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  • sulfur cycle
  1. 描述了下水道中的生物硫循环,提出抑制其中H2S气体释放的经验模型及具体措施。

    Also , this article depicts the sulfur cycle in sewer , explains the kinetic model of the hydrogen sulfide formation and recommends some measures for inhibition .

  2. 人类对硫循环的影响一直是很可观的。

    Man 's effect on the sulfur cycle has been considerable .

  3. SRB是深海环境中碳、硫循环的主要驱动者,是深海生态系统的重要组成部分。

    SRB are the major pulse driver of the carbon and sulfur cycles in deep-sea and play an important role in the deep-sea ecosystem .

  4. 本文对热化学制氢流程及其评价标准进行了综述,重点介绍了碘硫循环、UT3循环和Westinghouse循环等先进流程的研究进展。

    Thermochemical processes developed and the criteria of evaluation are discussed and reviewed . The emphasis is on the most promising processes , including iodine-sulfur ( IS ) process , UT-3 process and Westinghouse process .

  5. 海岸盐沼湿地土壤硫循环中的微生物及其作用

    Microbes and their functions in sulfur cycle of coastal salt marsh sediments

  6. 洱海沉积物硫循环相关微生物群落结构

    Microbial community composition of sulfur cycle in Lake Erhai SEDI-MENTS

  7. 污水管道中硫循环三阶段模型研究综述

    Review on the Three-Stage Models of Sulfur Cycle in Sewers

  8. 硫循环的酶促反应机制及湖泊环境效应

    Enzymic mechanism of sulfur cycling and lake environmental effects

  9. 生物质能源化利用与硫循环

    The utilization of the biomass for energy and the cycle of the sulfur

  10. 厌氧/好氧工艺中硫循环对聚磷菌除磷功能影响的试验研究

    Research on the interactions between sulfur cycle and PAOs in anaerobic / oxic process

  11. 土壤硫循环对重金属有效性及微生物群落结构的影响

    Effects of Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycle on Bioavailability of Heavy Metals and Microbe Community Structure

  12. 深入了解土壤硫循环对重金属形态转化的影响,揭示不同形态硫化物、微生物和植物对重金属有效性和植物吸收累积的机理,并开发出高效的联合修复技术,对于重金属的修复研究具有重要意义。

    Knowledge of how heavy elements affected by sulfides and element sulfur , is an important factor in understanding their biogeochemical cycling in soil and high efficient combined bioremediation technology for soil metal pollution .

  13. 研究结果表明,碘硫循环和高温电解的预期效率均可达到50%以上,显著高于从热到电再到氢的转换效率。

    Results show that the estimated hydrogen production efficiencies of IS cycle and HTST are both above 50 % , which is remarkably higher than the overall conversion efficiency from heat to electricity and to hydrogen .

  14. 微生物催化铁锰离子及其氧化物的循环转化主导着水-矿-微生物系统中的金属循环,还与碳、氮、磷、硫循环过程耦合。

    The metals recycling in the water-mineral-microbe system is controlled by the recycling and conversion of the iron and manganese ions and oxides under the microbes catalysing , and is coupled with the recycling process of carbon , nitrogen , phosphate and sulfur . in water of P.R.

  15. 本文研究了最接近工业化阶段的热化学循环&硫碘循环(SI循环)中的Bunsen反应和碘化氢分解反应。

    Bunsen reaction and hydrogen iodide decomposition in IS ( iodine-sulfur ) cycle , the most industrialized thermochemical cycle was studied .

  16. 中国边缘海典型海域沉积物早期成岩过程中硫的循环

    Sulfur Cycle in Sediments of the Chinese Marginal Seas during Early Diagenesis

  17. 微生物群落是微食物环的重要组分,在自然水体的碳、氮、磷和硫的循环中具有重要的作用。

    Bacteria community plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems .

  18. 生态环境中铁、锰、硫的循环与微生物的关系

    The Relation of Iron , Manganese and Sulfuric 's Circulation and Microorganism in the Ecological Environment

  19. 该文介绍了国外烧高硫石油焦循环床锅炉的发展及我国设计的75t/h烧高硫石油焦循环流化床锅炉的炉型及设计特点。

    This paper describes the development of circulating fluidized bed boiler of burning high sulphur content petroleum coke abroad and 75t / h circulating fluidized bed boiler designed by the National Laboratory of Coal Combustion , Huazhong University of Science and Technology for burning high sulphur content petroleum coke .

  20. 云硫集团贯彻循环经济理论的初步尝试

    Preliminary try of circulation economy theory is carried in Yunfu Pyrite Enterprise Group Corporation

  21. 磷石膏制酸联产水泥工艺过程不仅消除了磷石膏的环境污染问题,而且实现了硫资源的循环利用。

    The process for sulfuric acid and cements based on phosphogypsum can not only eliminate environment pollution , but also achieve the circulating utilization of sulfur resource .

  22. 这些结果表明该海区沉积物中由微生物参与的硫和甲烷循环比较活跃,而且其中可能存在多种新的代谢途径。

    These results indicated that the microbial metabolisms , which may include some new metabolic pathway , were active in the S and CH4 cycles in deep sediment of " warm pool " .

  23. 研究结果表明,三种介孔碳基体均可以有效抑制多硫化锂中间产物的溶解流失,从而使复合硫电极在循环过程中表现出高达99%的充放电库伦效率。

    The results showed that all three S / C composite electrods exhibit a superhigh coulombic efficiency of ~ 99 % , indicating that the mesoporous carbons as prepared in this work could effectively suppress the dissolution loss of the polysulfide intermediates .

  24. 湖泊沉积物中硫的地球化学循环机制研究

    The Study of Sulfur Geochemical Cycle Mechanisms in Lake Sediments

  25. 高硫石油焦在循环流化床锅炉中燃烧应用

    Application of High Sulphur Content Petroleum Coke Burned in Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  26. 珠江口红树林硫的累积和循环研究

    Study on Sulphur Accumulation and Cycling in Mangrove Forest in Pear River Mouth

  27. 本文通过实验分析了循环水中含有硫氰酸钠对循环水腐蚀性的影响。

    The paper discussed the affect of NaSCN to the corrosion of recycle cooling water .

  28. 胶东金矿集区硫和碳的循环与控矿作用

    Circulation and ore controlling mechanism of sulfur and carbon in gold deposit accumulation region of eastern Shandong

  29. 这是首次报道中国内陆地区气溶胶中的MSA,这一新发现会引起对北京等陆地城市的硫平衡直至全球硫循环机制的再探究。

    This was the first report of MSA in aerosols collected in an inland site in China , which would lead to the further study on the balance of sulfur in inland cities and its global biogeochemical cycle .

  30. 第1部分阐述了已熟知的自然硫源?海洋硫循环的了解。

    The well-understood natural sulfur cycle in relation to oceanic environment , the well-known natural reservoir , is described in section 1 .