  23. 结果表明:(1)渗滤液主要污染物在黄土层渗漏过程中的分布规律为:产甲烷带铁还原带硝酸盐还原带。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) The major pollutants of leachate were distributed in the methanogenesis , and then in the iron and nitrate reduction zone .

  24. 窖泥微生态系统是由厌氧异养菌、甲烷菌、己酸菌、乳酸菌、硫酸盐还原菌和硝酸盐还原菌等多种微生物组成的微生物共生群落系统。

    Microflora in pit mud is composed of multiple microbes including anaerobe , methane bacteria , hexoic acid bacteria , lactic acid bacteria , sulfate reducing bacteria and nitrate reducing bacteria etc.

  25. 利用好氧生物转盘进行了生物膜脱氨的试验,测定了生物膜内硫酸盐还原与硝酸盐还原及DO之间的关系。

    In the experiment , aerobic rotating biological contactor was used for ammonia removal , and the relationship among sulfate reduction , nitrate reduction , and dissolved oxygen in biofilm was measured .

  26. 弧菌数和硝酸盐还原菌数在养殖中、后期增长速度高于其他种类,在总菌中所占比例增大;

    The numbers of Vibrio and nitrate reducing bacteria increased with higher rates than those of other bacteria groups , consequently their percent in total bacteria increased at late stage of culturing ;

  27. 根据真菌培养的形态学特征和糖发酵、糖同化及硝酸盐还原试验,分离鉴定出镰刀菌属14例,念珠菌属14例,曲霉菌属9例,其他5例。

    Following procedures in morphology , sugar fermentation , sugar assimilation and nitrate reduction tests were used to isolate and identify 14 cases of Fusarium , 14 cases of Candida , 9 cases of Aspergillus and 5 other cases .

  28. 从上述标准法未检出而本法判定为阳性的样品培养液中,分离可疑菌,经乳糖发酵、氧化酶和硝酸盐还原试验以及API20E鉴定,证明95.1%为大肠菌群。

    After the cultures of the higher suspected parts were tested again with the lactose fermentation , and oxidase and reducing nitrate test together with the ApI-20E test . The results showed that the coliforms percentage tested are 95.1 % .

  29. 这两类细菌在反应器中起到同步脱氮和脱硫的功能,是反应器中最重要的功能菌群,它们在厌氧条件下,以硫化物为电子供体将硝酸盐还原为氧化亚氮或氮气。

    They reduced sulfate and nitrate simultaneously in the bioreactor , which were the most important function bacteria . They were heterotrophic in anaerobic condition , and utilized sulfide as electron donator , and the nitrate was deoxidized to nitrenes and nitrogen .

  30. 发酵初期,细菌的大量繁殖使硝酸盐还原为亚硝酸盐,促使亚硝峰的形成;发酵末期,乳酸菌的降解作用使亚硝酸盐含量减少。

    In the initial stage of fermentation , bacteria blooms make the reduction of nitrate to nitrite , which cause the appearance of the nitrite peak . In the fermentation stage , the lactic acid bacteria degradation reduce the content of nitrite .