- morphology of ore body

3D Ore Deposit Simulation and Mineral Resources Assessment Based on GIS
This GIS-based 3D ore-deposit model is the key to the mineral resource quantitative predication .
Such conclusions have been drawn as followings : ( 1 ) The method of 3D MAX software proves to be very simple and easy and available for mine management , design and production .
The shapes and the rich-thick positions of ore bodies are controlled by the crossing positions of dense small concealed faults nearly EW with the concealed faults of NNW direction .
Study On Spatial Data Interpolation Algorithms and the Simulation of Orebody Shape
The habit varies from district to district .
The shape of orebodies is complex , and folds are dominant ore-controlling and host structures .
Because of complicated causes of formation , the shape of metal ore is mostly irregular .
The empty space caused by the movement of the brittle fault controlled the orebody 's morphology and attitude .
The ore deposit is 1.1km ~ 2 in area , complex in shape and irregularly contacted with the host rocks .
Orebodies take stratoid and lensoid forms , with their dip and strike consistent with the attitude of the wall rocks .
But in two different types of unconformable contact the shape of ore body and the place of mineral deposits are different .
And by doing the geological explanation , to primarily discuss the spatial changing shapes of the deposit and its affecting factors .
The purpose of geological exploration is to acquire mineral shape , occurrence , cover depth , reserves and host rocks property through the sample of rock and water .
Through dealing with feature of manganese_bearing rocks , scale and shape of ore and ore quantity , this manganese deposit should be classified to carbonate manganese deposit of shallow_marine sedimentary .
The geological characteristics of Bauxite in Xiaoyi were analyzed , the origins of bauxite in Xiaoyi were described by studying the seam layer and the rock structure and the ore morphology .
Many types are divided according to the ore-forming element assemblage and ore species , and subtypes are distinguished according to the shape of orebody and the comformity relation between orebody and the ore-hosting strata .
The primary tin deposit in western Nanling is divided into six main types on the base of the analysis of metallogenic characteristics including metallogenic structure type , host rock feature and the difference of orebody shape .
Ore bodies are diverse , both the output layer of bedding , bedded , lenticular ore bodies , but also cut through the layers of the vein like , tube shaped , irregular shaped ore bodies , etc. .
This article analyses the ore-forming and ore-controlling structures and the orebody shape . The research demonstrated that , the ore-forming and ore-controlling structures is a ductile shear zone , the orebody shape mainly control by characteristic of the ductile shear zone . 4 .
The deposit is of large scale , high grade and many variety , with a complicated ore body morphology and a clear vertical mineralization belt , so it can be regarded as a typical deposit for searching the others of the same type .
The ore-forming components , shape of ore bodies and scale of deposits are controlled by the regional geophysical and geochemical conditions , the source of metallogenic material , the transporting distance of ore-bearing hydrothermal fluid and the displace of late rock mass . 4 .
This paper studies the deposit ′ s geological characteristics such as the shape of silver ore body , ore composition , texture and structure , ore forming physical and chemical condition , existing forms of silver in the ore , and magmatism at the mine area .
Ore distributed shape was deduced by the apparent resistivity section .
Three-dimensional computer modelling of ore body geometry
It could control the type of uranium mineralization , form , occurrence and buried depth of ore body .
The ore body 's features , attitude and enrichment are controlled by the changes of attitude and presenting rule of fault belts .
Based on the morphology and reserve parameter of the No. 3 orebody , the error and its reason are analyzed , and the exploration degree is evaluated .
Shapes , occurrences , thicknesses and tenors of the ore bodies were controlled by features , occurrences and sizes of the fractures active during the mineralization period .
The main ore-bearing structure are the interlayer-gliding fracture zone , contact area of rock mass and fracture structure , which controlled the shape and the occurrence of orebody .