
duǎn bō fú shè
  • shortwave radiation
  1. 基于普林斯顿(POM)模式,采用不同的垂直混合方案并考虑太阳短波辐射的作用,对渤海、黄海夏季垂直热结构进行了数值试验。

    Based on the Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ), different vertical mixing schemes and shortwave radiation , the vertical thermo-structure in summer was simulated in the Bohai sea and the Yellow sea .

  2. 合肥地区无云晴天地表太阳短波辐射特征

    Characteristics of Solar Shortwave Radiation on Clear Days in Hefei Region

  3. 应用DNA链断裂等指标评价短波辐射对男性生殖功能的影响

    Effect of Short-wave Radiation on Male Reproductive Function Evaluated by DNA Strand Breakage Analysis

  4. 在春季南海南部,短波辐射作用能使SST升高的最大值约为4℃;

    In spring , the effect of short-wave radiation could make the SST in the south of the SCS increase 4 ℃ or less ;

  5. IAPAGCM中短波辐射方案的改进研究II·短波辐射方案的改进

    The Study of the Improvement of the Solar Radiation Transfer Scheme in IAP AGCM Part II : The Improvement of Solar Radiation Scheme

  6. 春季南海海面潜热通量和感热通量与短波辐射和风应力相比较,是一个对SST影响较小的量。

    Compared with solar short wave radiation and wind stress , the latent heat and sensible heat flux are a minor factor in controlling the variable of the SST in spring .

  7. 利用2004年微气象观测资料,分析了海北高寒湿地长、短波辐射以及地表反射率(A)和光合有效辐射(PAR)占太阳总辐射(DR)比例(η)的变化特征。

    According to the micro-climate data of Haibei alpine wetland of Qinghai in 2004 , the short wave and long wave radiation , surface reflectivity ( A ), and the ratio (η) of photosynthetic active radiation ( PAR ) to total global solar radiation ( DR ) were analysised .

  8. 为清楚研究区气象特征,采用自记式小型气象站WATCHDOG进行田间气象数据连续观测,观测项目包括降雨量、温度、太阳向下短波辐射、风速等等。

    To well know the meteorological characteristics of the study area , continuously observed meteorological datum in the field using self-recording tintype meteorological station WATCHDOG , the observation items included rainfall , temperature , and downward short-wave radiation of the solar , wind speed and so on .

  9. 中国地区云对太阳短波辐射吸收的研究

    A Study of the Absorption of Solar Radiation by Clouds over China

  10. 太阳短波辐射对雾的减弱消散有着重要影响;

    The fog dissipation was influenced most by shortwave radiation .

  11. 大气短波辐射传输之辐射函数的改进

    Improvement of radiative function in atmospheric short wave radiation transfer

  12. 大气短波辐射传输研究中的辐射函数

    Radiative Function in the Study of Short Wave Radiation Transfer in the Atmosphere

  13. 太阳短波辐射是净辐射变化的主导因子。

    The shortwave radiation was the main factor of the net radiation change .

  14. 向下和反射的短波辐射具有相同的日变化规律。

    The diurnal variations of downward and upward short wave radiation were same .

  15. 冰云短波辐射特性参数化

    Parameterization of shortwave radiation properties of ice cloud

  16. 用短波辐射作为热源的电热疗机。

    A diathermy machine that uses short wave radiation as the source of heat .

  17. 北冰洋中央密集冰区海冰对太阳短波辐射能吸收的观测研究

    The Shortwave Solar Radiation Energy Absorbed by Packed Sea Ice in the Central Arctic

  18. 我国春季大气沙尘气溶胶分布和短波辐射效应的数值模拟

    Simulation of Distribution and Radiative Effects of Dust Aerosol in Spring Over China Area

  19. 结果表明:气溶胶的短波辐射效应能冷却地表、加热大气;

    The results show that aerosol solar effects heat the atmosphere but cool the surface .

  20. 太阳短波辐射的计算。

    The calculation of the solar radiation .

  21. 利用数字地形模型计算复杂地形下的短波辐射平衡

    A Model to Calculate the Net Solar Radiation over Complex Terrain Based on Digital Terrain Model

  22. 本文得到的辐射强迫包括短波辐射强迫和长波辐射强迫,而计算短波辐射强迫的前提是短波辐射本身的计算。

    The radiative forcing includes both of short - wave and long - wave radiative forcing .

  23. 任意地形实际天气条件下小时入射短波辐射模型&以黑河流域为例

    Hourly Incident Solar Radiation Model under Actual Weather and Terrain Conditions : A Case Study in Heihe River Basin

  24. 云对辐射加热率具有明显的影响,云量方案改进后,给长波辐射降温率带来了显著的变化,但短波辐射增温率变化不大。

    Modification of cloud cover scheme brings more obvious change to longwave radiation cooling rate than shortwave heating rate .

  25. 地表反照率可以影响大气顶短波辐射强迫的大小,甚至能改变其正负值。

    Surface albedo can affect the amount , even the sign of short-wave AF on the top of the atmosphere .

  26. 本文应用参数化的辐射计算方案,计算了北京地区暴雨过程和江淮流域梅雨气旋中长波辐射降冷率和短波辐射增温率。

    Long-wave cooling rate and short-wave warming rate during the heavy precipitation in Beijing are calculated by the parametric method .

  27. 在旱季,能量平衡的变化主要是由于地表反照率增大造成净短波辐射和地表感热通量减小;在雨季,由于大面积森林砍伐造成植被蒸腾作用减小,地表蒸散减小,潜热通量也相应减小。

    In dry seasons , the energy change was mainly caused by increasing albedo , leading to sensible heat flux decreased .

  28. 各下垫面类型的净短波辐射在冬季最小,在夏季最大。

    Over all the selected lying surfaces , the maximum of net shortwave radiation appeared in winter and the minimum in summer .

  29. 波浪和太阳短波辐射对渤、黄海夏季温度垂直结构的影响

    Simulation of the Influence of Waves and Solar Radiation on the Thermo-Structure in Summer in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea

  30. 长波辐射冷却和短波辐射加热之间为近似负反馈的响应关系。

    There is a negative feedback between the cooling rate of long wave radiation and the heating rate of short wave radiation .