
shí lóng
  • gabion;pannier;panier
石笼 [shí lóng]
  • [pannier; panier] 中间插一棍的圆锥形篮子,篮中可盛石子,在架桥或架浮桥时当沉箱用

石笼[shí lóng]
  1. 石笼挡土墙在山区公路工程中的应用

    Application of Gabion Retaining Wall in Highway Engineering in Mountainous Area

  2. 严寒地区阶梯式钢筋石笼消能工的应用

    Application of stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater in cold area

  3. 可用于边坡加固的层状网式钢筋石笼挡墙技术

    Stratified net-mesh reinforced stone - gabion retaining walll for slope reinforcement

  4. 石笼谷坊在山区沟壑治理中的应用

    Application of Stone Basket Check Dam at Gully Regulation in Mountain Area

  5. 石笼在填石路堤边坡防护中的应用

    Application of Rock Crib in the Slope Protection for Stone Filled Embankment

  6. 重镀锌铁丝网石笼技术在漓江护岸的应用

    Application of the thickly galvanized stonemesh technique for the Lijiang bank revetment

  7. 石笼挡墙在振压下破坏机理的颗粒流模拟研究

    Study of Failure Mechanism of Gabion Retaining Wall under Vibrating Compaction Using PFC

  8. 路基防护工程中柔性石笼基础的应用初探

    Preliminary Approach to Application of Flexibility Crib Dam Foundation in Subgrade Protection Project

  9. 土工织物石笼沉排在界河堤岸防护中的应用

    The application of rock geotextile fabrics in the protection of boundary river dyke

  10. 合金钢丝石笼技术在长江堤防加固中的应用

    Application of the Technology of Alloy-Steel Wire Gabion in Enforcement of the Changjiang Main Dyke

  11. 介绍了石笼堤坝的作用和具体的设计及施工方法。

    Introduced the role of the rock crib dyke , concrete design and construction method .

  12. 文中主要介绍了阶梯式钢筋石笼消能工结构设计的一些问题。

    The paper presents some problems for structure design of the stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater .

  13. 石笼护面在黄骅港一期工程围堰工程中的应用

    The Application of Gabion Protective Facing to the Cofferdam Project of the Phase One Project , Huanghua

  14. 开放式钢筋石笼在拉萨河城区中段防洪工程中的应用

    Application of open-reinforced stone-gabion to flood control project of middle reach of Lhasa River within municipal area

  15. 混凝土异形块和钢筋石笼护岸防冲应用初探

    Preliminarily Probing into Application of Concrete Special Blocks and Reinforced Gabions to Bank Protection and Erosion Control Works

  16. 选择柔性的石笼堤坝,可抵抗冻胀,防止冲刷,是一种可靠的防护措施。

    Flexible rock crib dyke could stand with frost heave and scour , and it was a reliable protection measure .

  17. 结合工程实际,简述了混凝土异形块及钢筋石笼的施工机理及效果。

    In combination with practical projects , the mechanism and effectiveness of concrete heteromorphic blocks and reinforced gabions in construction were briefly introduced .

  18. 山区机场高填方碎石土压实性状研究石笼挡土墙在山区公路工程中的应用

    Study on Compaction Properties of High Embankment Crushed Stones at Mountainous Airport Application of Gabion Retaining Wall in Highway Engineering in Mountainous Area

  19. 通过五组防护试验比较得知,导墙头部铅丝石笼平面防护后,阻止了水流对导墙的淘刷保持了导墙的稳定性。

    The experimental results show that the gabion of stone prohibits current from scouring the guiding wall and holds the stabilization for guiding wall .

  20. 在东北严寒地区,建基为软基且双面过水的工程中应用阶梯式钢筋石笼消能,当属首例。

    In severe cold area of Northeast , the stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater applied to double face overflow works on weak foundation is first example .

  21. 我国南方岩溶山区环境特点及对道路工程水土保持的影响分析石笼挡土墙在山区公路工程中的应用

    Analysis of environment characteristic and impacting to water and soil conservation of road work in south china karst mountains Application of Gabion Retaining Wall in Highway Engineering in Mountainous Area

  22. 分析了不同坝高渡汛时水力难度的差异,倒坡与顺坡渡汛方案的利与弊,以及对散粒体、块体及钢筋石笼等模拟技术,为面板堆石坝渡汛设计提供科学依据。

    By use of loose material , block & steel gabion simulation technology , scientific basis has been laid for the design of the concrete face rockfill dam to pass flood season .

  23. 石笼挡土墙作为一种新型的挡土结构,以其造价低、生态性好、适用范围广、柔性变形好等特点在越来越多的工程中得到了广泛应用。

    As a new retaining structure , the gabion retaining wall is more and more used in projects for features of low cost , good ecology , extensive applicable range and flexible deformation , etc.

  24. 文章介绍用石笼代替块石码砌作为边坡防护结构的设计和施工方法以及石笼在实体工程中的应用。

    The Article hereby introduces the design and construction method of rock crib that is used in slope protection instead of rubble masonry , and presents its application in solid engineering works .