
péng dòng
  • hangar tunnel
棚洞[péng dòng]
  1. 棚洞是一种很有前途的环保型隧道。

    Hangar tunnel is a promising environmental-friendly tunnel .

  2. 矩形隧道和矩形棚洞属于特殊限定空间,为保证其中无线通信的正常进行,需对其中的电磁传播特点进行研究并解决其无线信号覆盖的问题。

    Normal tunnel and hangar tunnel belongs to the special limited space , in order to ensure the communication can use in these special areas , so we need to study the electromagnetic propagation characteristics and solve the wireless signal coverage problem .

  3. 拱桥&框架棚洞在落石病害整治中的应用

    Application of Arc Bridge-Frame Lookum in Renovation of Stone Falling Disease

  4. 悬臂式棚洞在天山公路病害整治中的运用

    Application of cantalever rigid frame lookum in Tianshan highway disease

  5. 傍山公路隧道棚洞设计与施工

    Design and Construction of the Highway Tunnel Lookums

  6. 本棚洞已于2002年6月修建完成,使用情况良好。

    It has been constructed by June 2002 and it has been working well .

  7. 本文还对确定的棚洞结构进行了地震安全性分析,认为该棚洞在汶川地震中能够处于较安全状态。

    The results show that this shed-tunnel could keep a safe condition in Wen chuan earthquake .

  8. 环保型、防护式棚洞力学行为分析及工程措施研究

    The Analysis in Mechanics Conduct and Study of Engineering Measure of Environmental Friendly and Shelter-type Shed-tunnel

  9. 同时,考虑到棚洞自身通风照明效果,认为可在棚洞形式上进一步优化。

    At last , when considering the ventilation and lighting , there are some further optimization of arch-wall shed-tunnel .

  10. 目前国内外对棚洞结构的动力分析还鲜见报道。

    The studies on the mechanical analysis of shed-tunnel structure have been less reported domestically and abroad so far .

  11. 棚洞作为防御危岩落石灾害的一种有效措施,正在发挥着越来越重要的作用,它的应用范围也在不断地扩展。

    As a effective measures to defense disasters caused by rock-fall , shed-tunnel is playing an increasingly important role , and its application is in constant expansion .

  12. 由此产生了下穿隧道这样的立体交通,而棚洞作为一种新型的城市隧道结构形式被应用。

    This result in a spatial formula traffic mode such as underpass tunnel , and the shed tunnel as a new type of tunnel structure was applied .

  13. 通过对比结构位移和应力分布情况来分析结构的合理性,最终认为拱墙形棚洞具有良好的承载效果。

    After comparing the structural displacement and stress distribution during the rationality analysis of the structure , the result show that the arch-wall shed-tunnel has the best loading effect .

  14. 以江苏宁(南京)淮(安)高速公路南京江北段老山公路隧道为依托,提出了隧道出口傍山段的一种新型环保结构&棚洞结构。

    Based on the actual conditions of Lao-shan highway tunnel in Nanjing , a shed-tunnel structure which is an environmental protection structure for the outlet of tunnel adjacent to mountain , is suggested .

  15. 在路线傍山布置地段,构造物应顺应地形,提倡设置棚洞、半隧道,以达到保护边坡和自然环境的目的。

    The structure which is adopted according to the natural topography , such as shed-tunnel or half-tunnel , should be adopted to protect the natural environment and slope in the complicated zone adjacent to mountain .

  16. 研究目的:结合内昆线喇叭溪棚洞地形、地质条件及既有构筑物现状对棚洞的结构方案进行研究比选,优化棚洞结构型式。

    Research purposes : According to the terrain , geological conditions and the status of the existing structures , this paper discusses the alternative option of the shed hole structure in order to optimize the structural style of shed hole .

  17. 研究方法:通过结构计算分析棚洞结构设计的控制因素,针对控制因素对棚洞结构方案进行研究比选,确定棚洞的结构方案。

    Research methods : By using structural analysis to find the control factors in the design of the shed hole structure and aiming at these control factors to compare the several different shed hole structure designments , the better designment can be confirmed .

  18. 通过最危险段的分析表明:该新型结构将傍山边坡的锚喷支护与棚洞结构有机结合起来,形成完整的受力体系与环保型边坡支挡结构,是安全合理的。

    The following conclusions can be drawn from the computation results of the most dangerous zone : combining anchor-shotcrete with shed-tunnel structure , a reasonable complete supporting system of the slope was formed , and the whole slope with shed-tunnel structure is safe too .

  19. 同时,由于既有线路上地质环境的变化,如:地震、河流改道、泥石流等,需要对原有线路的设备进行安全改造的施工,新建棚洞即属于其中一项。

    At the same time , due to changes in the geological environments belongs to the existing lines , such as earthquakes , river diversion , landslides , one of the safety improvements in the the original lines and equipments , is the new shed tunnel construction .