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  • stone steps
  1. 日久天长,石阶已经磨得光溜溜的。

    Over the years , the stone steps had worn smooth .

  2. 我们走下几级石阶,来到海滩上。

    We walked down some stone steps to the beach .

  3. 房子的一侧有石阶。

    There was a stone staircase against the side of the house

  4. 我挥手告别,然后走下港口石阶。

    I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps

  5. 一段石阶通向露台。

    A flight of stone steps leads to the terrace .

  6. 那些可以追溯到1855年的石阶开始出现磨损。

    The stone steps , dating back to 1855 , are beginning to wear

  7. 一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。

    A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts .

  8. 在东京,石阶上最大的钢铁制造商之一,JFEHoldings下跌了接近10%。

    In Tokyo , shares in one of the world 's biggest steel makers , JFE Holdings , lost almost a tenth of their value .

  9. 近80度的石阶让你惊心动魄,震撼于这自然的魔力。

    Near 80 degrees steeple staircases make you look surprisingly supernatural .

  10. 四层精美的石阶引至前门。

    Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door .

  11. 他们走下通往河堤的石阶。

    They walked down the stone steps leading to the river bank .

  12. 她曾经住在破损的石阶伸到水面的池塘边。

    SHE dwelt here by the pool with its landing-stairs in ruins .

  13. 大雨中,我们摇摇晃晃地走上湿滑的石阶。

    We faltered up the slippery stone stairs in the heavy rain .

  14. 宽阔的石阶上尘土飞扬。旗帜在我们头上飘扬。

    Dust swirled on the broad stairway . Flags waved above our heads .

  15. 在古代建了一条2500级石阶路。

    A2500-step stone road was built in ancient times .

  16. 她坐在一级石阶上。

    She sat on a stone step .

  17. 宽阔的石阶上尘土飞扬。

    Dust swirled on the broad stairway .

  18. 夜里听到有金属盘子叮叮咚咚滚下了石阶的声音。

    During the night a metal dish was heard to clatter down the stone stairs .

  19. 她把瓶子小心地放在门前的石阶上。

    She puts the small character of bottle on the stone steps before the door .

  20. 那些我曾攀爬过的石阶。

    The steps I climbed up once .

  21. 他安全地走过了打滑的石阶。

    He safely negotiated the slippery stepping-stones .

  22. 我是那级石阶。

    I am the stone step .

  23. 都爹利街石阶及煤气路灯

    Duddell Street Steps and Gas Lamps

  24. 精英领导精英阶级的领导们四层精美的石阶引至前门。

    Leadership by such a group . Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door .

  25. 早早地吃了晚饭,我们就又去参观了一座拥有银制石阶的雄伟庙宇。

    We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of sliver .

  26. 他看到怪模怪样的孩子挤在门前的石阶上,还听到阴暗院落里传来尖叫声和骂詈。‘该死!’是咒骂语。

    He had seen grotesque children huddled upon door-steps , and heard shrieks and oaths from gloomy courts .

  27. 我把医学院看作我实现人生目标的一级不可获缺的石阶。

    To achieve my goals , I look forward to medical school as the next necessary and welcome step .

  28. 此外,在气候变化的驱使下,在各个空间尺度上增加走廊和石阶成为迫在眉睫的任务。

    In addition , climate change creates an imperative to add corridors and stepping stones at all spatial scales .

  29. 在宣传部大楼的石阶上,一个秘书迎上前来向戈培尔报告一个紧急消息。

    At the steps of the Propaganda Ministry , a secretary greeted Goebbels with a piece of urgent news .

  30. 石阶向上无尽的延伸,又陡又滑还不稳,在顶上的某处裹尸布神在那儿等待。

    Stone steps ascending endlessly , steep and slick and treacherous , and somewhere at the top , the Shrouded Lord .